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The Illuminati: a Canadian Connection

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
The only way you will find out is to

A. Join them.
B. Research them.

When you start to hear clicks when you pick up the phone, or see the same guy every day outside your may be on to something. People who are discreditted as freaks and liers that report on this stuff, are probably on to something. Whenever you think you are almost there, rethink what you see. The symbolism used is often the opposite of what you are led to believe.

For example, black cats, the # 13, 666 are actually all good luck symbols to the Secret sects, we have been told they are unlucky in fables and stories to lead us away from the truth. The greatest Pagan festival of all, is of course All Hallows Eve, which every year is designed to scare our children into thinking that Witches and Goblins are out to get them...
By the way, both Bush' are 33 degree Masons and are members of the Skulls and Bones that you mentioned earlier. The movie was great but they lead you to believe that NO group like that could ever exist!

Chivas Regal
Jan 7, 2003
#13 = good luck?

That was the day Jacques DeMolay was burnt at the stake for not renouncing his beliefs, one of which being that Christ is not the son of God or God for that matter.

Also, the Shroud of Turin was used to wrap DeMolay's body after he was tortured. The stuff they used to whiten cloth had a reaction with the lactic acid-filled sweat that oozed out of his pores, thus creating the image that you see in the photos taken of the shroud.

DeMolay was the Grand Master of the Knights Templars at the time of his torture, for those who were wondering.

Much was found apparently, beneath the Dome of the Rock. Folklore states that it now resides beneath Rosslynn in Scotland, along with the mumified bodies of the original Templar Knights who discovered whatever it was that was found...

There is a corner stone...

As steeped in tradition and history as they are, the lodge and other orders have simply degenerated into male knitting circles. There is no conspiracy!!!!!!


New member
Nov 30, 2003
From somewhere in my head I have the shakey recollection that it was the holy grail and some of the original files taken from Atlantis regarding a form of energy or an accident regarding the energy which reshaped the earth and lead to the sinking of Atlantis. I like to discuss things that tweek my interest however I cannot say for sure if this tid bit came from a book or if it is from other sources as don't recall exactly.


Still Horny, Horny, Horny
Oct 12, 2002
I think we've lost the direction in this topic. Does anyone have any positive/negative proof that things exist? I for one am very interested in this type of information, and would like to know others experiences with groups that carry on with secrets.

I'm currently reading a book about the Knights Templar and Rosslyn, and find it very stimulating in only the first two chapters.

So. Back to the original question, where's the Canadian Connection?
Jan 7, 2003
If my memory serves me...

BSR said:
So. Back to the original question, where's the Canadian Connection?
I believe the Tyler's chair at the old/former John Ross Robertson lodge was carved out of the original beam of the first lodge in England. Then again, I could be mistaken on the actual facts...

I'm betting that isn't quite the connection you had in mind...


New member
Nov 21, 2001
JeremytheWicked said:
Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I have to recommend the book The Stargate Conspiracy

Ties up alot of loose end sand makes you go "hmmm"

P.S. The Rosicrucians will take you in if you pay $$$
Loose ends...the X-Files tried to do that at least three times a year during Sweeps...didn't help much. <s>

Some tying up loose ends are only going to lead to more questions...



New member
Nov 3, 2003
The following books will shed a bit of light but it is not the complete answer:

Rosslyn - Tim Walace-Murphy/Marylyn Hopkins
Uriel's Machine - Christopher Knight/Robert Lomas
The Meaning Of Masonry - W.L. Wilmshurst (PM 275; Past provincial Grand Registrar)
The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail - Michael Bagent (sp?)
Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock (my fave)
The Nostradamus Code - David Ovason
The Hiram Key - Christopher Knight/Robert Lomas
The Second Messiah - Christopher Knight/Robert Lomas
The History of Freemasonry - can't remember the author but it's a blue hardcover book and it's ancient... a tough, slow read but very informative to those with a bit of understanding.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
Back to the original question...its funny that no one has mentioned Mr. Blacks recent fall from grace. Once the shining star of 'The Canadian Establishment'
*hint*, by Peter C Newman, poor Conrad is being pressured to sell. Just like his idol Napolean Bonaparte, he will be in excile.

Chivas Regal
Last edited:


Still Horny, Horny, Horny
Oct 12, 2002
I'm actually reading "The Second Messiah" right now...It's pretty good. But what makes it even more interesting is that I read "Dude, Where's my Country" by Micheal Moore just before, and it makes you think a lot about conspiracies. I guess, though, I'll never "rule the world" as my father wants me to. You'd think by the time I'm 30, he'd have given me the reins already. (LOL) Do you think Victoria is holding onto the throne because Charles is incompetent with the secrets of the Kingdom? In "The Second Messiah", there's reference to another family that should've become the UK's leading family (don't remember who, at the moment). Ah...We could sit here all night. But where to find the truth?
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