Tim Hudak has used a logical approach. Too bad voters aren’t logical.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2012
It was not firings, it was not replacing those who retire, quit.
I heard Hudak say that too, but I am amazed he not do more to clarify it by counter-attacking the opposition attack ads. Instead, he allowed the "100,00 to be fired" policy to become the first and biggest rallying point for the opposition. Teary eyed commercials showing middle class neighbourhoods going into the shitter .... all based on a false accusation of people losing their jobs unwillingly. The attrition story - whether over two years or four years - is a much gentler, kinder sound bite than 100,000 getting heartlessly and mercilessly fired. In hindsight the conservative campaign brain trust must realize the gross miscalculation they made in even putting the 100,000 number out there. I suppose they thought that the 78% of Ontarions not in public service would all rally in unison against the 22% in the service.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
I heard Hudak say that too, but I am amazed he not do more to clarify it by counter-attacking the opposition attack ads. Instead, he allowed the "100,00 to be fired" policy to become the first and biggest rallying point for the opposition. Teary eyed commercials showing middle class neighbourhoods going into the shitter .... all based on a false accusation of people losing their jobs unwillingly. The attrition story - whether over two years or four years - is a much gentler, kinder sound bite than 100,000 getting heartlessly and mercilessly fired. In hindsight the conservative campaign brain trust must realize the gross miscalculation they made in even putting the 100,000 number out there. I suppose they thought that the 78% of Ontarions not in public service would all rally in unison against the 22% in the service.
That is a good point that I never thought of, mainly because I do not follow that closely.

Did the provincial conservative brain trust blunnder with that 100,000 job cut number, expecting the public to accept that? Possibily, but read the fine print and that was not the case at all. Hudak was only middle of the road.

That is where you make the good point. Seems like these PC guys were out of touch with the public.

Then we have Wynne who vows to re-introduce her budget that triggered the election, a budget that will cause a credit rating down grade. Not sure where the extra funds will come from for all the goodies in that budget.

Then there is Horvath, the one who thought she was smart in pulling the rug from under the Wynne minority government, who now has a majority.

Three political parties. Three parties out of touch with the people, or reality in general.

No wonder I do not follow politics that closely. All Alice in Wonderland, all the time.


Jan 31, 2005
There is no disputing that Hudak intended an ideologically blinkered slash and burn. Face it, the Harris era ideology is refuted and unelectable.

The PC's need to field a responsible, boring, capable Bay Street manager. No more populist country bumpkins.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
There is no disputing that Hudak intended an ideologically blinkered slash and burn. Face it, the Harris era ideology is refuted and unelectable.

The PC's need to field a responsible, boring, capable Bay Street manager. No more populist country bumpkins.
Responsible and capable financial managers want nothing to do with the vagaries of provincial politics LOL.
And he's gone.

Too bad, it was good to have such a useless leader keeping the cons out of power for so long.
For that reason I fully endorse the enematic Doug Ford for Ontario PC leader.
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