This is embarassing but: anyone ever been to Men's Dr's Clinic?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
jwmorrice said:
Obviously you are gay. The only way you'll get an erection before sex with a woman is to stretch out your cock and tape it to a tongue depressor. Sorry to break the news.


lol this should have its own thread... stickied on top


Apr 5, 2002
allqt said:
I don't have problems when i masturbate and even wake up with woodies.. i don't think i have an errectile dysfunction... because clearly i do have them. it's the timing of it that kills me..
Then it's psychological, likely relating to performance anxiety. They'll probably prescribe Viagra or one of the other drugs- that will at least take the pressure off worrying whether or not you'll be able to stay hard during penetration. Hopefully they'll give you suggestions on how to deal with the psychological issue, which is a healthier way to go on a long term basis rather than having to rely on the drugs.


New member
Oct 1, 2002
Hi guys.. thanks for all of your input.

I actually saw the Mens Clinic today. It is NOT covered by OHIP. It cost me about $355 today to see them. They took some blood from me.. they will be doing some blood tests, asked me abunch of questions and spoke to me about potential problems/ solutions that i might have.

ACtually from talking to the doctor, its very common and actually he says many of the clients he sees are actually young males rather than older guys.

The problem is fixable.. they gave me some trial Cialis to try out and have a follow up visit with me in two weeks.

FYI - i have no problems staying hard during BJ or during masturbation. I think it's psychological.. but here's hoping that using the Cialis and then slowly wiening myself off of it will help reverse the effects. The Doctor says they have had many successful cases where the guy was able to recover from the effects of ED. My problem is mostly performance anxiety that may be originally caused by my High blood pressure and the medication i am taking for it.

I am fit and actually work out quite a bit. I am actually fit/ slim body type..

I'm supposed to try the Cialis and being single.. i was thinking of using it with an Escort.. i don't know who to see yet.. but will be canvassing the reviews to find an appropriate girl ..

I hope my experience goes well.. based on past experiences... i have failed to perform i think three times.. on three separate occasions spread over at leat a year or two.. while seeing an escort to my embarassment.

I am hoping the Cialis will erase all of those bad memories and help restore my confidence..

I know it's expensive but i would recommend anybody out there who is having doubts/ issues / concerns to go.. why would you let this problem get worse? For $355.. it is not alot to save the embarassment and frustration for the rest of your life .. while prevent yourself from having this amazing pleasure of being able to have sex whenever you want.

Thanks again guys.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
You've already set up the appointment, so good luck with it. You are doing the right thing going to see a doctor. It would appear that you are not comfortable discussing this with your regular doctor. I don't blame you. Depending on the doctor of course, but I have met some that I am not comfortable with. That's where the Men's Clinic comes in. They deal with sexual dysfunction all day every day. So its a lot less embarrassing. However, the downside is I believe some of their services are not covered by OHIP. It says on their web site that initial consultation is usually 2 hours. So that may be reassuring to know they will take the time with you, but I really doubt that will go on OHIP. Your regular doctor gives you what? 15 minutes?

In this situation, I would have gone to one of the OHIP covered walk in clinics. There is one at Bay and College. So you avoid the embarrassment of talking about the problem with the family doctor. But that is just my personal preference in that situation. OP is obviously comfortable going to Men's Clinic, so hopefully that will work out for him.
allqt said:
I don't have problems when i masturbate and even wake up with woodies.. i don't think i have an errectile dysfunction... because clearly i do have them. it's the timing of it that kills me..
This to me suggests that the problem is psychological. Viagra might help overcome the problem and give you enough of pump up so that you gain some confidence and then maybe the problem will be resolved. But I am not a doctor, so go. Good luck. I am sure you will be banging away no problem is no time at all.


New member
Oct 1, 2002
Has anyone tried CIALIS on here and can advise/recommend give insight on how well it works?


Nov 8, 2005
allqt said:
Hi guys.. thanks for all of your input.

I actually saw the Mens Clinic today. It is NOT covered by OHIP. It cost me about $355 today to see them. They took some blood from me.. they will be doing some blood tests, asked me abunch of questions and spoke to me about potential problems/ solutions that i might have.

ACtually from talking to the doctor, its very common and actually he says many of the clients he sees are actually young males rather than older guys.

The problem is fixable.. they gave me some trial Cialis to try out and have a follow up visit with me in two weeks.

