I dunno about that, I personally find them interesting and have watched sex doll porn. Why? I find women attractive but have never especially enjoyed the sex, maybe nerves, maybe because I lean more hetero, I dunno, but the idea of exploring a sex doll appeals to me, I don't have to worry about judgement or if I am doing something wrong, heck, maybe I can even master some techniques with practice!
And not gunna lie, I totally dig the idea of a threesome with a male and a sex doll.
Can't say the male sex dolls interest me so much, mostly because they really haven't invested in a wider range of designs. The ones in this thread are so not attractive, kinda skinny, trying too hard with the 11 inch cocks though, and not enough with the overall appearance.
To each their own, no one is forcing anyone to do something they don't want to.