Steeles Royal

The Ottawa GFE MAs (list, votes and reviews)


Active member
Feb 8, 2022
Ok I havent posted in more than 2 months I think.

I'm giving HUGE shoutouts and props to:

++++++ 1 Krystal Hush ( formerly Krystal CMJ ) and +++ 1 Scarlett Hush ( formerly Scareltt CMJ).

It's not a secret that Krsytal is my SUPER FAVORITE! I only met her way back on the 2nd week of April, and as of this writing Ialrady met her 8x! :)

The last 3 times I met with Krystal was within a 6 week time frame.

1. A Divided duo with Scarlett ( 45 minutes each). Both were super amazing

2. A solo with Krystal

3. A training duo w/ Freya

** I'm quite aware that there have been some nice and lovely ladies with Hush recently. Personally speaking,.... I'll stick to my 2 favorites as of now. Since Quinn is also part of the team and having met her several times when she was doing admin at CMJ West, I would surely consider meeting Quinn.

** All my experiences were SUPER GREAT, and well within MA limits.

** As always, it''s a 'universal knowledge' that YMMV.
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