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The problem with going out with hot ladies out of your league...


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2003
If you are lucky (or unlucky) enough to date or go out with a hot lady that normally would be out of your league, you're in trouble because you will be searching unsuccessfully for someone even close to her level to take her place when that relationship ends. You tell yourself that sex isn't everything but there are times you absolutely crave that incredible sex you shared with her. Everyone else you hook up with ends up being a disappointment and you feel empty after it. Bottom line is that if you manage to have chemistry with a hottie for a short time, your standards for great loving is now set too high for you to achieve again. Even if you manage to find an SP that can give you an hour or two of this intimacy, you feel incomplete after that session because you know it was only a very temporary thing. I guess I'm a little f**ked up over what turned out to be the greatest "love" of my life now that it is over. She's head over heels in love with some muscle-bound rich over.


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
jealousy is a petty shallow emotion, not worth the energy expenditure.


Member with a member
Jan 11, 2003
In my chair
Get into the gym and get some muscles, then buy Lottery tickets in the hope of becomoing a rich guy.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7

So you went out with a hot chick . You've done it once why do you assume you won't do it again . Maybe the next hot one won't be shallow . Some of the "hottest" girls aren't necessarily the best looking .......ok do I have to give in my male membership card for that last comment ?


New member
Apr 23, 2002
Move on bud. She isn't even close to being worth the stress.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto

Thought I would share I had a similar life experience years ago. Long story short the benefit to me is that now I have much higher standards... that translates to me in my case anyways I believe higher self esteem. And that is a good thing. IMO.

All through high school I never felt I was ‘getting lucky’ as often as most guys were. And when I did it was the very ordinary average girl next-door type. I. E. I never bedded any of the cheerleaders. In my early 20’s I settled in with a very average looking yet pretty enough SO for 7 years common law relationship. We broke off for 1 year and got back together for another 4. So you see I was out of the whole dating game thing for a long long time. I will say that after my final break up with that long term SO I never had very much confidence that I would ever meet anybody again… and never even considered or dreamed even it would be someone drop dead gorgeous. I had the odd date here and there and saw a couple of SPs. For the most part though I was totally single for next couple years. Then one night a friend of mine introduced me to his sister. She was just that… drop dead gorgeous playboy model type. He made no bones about telling me and HER he was introducing us cause he was hoping that we would kick it off. He did not like too many of her previous BF. Long story short… after a few (3 or 4) group get togethers with her, her bro and a couple of other people one night she says to me “look, my kids are off to their Grandma’s for the week-end, how would you like I cook dinner at my place tomorrow and we have dinner and a movie, just the two of us?” SHE said this to ME! I was floored! After that you could not tear us apart with a crowbar for over a year and a half. When we broke up I was devastated for sure. I took me awhile to get over her. But guess what? My next GF was a totally beautiful dancer from one of the top clubs in Ottawa who was many years (I won’t say how many) my jr. OK, OK I was 39 and she was 21. Now I am 48 and I am ‘seeing’ a very nice 28 y/o old former MPA. So you see… there is hope.

P.S. I may be breaking up with her soon though… and I don’t think that muscle bound thingy will last too long… so if you still have you ex’s #… never mind… just kidding.

Hang in their bud.


Jan 6, 2002
Don't give up

Take a leadership role here. The next lady you find/come across may not be the wild passionate lover that you just left, however why don't you try and make her that, or teach her how to be. Some people don't know how, don't know they will like it, and are not sure how to approach it.

I would suggest you try talking in a postive manner about the pleasure one can achieve from these wild moments and get her interest up and go from there.......don't mention the X to her when talking about this or it's over.

Feb 8, 2003
Let me know when u get an answer Punkt

I also experienced this unfortunate blessing. At the time it was everything I thought I wanted. The sweetest woman I've known, with the most beautiful face and incredible body. She just stopped calling after a couple months b/c she got tired of being my mistress. Can't say I blame her, but she broke my heart. Best sex of my life, I learned to love things I'd never even tried before. Now she's lost in love with some muscle-bound dude, while I continue to think about her everyday of my life...the price I now must pay for giving into temptation. Don't think I'd do it again if given the chance, sometimes ignorance is bliss.


New member
Aug 16, 2003
Hot chick lost???Maybe???

