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The Mindset of the Younger Generation in China- A Current Chinese Joke


Jan 13, 2002
Over the past year or so, I have created numerous threads/posts on various topics about China , such as the booming economy, the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots, the oppressive government, the military buid-up, the possible war scenario with China, the under-valued currency,...and so on and so forth.

Most recently, Keebelr Elf started a thread by referencing an article from Washington Times about the possiblity that China will attack Taiwan within two years. In particular, the word 'nationalism' was mentioned in that article, , i.e. "The combination of a vibrant centralized economy, growing military and increasingly fervent nationalism has transformed China into what many defense officials view as a fascist state."

Last night, I was chatting with some Canadian in China over the Internet, and was told of this joke, which I like to share it with you.

You may be aware that, even though Mao Tze-Tung died almost 30 years ago, it is still very common in China, to see a poster on the wall of a public building, with the picture of Mao waving his hand(to his fervent followers which are not always shown).

One day, a mother and her 5-year old son walked down a street in Beijing, and came upon this poster on the wall of a state building, with Chairman Mao waving his hand. The mother asked her young son, what is chairman Mao doing ? The kid replied without hesitation ' Chairman Mao is trying to flag down a taxi '..... :D

So, what is my point ? Kids in China today are very much influenced or even corrupted by the western culture. I also heard that most kids from upper middle class just want to go abroad to pursue higher education so that they can get a good education, master the English language and have a secure future. They believe in anything but communism. To predict that 'China will be transformed into a facist state' is kinda paranoid, IMHO

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Maybe if the average Chinese kid was able to become westernized. But the vast majority of Chinese can't. And that's the problem. Don't let the few Chinese kids that come over here fool you into thinking they're all like that...


Jan 13, 2002
It is true that only the Chinese elite can come over to North Amercia to pursue higher education. As a amatter fo fact, I have been vocal to make the point that the gap between the have and have-nots is widening in China, an this willl cause social unrest down the road. Yet, it is not un-common for an average chinese family to have a TV set. Once you have access to TV, it is only a matter of time before you become corruptd to the western culture.

Obviously, China's military build-up will put her in a strong postion to dominate the Pacific Region,and this will give Uncle Sam lots of concern, a point I raised long time ago. On the otherhand, to think that China will be transformed into a facist state is really too far-fetched at this point. I would say it is more of a propaganda from the U.S. Pentagon or the CIA. Just my opinion, and I am sure lots of people will think otherwise, especially those from south of the border.

Keebler Elf said:
Maybe if the average Chinese kid was able to become westernized. But the vast majority of Chinese can't. And that's the problem. Don't let the few Chinese kids that come over here fool you into thinking they're all like that...

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Most of the students that come here from China are from relatively wealthy families. The competition to get into university in China is so high that many have no choice but to come here and pursue higher education. Many end up staying in Canada but quite a few go back to work in China with their new skills (and better English). The reason for going back is simple........more opportunity at higher levels in China than here. Chinese officials just love it, Canada subsidizes a portion of their citizens education and they reap the rewards. In a few years this will escalate into a major problem for productivity in North America.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
K Douglas said:
Most of the students that come here from China are from relatively wealthy families. The competition to get into university in China is so high that many have no choice but to come here and pursue higher education. Many end up staying in Canada but quite a few go back to work in China with their new skills (and better English). The reason for going back is simple........more opportunity at higher levels in China than here. Chinese officials just love it, Canada subsidizes a portion of their citizens education and they reap the rewards. In a few years this will escalate into a major problem for productivity in North America.
Unless the university gives them financial assistance (a common way of attracting good graduate students but less common for undergraduate studies), in most provinces international student fees cover the costs of their education. Working here after they finish is not automatic (especially if they come for a one-year masters degree). Moreover, a surprising number of them tell you that they want to go back to help their country. Moreover, moving to a new country for the rest of you life is never an easy thing to do.

As far as graduate studies are concerned, a primary reason they come here is that for many areas, (the natural sciences and econmics for example), our graduate programs are considered to be much better.


Jan 13, 2002
K Douglas, Someone, your points are all valid. However, you guys are all speaking from the Canadian perspecive. Having spent about three weeks in Beijing, Shanghai, Xian and Changsai late last year, I can share my knowledge about modern day China with you guys:

(1) The problem about the education in China is simple - there is just not enough space(at all levels) for those who are academically qualified. In China, the secondary school is divided into

(a) junior high schools(grade 7 - grade 9) and
(b) senior high schools(grade 10 - grade 12)

Each year, there is only enough senior high school space for 40% of the grade 9 students upon completing junior high. Among senior high school graduates, only 25% can be admitted to University or colleges. Obviously, the government place a higher priority on military then on education

As you know, there are always some senior schools whicch stand out academically. In some Chinese cities, the government is so greedy that they simply priviatized those top notch high schools, which means students from low-income families are virtually shut out.

(2) Basically, there are three kinds of employment in China

(a)employment with government, state-owned enterprise , or such profession as teachers, nurses, doctors, policemen, ..etc . Basically, it is a communism setting.

(b) employment with foreign companies(private or public), multinational companies such as Xerox, Wal-Mart, IBM, Microsoft, General Motors,..etc. In other words, it is a capitalism setting.

(c)entrepreneurs, be your own boss Again, it is capitalism

The economic reform in China which started in the early 90s, created a new economic class of wealthy Chinese from (b) and (c) above. So, nowadays, many chinese parents can afford to send their kids to North America to study.

Some of them are good enough to be admitted to first -rate universities in North Amercia such as those Ivy League schools, Stanford, MIT, U of T, Western Ontario,..etc .

The Chinese students studying in North Amercia, realize that when they return to China, regardless of what university they study at, they will have one advantage of those who remain in China for university- their command of the English language is far superior. A good command of the English langauge is a real advantage if they want to pursue employment with multinational companies in China.

On ther hand, if they remain Canada, and become a Canadian citizen, it is unlikely that they will have any edge over Canadian born students.

So, if they understand this, it shouldn't be a surprise that so many chinese students are eager to return to their homeland upon graduation.


Jan 13, 2002
beefy4me, your post reflects your IQ, which is probably the same as your dick size, eh, less than 5 in. ? :D
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