The "Head up my butt" game! Staring Colonel Sanders!


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
If I am not mistaken, God gave man dominion over the earth, plants and animals... the activists are against us exercising that dominion..... therefore the activists must be the anti-Christ
Assuming that "activists" adhere to the "teachings" of Christianity, it seems to me they would only be exercising their power over their domain. Since when did ruling over something not include respect and preservation of it, if one is so inclined.

In other words, I think the idea was to look after the planet ...

PS eeeeh ghaaad, I never thought I'd be doing bible interpretations.
Sheik! I know, I know...

Thank you for the advice Kwong, it's my second evening and first 24 hours of being a vegetarian. I havent even consumed any dairy products. I'm not sure which type of vegetarian I'm going to be. Whether I cut out dairy and fish, and if I can (Yes, I day) give up my leather coat.

I'm not opposed to people eating meat, or animals being mudered *ahem* I mean killed for food. I'm opposed to the torture and sickness that alot of the animals go through before their lives are over and they end up in a McDonalds freezer or on WIYD's plate.

EAT MEAT, YUMMY- GO AHEAD! But, please keep in mind how truly unhealthy it is for a person to consume the meat of animals which are killed in the manners in which I've mentioned in my many previous posts.

~Vanessa the Vegetarian


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Re: Re: Re: The "Head up my butt" game! Staring Colonel Sanders!

Miss Valentine said:
***Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the American Meal
by Eric Schlosser, Eric Schiosser***and "what really lurks between those sesame-seed buns." Eater beware: forget your concerns about cholesterol, there is--literally--feces in your meat. ***

That is sad and disgusting!

How amusing you quote that passage.

There's a section in the book that mentions a study where they compared a toilet bowl and the kitchen sink belonging to a household that had high consuption of meat looking for fecal bacteria.

They actually found more fecal bacteria on the sink then in the toilet bowl!


Re: Re: Re: Re: The "Head up my butt" game! Staring Colonel Sanders!

djk said:
How amusing you quote that passage.

There's a section in the book that mentions a study where they compared a toilet bowl and the kitchen sink belonging to a household that had high consuption of meat looking for fecal bacteria.

They actually found more fecal bacteria on the sink then in the toilet bowl!


Oh good Lord, have mercy...That is sick. Oh my goodness, are you serious???



New member
Aug 29, 2001


Re: Re: The "Head up my butt" game! Staring Colonel Sanders!

Magister said:
Alternatively, you can check out the other PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) :D
Thanks Magister

I found the hatemail very humorous... but to be honest I would expect nothing less from those radical activists.. too bad they don't have a sense of humour

Hatemail regarding


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The "Head up my butt" game! Staring Colonel Sanders!

Miss Valentine said:
Oh good Lord, have mercy...That is sick. Oh my goodness, are you serious???


Here's another stomach-turning fact.

Did you know McDonalds opened up in a shopping complex not too far from the Nazi camp Dachau and was distributing thousands of leaflets among tourists in the camp's parking lot.

It got so bad, the curator of the Dachau Museum actually complained.

The leaflets read -- "Welcome to Dachau, and welcome to McDonalds."

Fast Food Nation is a must read. Even if you're not the animal lover type, the day-to-day business practices of the beef/poultry/meat and fast food industry is enough to offend anyone, imo.

Give the book a preview before you buy --




New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
A few random ( and not necessarily well thought out ) musings .

1. What is the logic of not drinking milk ? I thought dairy cows were actually in pain if they weren't milked on time .

1a. I mean it's not like the domestic cow was meant to roam "free" . They wouldn't last one winter . Remember what happened to "Free Willy ".

2. So what is PETA's position vis a vis other carnivores ? Wolves , mountain lions , grizzlies....... Do they just think that the humans shouldn't eat meat ? Do they go out and spray paint bears ? Picket forests ?

3. So....have you thrown away all your leather belts , shoes etc ? Don't rubber shoes promote atheletes foot? You would probably look pretty good in vinyl .

4. Is an omelete .....ah , um , an abortion on toast ?

5. What is everyone on Atkins going to do ? Did a Peta member push him on that icey sidewalk last winter ? What about diabetics ?

6. Stop eating honey the bees from slavery .

7. Is BBBJTC considered dairy ?

8 . If we stop eating meat . How many generations before our teeth are all molars ?
Last edited:

Dr Watchsom

New member
Aug 28, 2003
on top of miranda
Vanessa if your so much againsed abuse of animals I guess you'll stop wearing makup, using deoderent, dying your hair, wearing patent leather shoes, or taking life saving drugs if god forbid you should get sick. I admire anyone that makes a healthy choice in their life, but, if you going to be an animal hugger I think you should go all the way


New member
Mar 13, 2003
Vanessa i wouldnt take the peta stuff to seriously.
they are way out there.
actually they use a roger moore section in thier movies
the piece from the rabbit farm.
cant remember the movie maybe it was rodger and me came out a bunch of years ago.

i buy most of my beef from a private guy small hobby farm.
but good luck on the vegitarianism
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