Toronto Escorts

The Waterfront Toronto Scam: Pink Umbrellas, Rocks, An Outhouse and Nails


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Harbourfront is nice, once you're down there. But it's disconnected from other parts of the waterfront.
And the road construction east from that area is so bad right now.
If it is fill that probably means that buildings can't be more than seven or eight stories tall. Perhaps the best use is to turn it into a landscaped lakefront park?
Tommy Thompson Park runs off the Portlands. Cherry Beach is small but nice.
It's really huge area, and potentially very valuable. But so much more would need to be done beyond soil remediation. The roads are in terrible shape and would have to be re-worked for any residential activity; the Keating Channel bridge expanded or a couple more put in. That Keating Channel itself is an impediment to development, I don't know what the plan is for it.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
If it is fill that probably means that buildings can't be more than seven or eight stories tall. Perhaps the best use is to turn it into a landscaped lakefront park?
Its all fill from Lakeshore already. And they built bigger on there. East side is the next to be developed.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
I was strolling in Leslieville last month - it seems that, like everywhere else, every square meter is earmarked for condo development. Not withstanding pseudoboulders and umbrellas as art, we can safely assume that this land is being cleared for - - - 3 guesses! More condos.

I applaud initiatives like museums, Harbourfront, and all-night gyms.

Meanwhile, in Toronto, we don't have a robust infrastructure for our current population. Per Wikipedia, the Gardiner is now backed up $626 Million in repairs. Seems there was no stainless steel rebar back then.

Naaaaah.....wait for another piece of concrete to hit Lakeshore....
It's almost like developers look at a map and say, "Where is traffic most congested? All right then, that's a PERFECT place for a condo tower!"

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
If it is fill that probably means that buildings can't be more than seven or eight stories tall. Perhaps the best use is to turn it into a landscaped lakefront park?
Actually, you can't build anything on fill.

In order to build on fill, you need to drive piles.

Toronto's original shoreline was actually quite marshy and anything south of front street is typically on piles


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
I voted for Ford spefically to send a message to the unions and get get transit on the table.

I stand by that. Smitherman had a much worse track record.

Chow's whil decent local politician doesn't have what it takes to be Mayor in my opinion. Her ejection from the police services board troubles me. She hasn't shown anything that I would call vision for the city. So far just 15 per year for a 10% increase in buses(a plan the TTC has stated as unworkable) and 6 million per year for arts and crafts programs after school. Oh and "ban" guns in the city.

That's about it so far. The last two debates she has said nothing of substance. She is another retread. Same old same old.

And when it comes to Harbourfront.....its federal right? But the condos that all went up are all municipal decisions. And approved while now the lack of infrastructure has come to the fore. Bad planning. She was a cog in that machine.

And she never minded the public purse in all that time. Her trying to pass herself off as a fiscal conservative is laughable. There is a hidden agenda with her. And that's why her polling numbers are so poor. People know it.

No I won't vote for Chow. No more retreads.
Chow has everything it takes to be a successful mayor. A proven track record to reach all segments of 'civilized' society, which of course obviously is in direct conflict with Neanderthal Nation, Poverty Wage Nation, Casino Nation, Toss-em-on-the-street Anti-TCHC Nation, +$2billion Gravy Train Nation, Talk-Show Host Nation an so on. She has reached out throughout her career to build coalitions to get things done as opposed to Talking-Head Tory who has basically accomplished nothing but hemming and hawing, tumble-weeding down the road in whichever directions the political winds are blowing.

Tory: "It's wise to tax Torontonians +2$billion for a subway that is not needed. DRL is good, it'll only cost like $10billion and I'll build it and keep taxes low to boot. Electrified Go lines is good and I'll build that too. Though the next council term is just 4 years, count on me to give you the Scarborough subway, the DRL and the electrified go lines will be thrown in a s a freebie all in the next 4 years! Just tell me what youz wantzs and I'll give to youz!"

And we definitely need a more pro-active and much, much less rubber stamp mayor than Ford has proven to be and Talking-Head Tory will certainly be for the TPS. Runaway budgets, rogue killer cops, G20 skull-bashing, kettling beasts and all.

Choice is clear. A proven council member who can build coalitions to actually get things done and watch the till; a lying, lazy do nothing but obstruct ceremonial mayor who will unnecessarily increase debt; or a Talking Head who has done nothing and promises to send the debt into the stratosphere.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Right. Head down into the politics section where Boodog posted an interview with Chow. See what she had to say on various issues.

She is lacking.

Apparently another debate will be tevevised tomorrow on CP24 as well. Enjoy.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Oh and G20 skull crushing happened under Miller. Oops......


Mar 12, 2004
Your tax dollars at workk.

