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This Lady Understands!!


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Abu al-Qasim

Abu al-Qasim (936 - 1013), (Arabic: أبو القاسم) also known as Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas al-Zahrawi known in the West as Abulcasis, is medieval Islam's most prominent scholar of medicine. His greatest contribution to history is Al-Tasrif, a thirty-volume collection of medical practice.


Abu al-Qasim was born in a neighborhood of Córdoba, Spain called Zahra. He was known among the Spanish-speakers of Moorish Spain (Andalusia) as "El Zahrawi". Few details remain regarding his life, aside from his published work, due to the destruction of Zahra during later Spanish-Moorish conflicts. His name first appears in the writings of Abu Muhammad bin Hazm (993-1064), who describes him as a great surgeon of Moorish Spain.

Al-Qasim was a doctor for Spanish King Al-Hakam-II (Western Umayyad Caliph al-Hakam II).

Al-Qasim's true legacy would be his medical treatise, Al-Tasrif. In the 14th century, French surgeon Guy de Chauliac quoted Al-Tasrif over 200 times. Pietro Argallata described Al-Qasim as "without doubt the chief of all surgeons". He is credited to be the first to describe ectopic pregnancy in 963, in those days a fatal affliction. Al-Qasim's influence continued for approximately five centuries, extending into the renaissance, evidenced by Al-Tasrif's frequent reference by French surgeon Jaques Delechamps.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
DonQuixote said:
Your points are well taken. The Mideast has always been a hotbed
of innovation and spirituality. But, for reasons unknown to me their
time passed quietly. There are those that argue the Ottoman Empire
did not rule well. There are those that argue tribialism and ethnicity
were never transcended. Others argue that Islam and Arab natioalism
became bitter enemies. For whatever reason the slippery slide from
power of Islam/Arab's golden age ended when Napolean conquered
Egypt, the kingpin of Arabia, in the early 1800's. How could these
Europeans conquer us at our core? The Mideast has been struggling
on how they lost such power to the consumerist, perverse West?
It troubles them.
I totally agree ....


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Esco! said:
Scroll, this reminds of a post by a guy with "little man syndrome".

What exactly has any muslim contributed as far as major inventions is concerned?? (Think Edison, Wright bros, Einstein, BELL...etc..etc)???

And can you name how many Muslim Nobel prizes have been awarded???
(not including Arafat's, please :rolleyes: )
If you are talking strictly in Religious terms then other major Religions arrive thousands of years before Islam but why it took human so long for major inventions in medicine , maths etc. that we are using today ? (Although I personally believe the other religions also gave the same inspirations)

The impact of Muslim learning on the West

Did you know that between the 7th and 12th centuries, when religion dominated European culture that Muslim educational institutions led the way? As the results of their progressive education reached the West through Muslim works covering everything from medicine to history they helped encourage the revival of learning in Europe


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
scroll99 said:
If you are talking strictly in Religious terms then other major Religions arrive thousands of years before Islam but why it took human so long for major inventions in medicine , maths etc. that we are using today ?

The impact of Muslim learning on the West

Did you know that between the 7th and 12th centuries, when religion dominated European culture that Muslim educational institutions led the way? As the results of their progressive education reached the West through Muslim works covering everything from medicine to history they helped encourage the revival of learning in Europe
Scroll, you're dodging my question, read my post below and try to answer the question

Let me quote it for you below VV:

Scroll, this reminds of a post by a guy with "little man syndrome".

What exactly has any muslim contributed as far as major inventions is concerned?? (Think Edison, Wright bros, Einstein, BELL...etc..etc)???

And can you name how many Muslim Nobel prizes have been awarded???
(not including Arafat's, please )


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Esco! said:
Scroll, you're dodging my question, read my post below and try to answer the question

Let me quote it for you below VV:
Esco , You are missing lot of points again, Don post below already answer your question and I agreed to it.

and please don't quote the Noble Prize I have link of 2 dozen websites which says Noble prize was Anti-American at some point , is biased towards blah blah. Even many westerners consider it bias and its completed west dominated and again thats not even the point here ! , ....

DonQuixote said:
Your points are well taken. The Mideast has always been a hotbed
of innovation and spirituality. But, for reasons unknown to me their
time passed quietly. There are those that argue the Ottoman Empire
did not rule well. There are those that argue tribialism and ethnicity
were never transcended. Others argue that Islam and Arab natioalism
became bitter enemies. For whatever reason the slippery slide from
power of Islam/Arab's golden age ended when Napolean conquered
Egypt, the kingpin of Arabia, in the early 1800's. How could these
Europeans conquer us at our core? The Mideast has been struggling
on how they lost such power to the consumerist, perverse West?
It troubles them.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
DonQuixote said:
The fire of the great Library of Alexandria destroyed many
of the masterworks of ancient Greek and Roman thought.
Alexandria of Egypt. As a result of the Christian Crusaides
Aristotle was rediscovered by the West in the 12th Century.
The beginning of what we know as Western Democracy
resulted from Thomas Acquinas getting his hands on
Aristotle and converting it to Western thought. That may
sound over the top to most, but once the Greeks were
rediscovered by the Europeans the West emerged from
the Dark Ages. The scism between Islam and Christianity
existed from about 800 to 1800 when it became an abyss.
The two of three religions of the Mideast came at odds with
each other. The third, Judeaism, plays the middle card, and
skillfully at that.
I have no reason to disagree with you , and I believe all the religions played a major role for the well being of mankind


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
scroll99 said:
Esco , You are missing lot of points again,......Even many westerners consider it bias and its completed west dominated ....
So Scroll, your answer is that noone has been nominated from Muslims countries because the Nobel vote is Western dominated, is that right????


