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The Jewish problem, according to Theodorakis


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
That's a good one bugsy!! A little humour to lighten the atmosphere in a very serious thread. Otherwise we have to depend on the laughable positions taken by some of our intolerant "friends"!


Mar 14, 2004
bbking said:
Expansionist policy - trying to change history are we.

This article is a fair assessment of the developements prior to the war. Can Israel be called an aggressor, maybe but considering the aggressive political moves made by various near by enemies no wonder they attacked. I only bring this up because it occured in 1967 and is the only land they expanded too.
Add to that the whole land for peace deal with the eqyptians. For the past 25 years, the majority of israelis would be more than happy to return the west bank and gaza in return for a GUARENTEED peace.

They could have gotten rid of gaza after '73 but egypt didn't want to have to deal with a destitute and independent minded population. Jordan as well could have negotiated for the west bank when they agreed to peace with israel but they were having enough problems with their own palestinian population.

The palestinians are between a rock and a hard place but if their leadership were able (or willing) to offer a mutual peace, the the hawks in israel would have little support except for th religous zionists who fully belive in their biblical lands in "Samaria" Unfortunately, it's probably too late for this.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Selina said:
Perry Mason, you are certainly no Perry Mason........
Can you not recognize a simple typo for what it is?
Why must you fear malice lurking behind every contrary opinion?
Believe me, if malice was my intention, it would be blatant, severe and unrepentant.............
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks�

Now, why would anyone reading what you write suspect malice, eh?

Or are you saying there is nothing subtle about you? :p

So sorry about this, but BUGSY!! Your PM box is full! Please PM, email, IM or call?


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
No need to be sorry - Morgan - your post here makes alot more sense than most of the others!


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Arafat is a terrorist through and through. Everyone knows it but worldwide Jewish hatred spurs him on and gains him supporters no matter what he does.

Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
Arafat is responsible for his own behaviour. It is NOT caused by worldwide Jewish hatred. If he spent half the time he does in inciting hatred in working at peace and responsible/representative government to the Palestinians, the region would be in a lot better shape. He had the opportunity of a lifetime when Clinton got the two sides talking and agreeing and Arafat and his people blew it. You can't claim you're brokering peace out of one side of your mouth, while you're supporting terror and murder out of the other side. Blaming the victim is a sick, twisted, worn out phenomenon that bears little truth.


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Kathy P said:
Arafat is responsible for his own behaviour. It is NOT caused by worldwide Jewish hatred. If he spent half the time he does in inciting hatred in working at peace and responsible/representative government to the Palestinians, the region would be in a lot better shape. He had the opportunity of a lifetime when Clinton got the two sides talking and agreeing and Arafat and his people blew it. You can't claim you're brokering peace out of one side of your mouth, while you're supporting terror and murder out of the other side. Blaming the victim is a sick, twisted, worn out phenomenon that bears little truth.
This is all B.S
What arafat was offered fell short of what one can consider a soveriegn state. Thats why the political wording changed to VIABLE state and the notion of soveriegnty was removed. He would have had to accept, about 80% of the land the UN mandates through its resolutions, and most of it would have been dotted with settlements, alot of isolated islands is what he would have gotten, he would have to give up water rights, rights to air space and much more..this notion that he was offered 97% land mass is utter lies......
Funny how israeli's always mention that their state was created by the UN and hence should be respected, but when it comes to UN resolutions regarding the borders of this land, their memories fail them........Aparthied, oh noooo


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
RE: Theodorakis and the board members reactions

Aren't we all guilty of the same thing? Lumping groups of human beings in together and displaying our intolerance and bias.

Are all Jews, Israelis? And are all Israelis right-wing, and are all right-wing Israelis for expansionism and the repression of the Palestinians? So in debating Israeli political policy does it equate to the "Jews"?

What about referring to "Anti-Semitic Europeans" or French surrender monkeys or Germans being Nazis?

Many like to equate the current American administration's foreign policy with "idiot" Americans. When in fact many if not most Americans are against this policy.

