The Lies That Led to War


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Yes, that is a very good piece of journalism. The lies are all documented. Very revealing.


Jun 29, 2003
amazing how this could happen today the american people need to take a long hard look at how and whom they vote for.


Particle Physics Dude
Jan 16, 2006
Never saw this report until now. Thank you to the opening poster.

So many people are in denial over this and I'm not really sure why. Perhaps it's the biased media, blind trust in their leaders or fear of the doomsday scenarios? I really don't know but this is extremely sad.

Von Wigglestaff

Rock me Amadeus
Jan 23, 2004
Takeshi Castle
As long as they have their cookouts and cable televisions, most Americans don't care about Iraq. As long as Americans aren't shown the body bags they'll remain contented.

It's not the first time the USA used selective intelligence. Remember the communist witch hunts of the 40's and 50's; at the same time J Edgar Hooover was publicly stating that the mafia didn't exist.

...oh and I'd love to have a menage-a-trois with Anne Coulter and Patricia Heaton!


Sep 19, 2006
Very interesting.

These are views held by the rest of the world for sometime. Now, at last, Americans are starting to ask themselves the same questions.

Perhaps more frightening, it shows how fragile US democracy is and how easily a dedicated cell of warmongers, with enough money behind them, can manipulate the system, take control of the world’s most powerful country and wreak havoc.:eek:

The land of the Free?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Great show.

I clicked on it and thought, "39 minutes, fuck that"

But I couldn't shut it off. It connects the dots very nicely. In some ways, there is very little new documentary there since I was aware of most of the examples of hipocrisy on it - no WMD, no nukes, the US backing Saddam in the past and giving him WMP and other aid, that 911 had nothing to do with Iraq or Saddam.

I wasn't aware of the reason that they outed Joe Wilson's wife (he wrote an article in the NY Times refuting some of the neocon's claims) etc. That was revealing.

All in all, they did a great job connecting the dots and the lasting impression you have is that these guys are a bunch of clever morons who manipulated the system but truly believed that they could effect democratic changes in the middle east.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Where does one even begin? Save, to say that this is a "round up the usual suspects production."

Boiled down it all involves differences of interpretation - "CBC's opinion correct, the Government of the U.S. wrong." The only slight problem is who says that the CBC's version is the truth other than the CBC.

It's equivalent to saying the Conservatives are correct in everything, and the NDP wrong in everything. You or I may feel that to be true, and vote accordingly, but is it objectively so - most thinking people would say no.

Plus as has been said by now ad nauseum. Many governmental officials around the world and in the U.S. including those who disagreed with the U.S. Administration felt that the Iraqis had chemical weapons and were working on nuclear weapons. How if this was conventional thought was the U.S. administration lying, any more than those in December 1941 who were convinced that the Japanese would attack Singapore before they would attack Hawaii lying.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
My all time favourite lie that started a war:

"Sure I'll call you in the morning."


Sep 17, 2002
CBC or not, you cant argue with much of what is siad. The world is more dangerous now than pre 911. The USA had the world on side for once, but they blew it...


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I disagree with the world being more dangerous. There has been war, strife, terrorism, ethnic slaughter and a lot more going on for ever. During the cold war, most of the wars didn't involve the US directly but the dangers were much higher than they are now.

With today's connectivity, we just find out a lot more about it. (and more Americans are being killed)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Did anyone include: "I did not have sex with that woman"?

Let us not for get WAG THE DOG and Bill


Particle Physics Dude
Jan 16, 2006
papasmerf said:
Did anyone include: "I did not have sex with that woman"?

Let us not for get WAG THE DOG and Bill
Not sure what this has to do with their argument. This is about the decision to invade Iraq.

When you set out to overthrow a regime (that your previous government once backed and sold arms to btw), you sure as hell better know what you're getting into. Apparently they didn't. So now, a country's infrastructure is in shambles, 10's of thousands of innocent people have suffered and died, the states have forgotten about "innocent until proven" guilty and have sent people to other countries knowing full well they may be tortured, god knows how many dollars have been spent on this war, Iran's become even more of a threat, and they've lost much global support that they had when 9/11 hit. Call it lies, call it presenting information they thought were correct - whatever you call it, I don't care. They messed up but sadly, Bush and company still think they did the right thing.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
iluvquarks said:
Not sure what this has to do with their argument. This is about the decision to invade Iraq.

When you set out to overthrow a regime (that your previous government once backed and sold arms to btw), you sure as hell better know what you're getting into. Apparently they didn't. So now, a country's infrastructure is in shambles, 10's of thousands of innocent people have suffered and died, the states have forgotten about "innocent until proven" guilty and have sent people to other countries knowing full well they may be tortured, god knows how many dollars have been spent on this war, Iran's become even more of a threat, and they've lost much global support that they had when 9/11 hit. Call it lies, call it presenting information they thought were correct - whatever you call it, I don't care. They messed up but sadly, Bush and company still think they did the right thing.
You need to look to root causes

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
iluvquarks said:
Not sure what this has to do with their argument. This is about the decision to invade Iraq.

When you set out to overthrow a regime (that your previous government once backed and sold arms to btw), you sure as hell better know what you're getting into. Apparently they didn't. So now, a country's infrastructure is in shambles, 10's of thousands of innocent people have suffered and died, the states have forgotten about "innocent until proven" guilty and have sent people to other countries knowing full well they may be tortured, god knows how many dollars have been spent on this war, Iran's become even more of a threat, and they've lost much global support that they had when 9/11 hit. Call it lies, call it presenting information they thought were correct - whatever you call it, I don't care. They messed up but sadly, Bush and company still think they did the right thing.
Nothing will happen to Bush and company.


It's no different than what Reagan did (Selling arms to Iran and using the money to fund his pet projects.)

All the neocons will do is wrap themselves up in the flag and claim that they were doing it for love of country and they'll get a pass.

Saddly, it would take an illicit blow job to bring Bush to justice. Please, someone give W a blow job already.


Apr 24, 2005
The real tragedy of Iraq is that the U.S. overthrew a stable dictatorship in a country where the population is simply not ready (and may never be ready) for democracy. Unfortunately, too many people in Iraq believe that killing is the solution to solving problems. Yes, yes I know it is so politically incorrect and unfashionable to blame the Iraqis for their inability to live in peace with each other and use non-violent means to solve problems. Much easier to blame the U.S. for all their problems.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Binky said:
Excellent analysis of past flawed US foreign policy and how it led to the present US Middle East Debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The reports gives an very good history of the main culprits behind all this mayhem, the far rightwing 'neocons' who have hi-jacked the GOP in the USA.
Colin Powell, one of the few voices of reason and sanity in the GWB administration, knew these neocons well when Colin referred to them as a bunch of 'Fucking Crazies' and couple years ago.

To this day those neocons have not forgiven Colin for his expert candor on them.
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