Good day.
You may be aware of the recent successful challenge to Canadian laws relating to various aspects of prostitution. While these legal challenges have opened up a unique opportunity for important changes to be made to enhance the health and safety of ALL people involved in the industry, there are certain advocacy groups who are calling for the implementation of the "Nordic model" - a regulatory approach that effectively criminalizes the purchase of sexual services. These groups argue that people who pay for sexual services pose a "risk" to the health and safety of sex workers. One of the most prominent campaigns currently making this claim is the Salvation Army's "The Truth isn't Sexy" which implies that people who pay for sex are responsible for the trafficking of women and children.
We believe that the generalizations that groups seeking the abolition of prostitution make about the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of ALL people who pay for sexual services in Canada are based on moral convictions and speculation as opposed to actual evidence. We also believe that these generalizations are dangerous. The reason we believe this is because of the invaluable information that almost 1000 people who paid for sexual services in Canada (many of whom are members of this forum) graciously shared with us during our 2009-2010 Johns' Voice study (
Results from the Johns' Voice study played a central role in shaping the legal, political and social debates that surrounded the recent successful legal challenge. They also helped us make it clear to the various groups involved in ongoing legal, political and social debates about the future of Canada's prostitution law and policy that it is absolutely vital that people who pay for sexual services have an opportunity to be listened to and included. The Johns' Voice project was just the beginning.
In our ongoing effort to present a more complete and accurate picture of the diversity of attitudes, beliefs and experiences of people who have paid for sexual services in Canada we are inviting you to be a part of the largest and most ambitious study of Canada's sex industry undertaken to date. The Sex, Safety and Security Study, which is part of a larger research initiative funded the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), seeks to provide a safe, secure and non-judgmental environment for people who have purchased sexual services to have your voices heard and respected and the details of your experiences acknowledged.
If you or someone you know want to take this opportunity to have your voices, opinions and experiences included in this important project please visit our website or contact Chris Atchison directly to find out more about the project.
[edited by moderator]
Thank-you in advance for your understanding and support.
Chris Atchison
Department of Sociology
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria, BC
V8W 2Y2
Twitter: @SexSafetySecure
You may be aware of the recent successful challenge to Canadian laws relating to various aspects of prostitution. While these legal challenges have opened up a unique opportunity for important changes to be made to enhance the health and safety of ALL people involved in the industry, there are certain advocacy groups who are calling for the implementation of the "Nordic model" - a regulatory approach that effectively criminalizes the purchase of sexual services. These groups argue that people who pay for sexual services pose a "risk" to the health and safety of sex workers. One of the most prominent campaigns currently making this claim is the Salvation Army's "The Truth isn't Sexy" which implies that people who pay for sex are responsible for the trafficking of women and children.
We believe that the generalizations that groups seeking the abolition of prostitution make about the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of ALL people who pay for sexual services in Canada are based on moral convictions and speculation as opposed to actual evidence. We also believe that these generalizations are dangerous. The reason we believe this is because of the invaluable information that almost 1000 people who paid for sexual services in Canada (many of whom are members of this forum) graciously shared with us during our 2009-2010 Johns' Voice study (
Results from the Johns' Voice study played a central role in shaping the legal, political and social debates that surrounded the recent successful legal challenge. They also helped us make it clear to the various groups involved in ongoing legal, political and social debates about the future of Canada's prostitution law and policy that it is absolutely vital that people who pay for sexual services have an opportunity to be listened to and included. The Johns' Voice project was just the beginning.
In our ongoing effort to present a more complete and accurate picture of the diversity of attitudes, beliefs and experiences of people who have paid for sexual services in Canada we are inviting you to be a part of the largest and most ambitious study of Canada's sex industry undertaken to date. The Sex, Safety and Security Study, which is part of a larger research initiative funded the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), seeks to provide a safe, secure and non-judgmental environment for people who have purchased sexual services to have your voices heard and respected and the details of your experiences acknowledged.
If you or someone you know want to take this opportunity to have your voices, opinions and experiences included in this important project please visit our website or contact Chris Atchison directly to find out more about the project.
[edited by moderator]
Thank-you in advance for your understanding and support.
Chris Atchison
Department of Sociology
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria, BC
V8W 2Y2
Twitter: @SexSafetySecure