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Esco! said:
So Scroll, your answer is that noone has been nominated from Muslims countries because the Nobel vote is Western dominated, is that right????
LOL... LOL... LOL...


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Esco! said:
So Scroll, your answer is that noone has been nominated from Muslims countries because the Nobel vote is Western dominated, is that right????
OK now a serious answer...

It is partially correct... but please correct your sentence ,there are few who have been nominated


New member
Oct 4, 2004
Esco! said:
noone has been nominated from Muslims countries because the Nobel vote is Western dominated, is that right????
no one from a muslim country has ever been nominated for a nobel prize?!


New member
Oct 4, 2004
Arabs and Muslims awarded the nobel prize:

1988 - Najib Mahfooz

1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat
*1994 - Yaser Arafat
2003 - Shirin Ebadi

**1990 - Elias James Corey
1999 - Ahmed Zewail

**1960 - Peter Brian Medawar
**1960 - Ferid Moura


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
scroll99 said:
OK now a serious answer...

It is partially correct... but please correct your sentence ,there are few who have been nominated
OK, so let me change that to:

Esco! said:
Very few have been nominated from Muslims countries because the Nobel vote is Western dominated, is that right????


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Does Scroll only get a pass out and computer useage on the weekend? I would like to harken back to the dark days of Jan 06 when I started posting on a semi regular basis. The topic was Islam and I asked much the same question. What thing of importance has come out of the Middle East in the last 800 years. None ot the TERB apologits who defend these freaks could answer that, eh Cyrus. The followers of the eyeslam religion are a bunch of backwards jealous wannabe's. They have produced nothing of worth. They can't learn real aterial their whole little education system is studying their little book and trying to figure out ways to make us infidels as miserable as them. They truly are a waste of space and the sooner we face up to the problem and eliminate them the better.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
LancsLad said:
Does Scroll only get a pass out and computer useage on the weekend? I would like to harken back to the dark days of Jan 06 when I started posting on a semi regular basis. The topic was Islam and I asked much the same question. What thing of importance has come out of the Middle East in the last 800 years. None ot the TERB apologits who defend these freaks could answer that, eh Cyrus. The followers of the eyeslam religion are a bunch of backwards jealous wannabe's. They have produced nothing of worth. They can't learn real aterial their whole little education system is studying their little book and trying to figure out ways to make us infidels as miserable as them. They truly are a waste of space and the sooner we face up to the problem and eliminate them the better.
LMAO....about time someone with balls showed !!!


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
LancsLad said:
What thing of importance has come out of the Middle East in the last 800 years.
He he he he

LancsLad said:
. The followers of the eyeslam religion are a bunch of backwards jealous wannabe's. They have produced nothing of worth. They can't learn real aterial their whole little education system is studying their little book and trying to figure out ways to make us infidels as miserable as them. They truly are a waste of space and the sooner we face up to the problem and eliminate them the better.
He he he he :D


New member
Jan 17, 2004
mo_eladl said:
no one from a muslim country has ever been nominated for a nobel prize?!
1988 - Najib Mahfooz

1979 - Abdus Salaam

1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat

1988 - Najib Mahfooz

2003 - SHIRIN Ebadi

1998 Ferid Mourad

2005 Mohamed El-Baradei

Although I consider above Noble prizes the biggest joke and are there to show that they are unbiased to some extent

Instead may be they create a WAR MONGERING PRIZE , Biggest MASSACCRES , MOST NUKES , most lethal weapons , weapons of mass destructions , chemical weapons prizes and prized be given based on the HISTORY and the historical facts of the countries and what they have done to the humanity since this is what is eating most of the budgets these days , and see who is on top of the list and then bycott those countries
May 3, 2004
LancsLad said:
Does Scroll only get a pass out and computer useage on the weekend? I would like to harken back to the dark days of Jan 06 when I started posting on a semi regular basis. The topic was Islam and I asked much the same question. What thing of importance has come out of the Middle East in the last 800 years. None ot the TERB apologits who defend these freaks could answer that, eh Cyrus. The followers of the eyeslam religion are a bunch of backwards jealous wannabe's. They have produced nothing of worth. They can't learn real aterial their whole little education system is studying their little book and trying to figure out ways to make us infidels as miserable as them. They truly are a waste of space and the sooner we face up to the problem and eliminate them the better.
Crossing the line LancsLad.

Their is a huge difference between someone criticizing RIFT, RIF and those who support, excuse, rationalize, defend and apologize for it, and someone who is criticizing a whole religion, a whole people and culture.

There is a difference Lancs. Impossible to support the above quote.
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