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Thoughts about the hobby and quitting



A thread on Cerb about quitting the hobby got me thinking and I posted the following there. It's kind of along the lines of the drivel I posted a few years back that some of you seemed to like so I will paste here for your reading enjoyment and consideration:

For some reason while I was mowing the lawn today this topic came to mind. I've been trying to cut back, slow down, wind down as I get older and lil slurp grows more finicky.

I realized it is the thrill of a new relationship that makes me hobby. Yes, I like women, sexy women, many different women. I sometimes enjoy the thrill of the hunt, such as seeing what gems i may find at an MP or SC. Broke myself of that for the most part.

So why do I have regulars that I remain loyal to? If it's the thrill of new relationships this isn't logical, I said to myself. Then I realized it never gets to "real relationship" stage. I see them, we have great sex and we may even go to dinner, or talk about their relationship or take them shopping. I do all kinds of relationship things with some of my regs. But it's still not a normal relationship where we settle in and see each other every day. Seeing them now and then (and having to sneak around to do it usually) feeds the "rush" just enough I guess.

I'm chasing a relationship I can never have so the thirst is never quenched quite all the way. So it's still new in many ways even though we are quite familiar with each other. And I see in the occasional new SP to keep the rush fresh. Old regs retire or move away, new ones come along to take their place. But I've got 2 that have been driving my passions for 4 or 5 years.

The whole thing that made me think of this is for some reason I can't get one of my regs out of my head this long weekend. I want her more than ever and the anticipation is driving me wild. Even with Maggie returning and seeing her (it was like the first time all over again and wonderful) I lust after my reg like never before. And I know I can't see her until the long weekend is over so it's making me like a teenager with anticipation. I love this feeling and am really getting off on it.

No, we're not in love although we care deeply about each other. And there is another out there that makes me feel in a similar fashion, it's just this sexy SP's turn.

But something is making me need her in a way similar to that anticipation you get when you are seeing a top level SP for the first time. Or when you were a teenager and that gorgeous babe finalty agrees to go out with you, the one you heard puts out. The heart is pounding, junior goes wild when you think about her and you just can't wait to see her. I find it amazing I can feel that way about someone I have seen more times than I could count over 4 or 5 years.

Maybe JT's arrival later this week kicked it off, I don't know. I am psyched to see her again too. Quit? The rush is still there and if anything getting worse ..... :confused:


New member
Nov 21, 2006
slurp said:
A thread on Cerb about quitting the hobby got me thinking and I posted the following there. It's kind of along the lines of the drivel I posted a few years back that some of you seemed to like so I will paste here for your reading enjoyment and consideration:


Maybe JT's arrival later this week kicked it off, I don't know. I am psyched to see her again too. Quit? The rush is still there and if anything getting worse ..... :confused:
Sometimes I wonder about dysfunction. I wonder if the people that hobby are dysfunctional, or the people that don't are dysfunctional. Then I wonder if it matters, and I come to the conclusion that it does not, to me at least. I'm sure the non-dysfunctional people (in respect of hobbying) feel differently, so maybe I am the one that is dysfunctional.

For me personally, I enjoy strip bars and I enjoy the full service providers, but not the MPs at all. It may be a function of where I live (in Kingston) where there doesn't seem to be much selection or quality in the MP, or it may be the fact that I use an RMT who saved my back and I don't want to associate that with anything more. But I don't think it is.

I agree with the OP that the pursuit of the gem, however rare are worth the search. I like to see what I can get away with in a strip bar, usually by forming a "relationship" with a dancer. I normally don't carry it outside the club but have infrequently done so, and I have had several good trips to places exotic that I would otherwise have never had.

How does this relate to the OP query you ask, well, I'm glad you did. I think that most of us are filling a need (clearly). In some cases it is simply a sexual release, and in others it is an emotional need that we are not getting elsewhere. Perhaps this is a need to be bad, voyeuristic so to speak, or getting away with something that is anti-social, or in some places affection. Whatever the particular need is, it's something that we can't fill somewhere else. Maybe it is the need for multiple partners.

I have several non-sexual woman friends in real life who are not in the hobby, nor do they know about my escapes in it. After a one night stand, they sometimes express that it wasn't good or it wasn't worth it. They say that there was no affection or love, and a "bump and grind" is just not what they wanted. OF course, other times, they don't say that.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that the hobby fills some need in us, and unless you get that specific need filled elsewhere, you ain't quitting.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Ditto Ditto

Both these guys have basically covered the ground for me. The reasons and impulses vary from time to time, but all these elements are in play for me.

I go through different phases where looking for gems and variety starts to take over the guaranteed pleasures with regulars (including the pseudo gfe of dinner, shopping, etc). The next step of taking them as mistress is always tempting but I have always pulled away (just in time since the complications can be frightening).

The rush and danger and variety is the need that is filled even when I can get the same services at home. Sometimes on the same day! MGHMOMS!
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