FYI - i have no problems staying hard during BJ or during masturbation. I think it's psychological.. but here's hoping that using the Cialis and then slowly wiening myself off of it will help reverse the effects. The Doctor says they have had many successful cases where the guy was able to recover from the effects of ED. My problem is mostly performance anxiety that may be originally caused by my High blood pressure and the medication i am taking for it.

I am fit and actually work out quite a bit. I am actually fit/ slim body type..

I'm supposed to try the Cialis and being single.. i was thinking of using it with an Escort.. i don't know who to see yet.. but will be canvassing the reviews to find an appropriate girl ..

I hope my experience goes well.. based on past experiences... i have failed to perform i think three times.. on three separate occasions spread over at leat a year or two.. while seeing an escort to my embarassment.

I am hoping the Cialis will erase all of those bad memories and help restore my confidence..

I know it's expensive but i would recommend anybody out there who is having doubts/ issues / concerns to go.. why would you let this problem get worse? For $355.. it is not alot to save the embarassment and frustration for the rest of your life .. while prevent yourself from having this amazing pleasure of being able to have sex whenever you want.

Thanks again guys.
Good luck with everything allqt. Personally I'm too cheap too pay the $355:) . However it sounds like you did the right thing.

My only concern is your high blood pressure. I've spoken to my family doc about my own sexual issues. She says that it is dangerous to go on pills such as cialis etc if you suffer from high blood pressure.

I am also taking BP meds. My family doc refused to prescribe me any of these pills because of my high BP. I hope that the clinic checks your testosterone level? My family doc did a full blood work up on me and my testosterone level was within a normal range for a 46 year old.

My family doc said that my ed problems in her opinion were mostly psychological!


Nov 8, 2005
Don said:
allqt - I have almost the same problem you have though I am a bit older (later 30's). I have trouble maintaining an erection at times. But I have no probems with masturbation. It might be psychological. Or perhaps I got too into watching porn than the real thing. In any case I saw my doc and got a perscription for some viagra. Was thinking of going to the Men's Clinic first but they are too expensive IMHO.

Good luck!
Good post Don:) . I have a similar problem to yourself and I'm 46. My problem is that I watch too much porn and just want to jerk off very quickly and get back to my financial sites and terb---lol. When I'm jerking off to porn no problem getting an erection at all.

Therefore when I do decide to see an sp I'm afraid that I'll blow my load too quickly and totally waste a lot of $$$.

Sometimes I've decided to waste one before i see an sp and as a result have trouble getting an erection when I finally do get to see the sp. It's sort of a catch 22 situation!

I might ask my family doc again if she'll change her mind and at least give me some samples of either cialis or viagra!
Feb 23, 2005
allqt said:
Has anyone tried CIALIS on here and can advise/recommend give insight on how well it works?

CIALIS works very well, I find it better then Viagra.

I hope that doctor has advice you what are the minor’s effects after taking Cialis.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
I have read somewhere that the combination of Viagra and ecstacy makes you feel and perform like a teenager? Is that true?

Big Rig

Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I went to the Mens Clinic

They put me on a table then did ultrasound to check my veins

They are diminishing so they gave me medication that you shoot into your dick and it gives you a erection for an hour

So now you got the unusual problem of a boner but are not horny

As well, like most M.D. they are not versed on non traditional medical treatments that may work such as herbs, Tantra, acupuncture etc


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Big Rig said:
I went to the Mens Clinic

They put me on a table then did ultrasound to check my veins

They are diminishing so they gave me medication that you shoot into your dick and it gives you a erection for an hour

So now you got the unusual problem of a boner but are not horny

As well, like most M.D. they are not versed on non traditional medical treatments that may work such as herbs, Tantra, acupuncture etc
umm tantra? dont' you actually have to get an erection in order to practice tantric sex?

As for getting a woodie via injection, I should think you'd have to be pret ty horny before you go and stick a needle in your dick......I mean, don't you think?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
Just reporting back on my recent experience....

About 6 months ago, I too started to notice a drastic increase in erection problem and loss of stiffness, to the point embarassing at times around girls. I started to worry and wondered if this was a sign of worse things to come. Luckily, I have to say it turned out to be a minor problem, one that can be easily solved... and I think there is a direct relation between one's fitness/endurance level and erection problem.

