Ashley Madison

The new trivia thread.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Tieing rope around each limb, dropping him into the water at the bow of the ship and then the sea mates would have teams on either sides of the deck, starboard and aft to secure the taughtness of the rope while the subject was held under water against the bottom keel of the vessel.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Tieing rope around each limb, dropping him into the water at the bow of the ship and then the sea mates would have teams on either sides of the deck, starboard and aft to secure the taughtness of the rope while the subject was held under water against the bottom keel of the vessel.

Gee, Petz. Did they do that to you often when you were a squirt?


Active member
Jul 12, 2003
I just watched The Shawshank Redemption on TV. The scene with the snub nosed pistol was actually when the warden was loading his pistol, just before his suicide. You're right that they don't match, but in the movie they weren't intended to match.

By the way, there was an inconsistency about the pipe through which Andy Dufresne escaped. When he broke the pipe there was a geyser of crap about 4 feet in the air, indicating that the pipe was under a considerable amount of pressure. However, Andy crawled to the end of the pipe, which was open-ended, meaning that it would be impossible to hold an elevated pressure.
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