Sid Ryan was on the radio today and said he is supporting and using his union election war room type resources to help Chow be elected as mayor. Chow as mayor would be every union leaders dream.
I still can't believe that this ANTI DEMOCRACY bull shit is allowed to take place.

This shit should be banned,...just like LH.

Actually, everybody with half a brain knows she is always going to side with unions.

Does anybody know if she's paying full rent rates now ?,...or did SID the skid mark Ryan set her up in a subsidised condo?

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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Oh and G20 skull crushing happened under Miller. Oops......
What's that have to do with Chow?

And as you have pointed out on numerous occasions she was the only candidate who actually stood out against the TPS.

Wannabe 'Don Toronto' Ford thought he could bribe and buy off the TPS with undue budget gravy by sparing them the budget knife in a time 'fiscal catastrophe' in an obvious effort of 'one hand washes the other' attempt to have the TPS overlook his criminal transgressions and lifestyle.

Michael Thompson stood up to the PSB and Chief Blair only to be banished and then under threat of court action later to be reinstated to his board position.

Cannot envision the Talking Head having the courage and gumption displayed by Chow and Thompson. Aimless, rudderless and particularly devoid of spine.

Cannot envision 'Don Toronto' standing up against the TPS after the mess he created with his criminality and criminal lifestyle.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
What's that have to do with Chow?

And as you have pointed out on numerous occasions she was the only candidate who actually stood out against the TPS.

Wannabe 'Don Toronto' Ford thought he could bribe and buy off the TPS with undue budget gravy by sparing them the budget knife in a time 'fiscal catastrophe' in an obvious effort of 'one hand washes the other' attempt to have the TPS overlook his criminal transgressions and lifestyle.

Michael Thompson stood up to the PSB and Chief Blair only to be banished and then under threat of court action later to be reinstated to his board position.

Cannot envision the Talking Head having the courage and gumption displayed by Chow and Thompson. Aimless, rudderless and particularly devoid of spine.

Cannot envision 'Don Toronto' standing up against the TPS after the mess he created with his criminality and criminal lifestyle.
Point being that what happened during the G20 had nothing to to with Ford and Tory either. And yet you brought it up that we don't need more of it under each one. Has there been any civil unrest in the last four years from the unions? Nope. Why? Because they were put in their place.

To state that it would happen again under either one is false.

And as the article in the politics section shows she doesn't even have a grasp of what is going on with TPS at the moment. Or about several other topics either. In this she is comparable to Ford. She has her "wheelhouse" as a childrens advocate. Better she gets appointed to some commision to what she cares about than elected to a position where that is ALL she would care about, leaving the city to continue to crumble slowly under apathy for its infrastructure and gridlock problems.

She isn't a bad person, I won't demonize her. She just isn't up to this job.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
For once and the last fucking time, cancel this bullshit. Stop this waste of tax payer money.

That waterfront agency, just another bureaucratic agency protecting their own cushy fifedom.

The hell with them bureaucrats. The hell those developers. The hell with those gouging contractors. Why the hell we the taxpayers need them?

$60,000 fucking thousand dollar toilets? Billions to clean the soil? Not sure if it is even clean.

That place down there is industrial waste land.

They want to re-claim it and ....

And guess what? Build condos.

That is the main point. Build condos.

More downtown condos!

Build those fucking condo somewhere else. Like Mississauga. Leave me alone. Leave my damn wallet alone. NIMBY NOW!

Fucking bureaucrats. Fucking government.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Unions were put in their place?? If you mean a 12% raise that Ford IMMEDIATELY gave them once elected then you are spot on. Boy he sure showed them huh?
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Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
For once and the last fucking time, cancel this bullshit. Stop this waste of tax payer money.

That waterfront agency, just another bureaucratic agency protecting their own cushy fifedom.

The hell with them bureaucrats. The hell those developers. The hell with those gouging contractors. Why the hell we the taxpayers need them?

$60,000 fucking thousand dollar toilets? Billions to clean the soil? Not sure if it is even clean.

That place down there is industrial waste land.

They want to re-claim it and ....

And guess what? Build condos.

That is the main point. Build condos.

More downtown condos!

Build those fucking condo somewhere else. Like Mississauga. Leave me alone. Leave my damn wallet alone. NIMBY NOW!

Fucking bureaucrats. Fucking government.
Excellent parody of Ford Nation!
ps the Cherry Beach public washrooms didn't cost $60,000 - the price was $600,000. Good display of the sort of bad math that the current mayor uses :thumb:

- Love it, funniest part of the irrational :blah:
But NIMBY stands for Not In My Backyard. So is your backyard the Portlands, downtown, or Mississauga? Kind of unclear from your rant.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Point being that what happened during the G20 had nothing to to with Ford and Tory either. And yet you brought it up that we don't need more of it under each one. Has there been any civil unrest in the last four years from the unions? Nope. Why? Because they were put in their place.

