Some unkown guy that put the series into a tail spin.who replaced Michael Douglas in the last season of Streets of San Francisco?
"Apollo", son of "Adama"who replaced Michael Douglas in the last season of Streets of San Francisco?
Answer :What are the origins of the expression The cat is in the bag ?
he was known for imitating Ed Sullivan on the Ed Sullivan Showwho provided the voices of both the Ant and the Aardvark in the Pink Panther cartoon tv series..
he was known for imitating Ed Sullivan on the Ed Sullivan Show
nope..he is well known in Canada for having hosted a long-running Canadian sketch comedy showthis is purely a guess, but was it Rich Little??
Debra Wingerwho played Wonder Girl on the 70s Wonder Woman tv show?
3 out of 5 is pretty good!They all sound like the names of astronauts.
I can remember three of them.
Virgil Grissom
Alan Shepard
John Glenn
rockestra?What other band name did Paul and Lynda McCartney record under( other than with Wings)?
Rockestra was with a lineup of star musicians, I guess you are right, but the other band they formed was just Paul and Lynda.rockestra?