The Anti- prefix has lost it's meaning due to doublespeak, and it's use to validate or negate a personal agenda.

This is human nature.

What Theodorakis said was hateful. To say that "Jews" are in anyway connected to "evil" is very hateful. People need to learn to say what they mean or accept that others will fill in the blanks with their own biases.

It seems that Theodorakis takes exception to the fact that it is not exactly what you know, but whom you know. Hey life is a bitch, better get use to it. The very people who protest the most about this when they get the chance engage in cronyism themselves. Also if you burn your bridges you might just fuck yourself over. If I go and tell my boss that his kids are evil incarnate, or moonlight for the competition, should I be surprised if he no longer seeks my services? If I feel so strongly I guess I’ll have to pay the price. Either by going through the effort and setting up my own orchestra, or else to shut the fuck up and play by the rules of the game.

PS: There is no need to get hot under the collar. A Semite is not necessarily a "Jew". However anti-Semitism has come to be commonly understood as being against Jews.

Just MHO. :p


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
bbking said:
As pleased as I was to see some small steps to peace by both Sharon and Arafat, I fear that true peace between Isreal and the Palistinians are two well placed heart attacks away.

Unfortunately there will always be another to step up and take their place.


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
Re: Re: RE: Theodorakis and the board members reactions

bbking said:
Since when did you become a peacekeeper.
Shhh! We do not want to dispel my shitdisturber reputation.

bbking said:
I don't know Tom, I see your point that we all have our bias but I think in the case of the Jews they have a right to be a little sensitive about this issue.
More than say the blacks? That is like saying your pain is a priority over my pain. It is biased and bigoted in reverse. And as if "some" have never thought to use the "race" card. But hey that is just human nature.

bbking said:
The problem with this composer's view is that it is the latest and trendiest way of practicing this form of bigotry - the intellectual argument. The person who makes the argument claims no malice, that they are just making a statement of facts - but when you boil down these facts the bigotry is open for all to see.

Yup it is for all to see. So what was your point about "intellectual argument"? It didn't sound too "intellectual" to me. It was pretty blatant. Or do you mean because it was an "esteemed" person who was making these racist statements that it is more dangerous because of his supposed legitimacy due to his fame?

Also the so called "intellectual argument" has always been around as the tool of propagandists, nothing new or trendy there, IMHO.

Was that being a shitdisturber enough for you? :D


New member
Aug 30, 2004
0 the article he is quoted as saying "the jews problem was they did not accept christ", he is a religious bigot, end of story. By that reasoning most of humanity has a "problem". God save us from religion.


New member
Nov 2, 2001
bbking said:
How the hell is this aparthied - aparthied was a seris of laws designed to seperate races from each other and keep the wealth amongst the white race of South Africa. Please two seperate issues here.
I'm going to stop short of saying that Israel is an apartheid state but some of their policies are sure close enough to it...

95% of Israel's land is open to economic development by Jews only.

It is illegal for a Jewish Israeli to marry a Palestinian.

In the West Bank there are seperate roads for Jews and non-Jews.

On the ID cards it is mandatory to have ones religion on it.

License plates have different colours for Jews and non-Jews.

Communities are routinely starved by curfews and economic blockades.

Just a few of some of the policies that the theocratic state of Israel employs.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
No, not factually wrong. Israeli Arabs do make up 20% of the population and they do own 3% of the land. Jews make up 80% of the population of Israel but own only 3.5% of the land!

Consider the figures:

% of Israeli population % of land owned in Israel

Arabs 20% 3%

Jews 80% 3.5%

93.5% of land in Israel is state-owned or state-controlled. Only 6.5% is available for private purchase. Of that, a disproportionately high share is held by Arabs. The other 93.5% cannot be sold, it can only be leased to the general public, whether Muslim, Christian or Jewish.


Jan 17, 2004
Who says that TERB is just for discussing SP's and MPA's ?

We could solve the world's serious problems using this board...
There are obviously lots of intelligent, articulate members out there.

WRT religion: Thank God I'm an atheist ! LOL


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
Re: RE: Theodorakis and the board members reactions

tompeepin said:
Aren't we all guilty of the same thing? Lumping groups of human beings in together and displaying our intolerance and bias.

