This pics 2 week after the fact
This pic is not evidence and no one including a pig has a right to do this to anyone including to a loud mouth kid
I dont condone criminal activity including from a cop.
I sure hope K Douglas works behind a desk and not with loud mouth teens.
If anyone does this to anyone its uncalled for and they would be charged as well. Im grateful the SIU exists and stepped in.
Like I said "I sure felt the need to do this many times" never said he was a angel really hope you have been snipped Just saying lol
No police officer has a right to use force unless they or the public are physically threatened. I truly believe that. But the lack of respect for authority is pervasive amongst today's youth. On scales that dwarfs when you or I were kids. I'm early 40's so not that old.
I can't blame a cop if he/she goes a bit overboard in detaining a loud mouth drunk punk who resists arrest. It's human nature. Cops are taught to avoid/minimize their human impulses - it's attainable through training but it's extremely difficult. I know I couldn't do it. Just sayin'