To Punkdt..
Jealousy is about the dumbest emotion i know of,....very Negative

For a cure--I recommend a trip to Europe..find a good FKK club.
One with a good Lust Meadow------Fuck your brains out,with the best looking Housewifes you have ever seen,,When you are about two foot tall when you emerge, promise yourselfs to bloody well grow UP..

Life is too short to hurry.


Jul 6, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
After 7 years my first serious SO left me, it was the most devestating time of my life. I did not see it comming. She cleaned out everything we had. Our bank account, all the funiture in the house, my electronics, including a brand new $5K pc. She even tried to sue me for spousal support (no kids). Most of all she broke me emotionally and physically.

It took me over 2 years to get over her, I did not date, did not go to SC's, MP's or even to SP's. I was completely celibate. I tought that I was going crazy.

Two years after she left me I met this amazing Lady and today we have been married for over 5 years.

Last week she called me, she wanted to talk. I told her that I did not have any time and left it at that.

There is hope for you, just hang on in there. Spend time with the rest of your family and friends. Take time to heal and you will be back before you know it.


New member
Jun 26, 2002
Punkdt said:
I guess I'm a little f**ked up over what turned out to be the greatest "love" of my life now that it is over. She's head over heels in love with some muscle-bound rich over.
This same thing happened to me. First year university, the hottest girl in the quad of dorms. In over my head, but it was great. It's been close to 10 years now but every few months I look over the pictures and still can't believe it.

I have seen a small fraction of the sp's at her level (maybe 1 in 15), and rarely any MPA's at all. Natural beauty is something even plastic surgeons can't duplicate often. My friends from school bring her up also. Unbelieveable. After our undergrad she went to Europe to model. I know in terms of looks I will never come anywhere close (unless i get millions in the bank account sometime soon), and have come to except it.

It's better to have love and lost then never to have loved at all. So true. A nice cute girl that stays in shape and is a swetheart is all I need. When one door closes another opens. Remember that. Do your thing, be happy, and over time these things work themselves out.



New member
Jun 26, 2002
hedway said:
Get into the gym and get some muscles, then buy Lottery tickets in the hope of becomoing a rich guy.
Good point. Getting the physique going, learning to improve social graces, and improving the career are some of the factors that will raise your "league." As I discovered with an ex from highschool, she might go down (gain a lot fo weight, ect) while you shoot up. Years from now she might not be in your league. I experienced this 2 days ago, and still am smiling (shouldn't be).



New member
Sep 17, 2003
ces't la vie. nothing will be same, ever. you'll discover new things, you'll meet new people. You'll feel/think different when a 2nd hottie dumped you. be positive.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Same thing happened to me when the 1st Mrs. Plug left me for another man. What she saw in Ronald Reagan I'll never know!


Oct 23, 2002
i can relate very well, except i've never been with a hot one........insecurity plays a big role. its like, how can i go out and find myself a hot one and then say to myself: "but i don't have this, i don't have that, etc....."


New member
Sep 16, 2003
Re: Don't give up

dogman said:
Take a leadership role here. The next lady you find/come across may not be the wild passionate lover that you just left, however why don't you try and make her that, or teach her how to be. Some people don't know how, don't know they will like it, and are not sure how to approach it.

I would suggest you try talking in a postive manner about the pleasure one can achieve from these wild moments and get her interest up and go from there.......don't mention the X to her when talking about this or it's over.

You know Dogman makes some very good points here. I was fortuante enough to have had a relationship with a woman that was incredibly hot. She was 44 at the time but had an incredible body, 5'8", full natrual Ds, belly button pierced perfect kitty, great butt.. blonde hair, blue eyes, ince full lips the whole nine yards. And she had an incredible appetite for intimacy. that did not work out and later I met a woman that I really clicked with emotionally. she was attractive enough but certainly not the "hottie" that I once had. I allowed my memories of that great physical experience to "set the standard". I expected all my experiences to be the same. As a result I gave into hobbying to get that "fix". And, I never really invested the time with the woman I was in a relationship with to give it the best shot. As a result I lost that one too. Hotties come and go but a woman that is your best friend is something to hold on to.


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
I didn't read the whole thread but I don't see the problem. All good things come to an end, however that's no excuse for not living life to its fullest when you have the chance.

If I could date a hot lady out of my league I'd jump at the chance, and I wouldn't bitch about it when she came to her senses and dumped my ass.
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