Are all Jews, Israelis? And are all Israelis right-wing, and are all right-wing Israelis for expansionism and the repression of the Palestinians? So in debating Israeli political policy does it equate to the "Jews"?

What about referring to "Anti-Semitic Europeans" or French surrender monkeys or Germans being Nazis?

Many like to equate the current American administration's foreign policy with "idiot" Americans. When in fact many if not most Americans are against this policy.

The Anti- prefix has lost it's meaning due to doublespeak, and it's use to validate or negate a personal agenda.

This is human nature.

What Theodorakis said was hateful. To say that "Jews" are in anyway connected to "evil" is very hateful. People need to learn to say what they mean or accept that others will fill in the blanks with their own biases.

It seems that Theodorakis takes exception to the fact that it is not exactly what you know, but whom you know. Hey life is a bitch, better get use to it. The very people who protest the most about this when they get the chance engage in cronyism themselves. Also if you burn your bridges you might just fuck yourself over. If I go and tell my boss that his kids are evil incarnate, or moonlight for the competition, should I be surprised if he no longer seeks my services? If I feel so strongly I guess I’ll have to pay the price. Either by going through the effort and setting up my own orchestra, or else to shut the fuck up and play by the rules of the game.

PS: There is no need to get hot under the collar. A Semite is not necessarily a "Jew". However anti-Semitism has come to be commonly understood as being against Jews.

Just MHO. :p
Excellent post. Generalizing our views, is something we all do because its a survival mechanism. If a tiger walked into our livingrooms we would most likely turn and jump out the window. Our reaction is based on our limited and generalized view of what we know about tigers. Our view is a generalization we adopted about all tigers. We generalize people into groups in the same way, based on what we know about them. And unfortunately, what we know about them maybe very limited or influenced by the bias of our peer groups. The result can easily manifest into hate even if the reasons for hate have long been lost. We generalize way too much, but than again we need it to survive. Second guessing if a particular tiger that happened to wonder into your livingroom is dangerous or not, could result in your death. And without generalizing we would all suffer from information overload. So how do we overcome the hate-fest that conflicts like the middle east have created? I suggest we turn generalizations into more diverse views. If we're taking the time to hate, then we can afford the time to learn. Unlike the tiger situation, we have the luxury of time in this case. And spending the time to learn the views of the many, I find, builds tolerance and generalizes into a more informed view.


New member
Jan 22, 2003
assoholic said:
No, not factually wrong. Israeli Arabs do make up 20% of the population and they do own 3% of the land. Jews make up 80% of the population of Israel but own only 3.5% of the land!

Consider the figures:

% of Israeli population % of land owned in Israel

Arabs 20% 3%

Jews 80% 3.5%

93.5% of land in Israel is state-owned or state-controlled. Only 6.5% is available for private purchase. Of that, a disproportionately high share is held by Arabs. The other 93.5% cannot be sold, it can only be leased to the general public, whether Muslim, Christian or Jewish.
Arabs are only 10%, 14 if you count the druze and bedouins. Do your stats cover settlements ? who owns that ?

Religion ? my opinion might get me banned... lets just say they are all nice stories... Big bang theory anyone ?


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
Re: Re: RE: Theodorakis and the board members reactions

*d* said:
Excellent post. Generalizing our views, is something we all do because its a survival mechanism. ... I suggest we turn generalizations into more diverse views. If we're taking the time to hate, then we can afford the time to learn. Unlike the tiger situation, we have the luxury of time in this case. And spending the time to learn the views of the many, I find, builds tolerance and generalizes into a more informed view.
I agree with you. However we are missing one vital element in this picture. The manipulation of the masses' human nature/instinct via propaganda so as to advance one's own interests. This is very much at play on both sides. In the end it is human nature in itself to try and get the upper hand. That is why the media is such a useful tool. How did we even come to know about Theodorakis' views? Do you see how this has developed well beyond basic survival mechanism, into the realm of propaganda for hegemony.
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