Back in the day I used to see my favorite lady, Jillian, at least once a week, more often twice a week. We had a great connection that went beyond the provider/ client relationship. Sadly she moved out of the area.
the egyptians believed they could bring it with them when they went. (the money, that is.) they would get buried with all their money, their possessions, even their pets.
I've seen Dahlia Sage countless times. Sometimes we would have an extended date and she would cook us up a nice meal. She's a great cook!. Also while I was living at The Delta Chelsea (now the Eaton Chelsea) I would bring my laundry to her place until I found out that the Chelsea had it's own coin laundry. A truly beautiful woman with a heart of gold.
She's retired now but we chat a bit when I'm making arrangements to see one of her girls at