To state that it would happen again under either one is false.

And as the article in the politics section shows she doesn't even have a grasp of what is going on with TPS at the moment. Or about several other topics either. In this she is comparable to Ford. She has her "wheelhouse" as a childrens advocate. Better she gets appointed to some commision to what she cares about than elected to a position where that is ALL she would care about, leaving the city to continue to crumble slowly under apathy for its infrastructure and gridlock problems.

She isn't a bad person, I won't demonize her. She just isn't up to this job.
Point being that the culture that existed and still exists within the TPS, a fiefdom that consumes almost 30% of the property taxpayer supported budget and that can now be reasonably seen as a service to 'serve and protect' it's members at all costs to the detriment of the common good of the citizens they are sworn to 'serve and protect'.

This culture has only been reinforced in granite by 'give 'em all they want' Robbie, who is now all but a 'dog on a leash' to the TPS.

This culture of 'the untouchables' definitely will not be addressed and reined in by the Talking Head as he has proven to be a a wishy-washy panderer extraordinaire and a mayoral candidate pledging to throw Toronto off the fiscal and financial cliff with fantastical promises and largesse in his quest for mayoral infamy.

Fact is, and to which history has demonstrated there is but one candidate who has proven that he or she has the spine to stand up and against the TPS and that candidate is named Olivia Chow.

Ford is a 'bad person' and proven to be a horrible mayor.

Tory is not a 'bad person', but his fantastical and totally unrealistic campaign pledges and his wishy-washy, tumbleweed character certainly do lead one to reasonably conclude he would be a disaster as the mayor.

It is reasonable to say the Chow does not possess that polished, crafted and slick oratorical skills of a Radio Show, Talking Head, nor the populist bombast and bluster of an unabashed bald-faced liar and supreme charlatan. She also does not make utterly fantastical and totally unattainable campaign pledges that are certain to throw Toronto off the fiscal and financial cliff ala the Talking Head and the corruptible, contemptible and contemptuous ceremonial mayor who he refuses to answer to Torontonians.

What she has is a proven track record of what it takes to be a successful mayor. That being reaching out to all segments of society and council members to forge coalitions to get things done, done right and done for the common good. That being not making utterly impossible to fulfill promises and pledges to curry favor and votes. That being, having the ability to understand that squandering and wasting +$2billion on a gravy train is the height of fiscal and financial negligence and totally counter to what is needed and what is right.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Unions were out in their place?? If you mean a 12% raise that Ford IMMEDIATELY gave them once elected then you are spot on. Boy he sure showed them huh?
Let's not forget that he 'enshrined' the jobs for life clause in union contracts as well as ensuring TTC members will be receiving fat pay and benefit increases year, after year after year for life with his Granite Tombstone, essential service designation.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
I don't understand why this thread has turned into something about Chow and unions. The best thing for Toronto City Council to do is leave WT alone and let them continue along with their plans.

It's already bad enough that Mayor Ford destroyed the Scarborough LRT which was planned to be built and running in 2015, and ruined our opportunity to get a casino. City Council better not screw up WT too just to try and score political points!


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Yup. Our waterfront is shit. And it took a lot longer than 4 years to make it so. Started even before amalgamation in fact. The old city council would have had to approve of the development as it now stands. As well as the first few.

Chow was apart of those too wasn't she?
I don't understand why this thread has turned into something about Chow and unions. The best thing for Toronto City Council to do is leave WT alone and let them continue along with their plans.

It's already bad enough that Mayor Ford destroyed the Scarborough LRT which was planned to be built and running in 2015, and ruined our opportunity to get a casino. City Council better not screw up WT too just to try and score political points!
Butler1000 is why.

It appears that he likes to blame unions and Chow for all that is good which has transpired on the lands administered by the Harbourfront Corporation in the past, The Harbourfront Charity and Waterfront Toronto in the present.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I was strolling in Leslieville last month - it seems that, like everywhere else, every square meter is earmarked for condo development. Not withstanding pseudoboulders and umbrellas as art, we can safely assume that this land is being cleared for - - - 3 guesses! More condos.

I applaud initiatives like museums, Harbourfront, and all-night gyms.

Meanwhile, in Toronto, we don't have a robust infrastructure for our current population. Per Wikipedia, the Gardiner is now backed up $626 Million in repairs. Seems there was no stainless steel rebar back then.

Naaaaah.....wait for another piece of concrete to hit Lakeshore....
If people want to live there, someone will figure out how to buy the land and make a profit selling them homes. At downtown land prices those will be condo towers. Anyone who thinks 'we shouldn't oughta allow any more condos' had better be prepared to buy more boulders and pink fiberglass umbrellas to put on that hugely expensive land they're so eager to pay taxes to buy up and take off the market.

Because free enterprise will put condos on it. Or even higher-priced office towers.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts