Toronto Escorts

The proof Cretien was a moron


Line 'Em Up Baby
Jun 3, 2002
West end GTA
hunter001 said:
Some have a gift for words. Jean's idol Trudeau (love him or hate him) had a way with words. ..... Jean isn't a wordsmith by any stretch of the imagination but it doesn't mean much in terms of his intelligence.
There is a difference between not having a way with words and being barely coherant. That wasn't the first time (or the last time) that Cretien spurted out mumble jumble. But it is by far, the funniest.


Jan 18, 2004
danmand said:
Chretien deserves the everlasting admiration because he kept Canada out
of the war in Iraq, and don't forget it was in spite of the cries of outrage
from the conservatives.
Chrétien's decision to keep Canada out of Iraq was all about going against George Bush. If Clinton had been president at the time Chrétien would have sent Canadian troops to Iraq. Chrétien's decision has absolutely nothing to do with good planning or concern for the good of Canada. Lets not give this fool any unwarranted praise. He got lucky, that's all.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Dev0 said:
Chrétien's decision to keep Canada out of Iraq was all about going against George Bush. If Clinton had been president at the time Chrétien would have sent Canadian troops to Iraq. Chrétien's decision has absolutely nothing to do with good planning or concern for the good of Canada. Lets not give this fool any unwarranted praise. He got lucky, that's all.
If Clinton was in office he may have had some "proof" for the attack instead of whatever the American "Intelligence" agencies provided at the time.

Either way it seems like a moot point. Considering the most of the world wasn't behind that invasion , it could be there was more in play then just Jean not liking the Republicans.


Aug 11, 2006
Dev0 said:
Chrétien's decision to keep Canada out of Iraq was all about going against George Bush. If Clinton had been president at the time Chrétien would have sent Canadian troops to Iraq. Chrétien's decision has absolutely nothing to do with good planning or concern for the good of Canada. Lets not give this fool any unwarranted praise. He got lucky, that's all.

No you are wrong. Read his book. Jean had a pretty good working relationship with Bush as well as more respect for him than most Canadians have. He explains his reasoning better than I could here in his book. For him it was not a question of why should we not go to war, but why should we? Bush and Blair gave him no proof. Chrétien said and rightfully so that Canada would have gone in if the UN had of sanctioned it.

Harper and his type thought we should because the US would retaliate against Canadian business. Harper thought we should because were are allies with the US and the British. His reasoning for wanting to send troops to Iraq had nothing to do with reasons for invading.

We all knew the US intelligence was lying. The reasons the USA wanted to invade Iraq had nothing to do with Weapons of Mass Destruction.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
iamme said:
Chretien kept the Canadian military out of Iraq, too bad Harper can't pull our troops out of Afghanistan.
Whatever you call him, moron or hero, I prefer a PM, that keeps Canada
out of a unnecessary war to one that would not.


Jan 18, 2004
hunter001 said:
If Clinton was in office he may have had some "proof" for the attack instead of whatever the American "Intelligence" agencies provided at the time.

Either way it seems like a moot point. Considering the most of the world wasn't behind that invasion , it could be there was more in play then just Jean not liking the Republicans.
Didn't 60 minutes recently do a piece where it was discovered that Saddam Hussein did in fact have WMD? If Clinton had been in office during the 9-11 attacks he would probably still be deciding what course of action to take.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
someone said:
Chretien inherited that ranking from Mulroney. Given that Canada lost that ranking under Chretien, I’m not sure what you're trying to say. Are you blaming Chretien for Canada losing first spot?

Mulruney govt ran into deficits Chretien did not inherited the ranking and Mulruney was hated the PC party was decimated when the libs got a majority govt


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
canada-man said:
Mulruney govt ran into deficits Chretien did not inherited the ranking and Mulruney was hated the PC party was decimated when the libs got a majority govt
The fact is that you are wrong. If you check you will find that under Mulroney Canada was first in the human developmental index. For something like the first 10 years of the index (it started when Mulruney was in power) Canada was first. Canada then lost that position under Chretien and moved significantly down the list. The fact that you are trying to change the topic indicates that you likely know you are wrong.


The first time Canada was at the top of the list was in 1992 when Brian Mulroney's Conservative government was in office. Mr. Mulroney also used the ranking to boast about his government's achievements, even though the UN report is not to be used as an endorsement of the countries involved.

See also

The United Nations Development Programme released their Human Development Report 2003 . Surprisingly, Canada suffered, falling below the U.S. for the first time to #8 in this year's list.
Happy now? I realize that you are likely too young to remember those years first hand (otherwise, you would have remembered all the boosting the conservatives did) and just formed your view based on some liberal propaganda you heard since then. However, in future when someone you don’t know corrects you on a board like this, you might consider the possibility that he lived through the period, and do a search to verify the facts before you argue.
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