It had been nearly a year since I worked out or ran at all. During the peak of my fitness level last summer, I was running atleast 20 laps around the football field, obviously with breaks to stretch and cool down etc. I just started running again a week ago after a break of nearly a year, and it caught me by surprise as to how unfit I had become sitting on my ass the past year and doing no fitness at all. The first day I got back into running a week ago, I was out of breath after only running a lap and half, and felt like throwing up after. I've been running for over a week now and am slowly getting my endurance back. Best of all I've noticed that my erections have gotten much better all of a sudden. The past two days I've been getting rock hard erections just sitting down on my computer or watching tv (CNN... I kid you not) And this is without even thinking of arousing thoughts.

I can't wait till I get my endurance and fitness level back to how I was last summer, when I could fuck for hours and needed it badly everyday. I realize the year without doing any fittness, sitting on my ass infront of the computer everyday, drinking and the occasional toke, all contributed to my erectile problem.

So to all you guys out there experiencing this problem, you all might want to take up cardio or start running again. Besides giving you endurance and stamina, I believe running tightens your butt muscles and areas around your penis considerably. I don't know if weight lifting or just staying fit through other sports will solve one's erectile problem like through running. I *thought* I was fit looking in the mirror everyday, but I guess internally I was a mess from having not done anything for a year. I recall reading somewhere that weightlifting does the opposite since instead of holding in your kegel muscles, you tend to do the opposite.

willl report back at a later date when I'm reaching my fitness peak.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
lucylicker said:
He said he was fit, early 30's. Probably doesn't sit on his ass all day.
btw when it deals with erection problems, I realize through personal experience that there is a huge difference between looking fit and actually being fit.

After my intense running/training schedule a year ago, I thought I could slack off for an entire year without doing anything and still maintain my fitness level. Visually, yes I can say I look good and am fit. However, in terms of actual stamina/endurance/strength level, it is usually the complete opposite. Although I may look way fitter than an ordinary Joe who never plays sports, I could be no better than them in terms of actual endurance and strength.


New member
Apr 1, 2005
squash500 said:
My only concern is your high blood pressure. I've spoken to my family doc about my own sexual issues. She says that it is dangerous to go on pills such as cialis etc if you suffer from high blood pressure.

I am also taking BP meds. My family doc refused to prescribe me any of these pills because of my high BP. I hope that the clinic checks your testosterone level? My family doc did a full blood work up on me and my testosterone level was within a normal range for a 46 year old.

My family doc said that my ed problems in her opinion were mostly psychological!
Did you know that Viagra was orginally a blood pressure medicine with an interesting side effect? My understanding is that its only a problem if you are taking nitrate based medicines

preciate it

Mar 15, 2007
allqt said:
Has anyone tried CIALIS on here and can advise/recommend give insight on how well it works?
Cialis is the best of the three ED meds in my opinion. Lasts longer, fewer side effects, fewer complications from eating and taking the pill at the same time (a problem with Viagra, apparently). But I've heard different people respond differently to each one, and ought to try each one to find the best "fit".
I'm no doctor, but here's my experience:

Viagra and Levitra make me rock solid, and somewhat diminish sensation (perhaps psychological?). But both give me weird pressure headaches and super red ears and neck. both last about 6 hours. Levitra works fast (40 minutes after taking for me)

Cialis redness is less, no headache, good hardness, but not steel like Viagra and Levitra. An energy low about 6 hours after taking(perhaps also psychological). Best part: lasts about a day or two (tho' not a weekend as advertised). Works about 45-60 minutes after taking. Peaks about 4 hours after taking. Good wood next day, too.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I say its in your head--the one on top :p

Sorry can't help you..never had a problem (expect when I used to pop acid back in college, lol).

Whats going on in your life...stress might be it...I tend to be aroused too easily but when I needed a hernia operation I was worried and a bit scared, never got close to having an erection when at the hospital and was on no med until the surgery.


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
Interesting thread

It's obvious experiencing erectile problems is affecting a number of us.
Lot's of reference to psychological issues affecting performance...has anyone actually had psychological counselling for ED problems? I would be interested in hearing about the experience, how well it worked etc....


New member
Jan 18, 2009
The thing that gets me hardest 80% of the time is my hand, a porn video, and a bottle of Jack. Sad, I know. Yet I love it, and I will NOT stop. Ever.
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