The problem of AGW be it real or not, is transformed into a technological problem when solar reached 3 cents per kwhr. At this price, solar will take care of itself because the financial incentive is there now and the existing industry that now churns out iphones and samsung galaxy phones every 12 months will bring it's guns to bear into solar. Solar panels will be a commodity, like RAM or flash is right now, I mean a really liquid market.
Energy storage is the other half of the equation, but the part that I thought was the hardest the coversion of solar energy into electricty at affordable prices seems to have materialize. Energy storage is a huge problem, but most tech is limited by energy storage, by that I mean Apple, samsung, Intel, etc... probably fund or do battery R&D research themselves, if you add in massive money from the solar industry ontop of the already massive money from existing tech companies, the scales of economies behind battery tech and research is enormous.
I am not saying that we will make breakthroughs into new battery tech tommorow that will be magical, but what I am saying is that right now or very soon is the perfect storm for new magical battery tech to happen because all the inventives and objectives of so many people are aligned or will be aligned. We will never reach 100% efficientcy in solar panels or energy storage, but if it is a technological problem (not talking about super crazy shit like time travel and faster than light travel) then we will be a cock hair from 100% efficientcy in due time (maybe 50-100 years)
3 cent per kwhr solar creates a postive feedback system, everything good about humanity will be better with 3 cent solar and everything bad about humanity will be made less bad. The repurcussions of this new solar price is unfathomable.