Ashley Madison

Thinking about using services, never have before, and would like some advice


New member
Jan 30, 2025
Hi everyone, please let me know if there's a better area on the forms to post this in.

I've never used any services before but I'm really interested in receiving a bbbj/deepthroat/CIM and i wanted to ask a few questions for people who are more experienced.

I'm a fairly worried about STD's. Looking online i see people say its either very common and can cause some very bad symptoms or catch something permanent or that it's unlikely and is not too bad to clear up with antibiotics.
I understand it can happen of course, i just want to know in general the likelihood of it happening from people who have used these services before.
Could anyone who has some experience let me know how likely it was for them to catch something from receiving oral if they're willing to discuss it? if you did, was it easy to clear up with medication? was it something that caused permanent issues? I'm more worried about any permanent problems really.

I saw good reviews for Siran at wetland in Mississauga and was thinking about booking with her. Does anyone else have any suggestions for providers in Mississauga that they could suggest for what I'm looking for?

In regards to booking, i assume i just cal the place and ask for a time. what do i do about asking for what i want specifically? is that something I discuss with the provider during, or is it ok to ask over the phone when making the booking to make sure?

Thanks everyone for any advice you can provide, i really appreciate it

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
On STI's from BBBJ: The risks from BBBJ are generally regarded as low, but non-zero. The risks of catching something permanent are even lower still when compared to bare FS or Anal. If you can't live with that, or need very near zero risk, then CBJ is your friend.

On the specific provider mentioned and pooning in Mississauga: If she has multiple good reviews, from established reviewers who have similar tastes, and who seem credible, then she is probably good. YMMV as always. Sorry, Sauga is a little West for me SP wise, so I have few suggestions there.

On booking and asking detailed questions: For booking I'd start via text. It seems to be the preferred way to go these days. Use a real number. Go from there. Some agencies and providers don't like to put specific services in writing, some don't like to do it for new clients, and others are quite open. Just ask how detailed you can be with the person you're booking with. Otherwise, check the reviews. Odds are if other people commonly got a service you will too (YMMV, and have good hygiene).


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Here is thing, if you stick to well reviewed ladies, your risk is even lower. I know for myself, I get tested regularly. This is my job and I’m not going to risk it or my health.

I get tested every 3 months. I know some will say every two weeks but I’m a low volume provider. I don’t see as many clients in a month as some see in a week. So that plays to my time-line.

I have personally never caught anything. I have a trick where I can discreetly check out your dick for lumps, bumps, discolourations, etc and it doesn’t take away from the feel of the session. If anything it enhances it. It doesn’t make you feel like an exam but an admiration. If that makes sense. This is not a guarantee but we don't just stick any dick in our mouths. We are usually checking it and ourselves regularly is my point.

As others have said, risks are low but risks are there. You can help yourself by getting vaccines like the HPV vaccine. I have personally had this vaccine. I take every vaccine if I’m being honest. COVOD, monkey pox, etc. It is my responsibility to ensure I’m safe for my clients and I feel most well reviewed ladies take care of themselves in the same way.

Goodluck and be sure to review anyone you do see so that you are sharing with the boys here.
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rouxo boe

friggin rouxo
Dec 26, 2024
When you're bouta cum get a cigar cutter and cut the tip off the condom my man boom!


May 23, 2020
I haven't heard about such services before. I use this site for quick dates. There are many people who are open and direct about what they want. The quality of profiles is impressive, and it’s a great place to connect with adventurous individuals. I like that the people here are more engaging than on other hookup-focused sites. If you want a mix of substance and casual fun, it is a great option.
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