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Thief Sarah:Ran out of my place when my back was turned!

Random Man

New member
Dec 30, 2013
Hi everyone,

long time lurker, first time poster, and it is because of what happened to me. So, a lot of people had been debating seeing Sarah, and now I have your answer for you:

So, she insisted on only outcalls, and after a while, and a lot of interest, I decided to see her. She came to my place (definitely the girl in the photos), and after some light chatting, I gave her the donation and proceeded to head to my room. As I turned my back, I felt someone move behind me while my door slammed shut. I ran out of my place, and heard the door to the stairs of my building being opened. Luckily, I am on a high floor, so I get down to the lobby via the elevator and rushed out of my building. As I leave, I see her and a driver speeding out of the lot, and swerving into the street, almost hitting another car.

This is the first time this has ever happened to me, and, as everyone here has helped me out before (as I am assuming there is no way to recover my losses), I wanted to help you all out. Perhaps the cowboy could post this.
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New member
Nov 29, 2013
Wow, really sorry to hear about this fellow TERBite - have there been any other reviews of this woman?

I wonder if scheduling another appointment (perhaps along with a friend, as two of you would be a better idea) under a different guise and then confronting the scammer to demand your stolen funds would work?
We really do appreciate your giving us all the heads up though!
It's stories like this one that scare/deter me from trying out new ad-posters (and especially those who have not built up a reasonable reputation). Also, I tend to stick with incalls (have never agreed to an outcall).

Random Man

New member
Dec 30, 2013
Also, it even crossed my mind how weird it was she didn't have a purse or bag with her, but I just swept the thought under the rug, especially as we spoke over the phone and I knew it was at least a female I was talking to.

Random Man

New member
Dec 30, 2013
Thanks. I was hesitant for days to book because it seemed she only did outcall, something I seldom do.

Also, there was a previous post of several people debating seeing her, but all turned off by the outcall only and I just decided to give it a go
Jan 13, 2014
Golden Triangle Ottawa
Ouch..!! sorry to hear that Random...(
Thank-You very much for sharing, because she was on my TD list....
I mainly do outcalls and only a couple of times I've lost money because of bad attitude or service,,, but nothing like you experienced...
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May 7, 2015
Wow, that's pretty damn shitty...I think we should all start booking her for outcalls to some fake locations...


Jan 31, 2006
That's a silly suggestion, never confront people like these.

As for Random Man, I've had this happen to friends of mine, and I am of mixed opinion about what to do in a case like this. Should you call the police, or should you just leave it? Calling the police in the climate of Bill C-36, makes it illegal for you to buy the services of a prostitute, but not illegal for them to sell it. But this is clear and simple theft. Perhaps these thieves are exploiting this giant gaping hole in the legal system, where you are committing a crime in just inviting them over, but they are committing a crime in stealing from you? Which crime is the more serious one? My feeling is that the theft is more serious, but I think the police might make life a bit difficult due to the nature of the transaction.

Wish there was a legal expert, or even a police representative to answer these questions. not confront these people...not worth the risk.

Interesting legal question, I think it is only illegal to actually exchange money for sexual services or communicate about sexual services for sale, so technically, if she runs out with your cash you have not done the former and the latter would be hard to prove without any evidence, though I imagine they could lok at phone records, emails etc. if they really wanted to. Probably more of an academic discussion since I don't think anyone is going to call the polce when they invited an escort for an outcall...but technically I think they would be ok... :)


Oct 26, 2013
Sorry this happened! As I posted a while back, I did not get a great vibe from a text conversation that I had with her and chose to stay away. Yet, every time I saw her ad, I was still very tempted! Hopefully this gives my brain enough ammunition to win any future argument with my penis when I see that body of hers. On a serious note, Whiteman is right...confronting people like this is a bad idea!


Random, try posting this in the lounge. Maybe even the section created just for the new bill discussions. Or both. I know there are several GTA attorneys on Terb who may be able to give you advice as to whether you have any recourse. Or possbly steer you in the right direction. There is one local attorney on here but do not believe he is involved in criminal law, perhaps there are others that may want to PM Random if they would like to keep their career to themselves?

My opinion is that stealing is stealing and the police frown highly upon people robbing others, no matter what the circumstance. My opinion holds no weight unfortunately but I hope you get some decent legal advice and this scum gets what she (and her cronies) deserve.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
You should have a camera in your place. A camera would record everything and would constitute the evidence. The girl will deny everything and there would be no evidence for any charge if there is no recording of her stealing the money and running. You just waste your time and energy without evidence.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You should have a camera in your place. A camera would record everything and would constitute the evidence. The girl will deny everything and there would be no evidence for any charge if there is no recording of her stealing the money and running. You just waste your time and energy without evidence.
Might this presentation of evidence be used against him under Bill C-36? Isn't this a double-edged sword?


Jan 31, 2006
Evidence of her stealing his money cannot be used as evidence that he paid for sexual services (which it sounds like he didn't!) or communicated for the purposes of paying for sexual services.

Might this presentation of evidence be used against him under Bill C-36? Isn't this a double-edged sword?


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
If you go to the cops...., How did she steal from you? You handed her the money so how is that stealing in itself?

So your only case is she didn't provide the service that you paid for. But then you actually have to discuss the services you expected which she didn't provide to file a matter with the police And you may have incriminated yourself -- and you cannot be protected when committing an illegal act. IWelcome to c-36.

It would also be extremely dumb to confront her with another guy. She can then call the cops and charge you with threatening her. Remember she didn't steal from you -- you handed her the cash.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Money "could" have been handed out for a regular relaxation massage at home...which is perfectly legal.
Seems more of a civil matter once you have handed the cash. Was the service provided.

Interestingly, she can argue the services were for prostitution. She is fine and then you are screwed because you are not protected by the law when you engage in illegal matters.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Evidence of her stealing his money cannot be used as evidence that he paid for sexual services (which it sounds like he didn't!) or communicated for the purposes of paying for sexual services.
How did she steal his money. He handed it to her. So it has to come down to services provided or not provided. If you don't want to discuss services with the authorities then by the law she is perfectly entitled to take the gift you handed to her.

I would love to find a take to prove me wrong on this one. I hope my interpretation is wrong as It is blatantly unfair, but it seems we are in a no win situation.
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