Toronto Girlfriends
Ashley Madison

The "Head up my butt" game! Staring Colonel Sanders!

How many terb readers are Vegetarians???

Check out this site:

on the left hand side of this website, you'll find a picture of a bucket of KFC with Colonel Sanders (of KFC fame)'s head sticking out of the top. Click on the bucket of chicken and play the HEAD UP MY BUTT GAME!

I've decided to try the way of the vegetarian after reading horrifying facts that I found on the following websites:

Pamela Anderson is a vegetarian, strong supporter of animal rights and a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) spokesperson. Check out this link for a sexy and bold statement, a few of the many that Miss Anderson has posed for PETA.

Wish me luck...I'm going to miss my chicken and shrimp.



I think it is more important that we learn to make sure that all people have "humane" living and dying conditions

until then I like my steak rare and my chicken wings very hot.. and my tiger prawn fresh, as well as my sea turtle.. well I have only had that stewed

I could not imagine life without meat.. good luck to you V


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
free video

In case you fall of the waggon so to speak or have any doubts ...

Meet Your Meat

The mellow-dramatic narration is annoying but you get the point. Obviously the footage will be bias, but that doesn't negate the existence of what you see. It makes hunting look humane in comparison, doesn't it.

I suppose there's three options, aside from killing your own food. Become a vegan. Try to eat food that you think is raised and/or killed humanely, or just accept that it's easier to live with yer head stuck up yer ass.

It's a very personal decision, but I think, admirable. I'd go as far as to say a "turn on" to me. If only I could be less of a hypocrite. Possibly being aware and continuing to consume meat and byproducts is worse than having no compassion and/or doing life the head up ass way.

etc etc


Aug 16, 2003
Another great vegetarian restaurant....

'Juice for Life' on Bloor St., just east of Bathurst. Interesting atmosphere and menu selection and great food!
Tonight was my first evening without meat...

I stuck to sushi in Yorkville, vegetarian chilli and hummus at 7 West.

I'd like to stay away from dairy products, but I think that I'll have better luck staying faithful to my new way of life by taking baby steps. I'm not ready to give up my new leather coat...

I actually teared up when I read the articles on slaughter houses, and KFC. Even if I wanted to eat meat again, I dont think I could. Just the thought of eating a burger makes me sick. I'd rather have visions of Pamela Anderson in that lettuce bikini, than Colonel Sanders with his head up his ass...


Dr Watchsom

New member
Aug 28, 2003
on top of miranda
Chickens are bread for eating and have been for hundreds of years so lets not feel too sorry for them. And as far as peta is concerned, They are just a bunch of extremests and wackos who use children to make there point. I love meat and always will nothing like a big jucey steak, or BBQ chicken or rack of ribs to make a meal. Man has been eating meat since the beginning of time we are at the top of the food chain. Enjoy


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Miss Valentine said:
How many terb readers are Vegetarians???

Check out this site:

on the left hand side of this website, you'll find a picture of a bucket of KFC with Colonel Sanders (of KFC fame)'s head sticking out of the top. Click on the bucket of chicken and play the HEAD UP MY BUTT GAME!

I've decided to try the way of the vegetarian after reading horrifying facts that I found on the following websites:

Pamela Anderson is a vegetarian, strong supporter of animal rights and a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) spokesperson. Check out this link for a sexy and bold statement, a few of the many that Miss Anderson has posed for PETA.

Wish me luck...I'm going to miss my chicken and shrimp.

Read Fast Food Nation --

It was a real eye-opener, everything from big beef's antitrust practices, the poor training slaughterhouse employees receive, the fast food industry's lack of concern for its customers or employees, schools being sold out to coke, mcdonalds or pepsi, etc, etc.

Worried about mad cow? I'm worried about E:coli:0157:H7.

Did you know that feedlot ranchers in the US feed their cattle euthanized cats and dogs?




pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
meat good

Dr Watchsom said:
Chickens are bread for eating and have been for hundreds of years so lets not feel too sorry for them.
Just because they have been bred for bread for so long, I somehow don't think they get used to it.

There are many things that were once considered perfectly acceptable, which are no longer tolerated by todays general morality.

How many people find it barbaric and condemn other cultures who eat cats, dogs and other animals which we deem somehow more valuable. Essentially there is no difference from eating lamb, deer, pigs etc, it's just that cultures develop differently.

As for Peta, they are extremists. It doesn't make them crazy or negate from their stance. It's extremists and others who adhere to similar ideals to some degree that help keep the balance and to ensure that the meat we eat is kept within a reasonable standard of safety for consumption. I also believe that the opposing extreme is necessary to maintain balance within the current social structure we live in ( the common good )

I can't say I "love" eating meat as such. I love eating pussy. I somewhat enjoy certain meats. I did, in fact, attempt to become a vegetarian as a teenager, but it's not that easy in a society where vegetarians are a minority; both on a level of convenience and maintaining an adequate level of nutrition

I'm not sure about "since the beginning of time", but it seems neanderthals were meat eaters and that the early homosapians were hunters and gatherers. The thing is that although we are at the top of the food chain we also have evolved with the ability for compassion and choice. Being humans gives us power and control over other species, but I think we have a responsibility not to abuse that power.

I find myself at odds on this subject. We are supposed to be civilised, but what is more civilised; hunting our own food or buying our meat prepackaged which was raised in what are basically inhumane conditions for the most part. Most people give little thought as to how it was killed. It may be an ordered state of society, but I'm not sure it could be said to have "advanced" from primitive thinking just because we no longer have to face up to killing our own meat and it comes in a fancy package.

I'm not condemning anyone's choice, but just question the logic ...


Ok.. lets assume that all the companies give in and improve the conditions for the animals we eat.. the activists want the animals to live in the same conditions and have the same rights as humans. Eventually the argument will be... It is not moral nor acceptable to raise and kill humans as food so we should not kill animals to eat either.

I guess they neglect the fact that the human animal is an omnivor and that it is perfectly natural in the animal world for there to be a food chain... we just happen to be near the top of the food chain.. right under bacteria & viruses

it does not really matter to me that most baby cows never see daylight before they are slaughtered so that we may have veal
Dr Watchsom said:
Chickens are bread for eating and have been for hundreds of years so lets not feel too sorry for them. And as far as peta is concerned, They are just a bunch of extremests and wackos who use children to make there point.
I do feel sorry for any living creature that can experience pain and suffering, especially at the hands of savages who, even though there are more humane ways to end their lives to feed human beings, choose to torture and mame these creatures because it's easier.

I'm not against eating meat. That is completely your choice. I use to love eating meat as much as the next carnivore, but after reading these articles and failed attempts at Vegetarianism in the past, I simply feel sick at the thought. So I've decided to try my best to keep away from meat.

If you had read the articles, you'd see that not only are the killings inhumane, the actually conditions of the pigs, chickens, cows, etc "living quarters" are filled with feces, which builds up and turns into amonia. Your future dinner's lungs are filled with freaking amonia which cant be good for the rest of it's internal organs, blood and meat which you will end up chewing on the next time you roll into the Keg.

The animals are injected with growth hormones and you're eating it's poisoned meat. Where do you think some cancers come from?

My initial post wasnt to attack meat eaters or gross people out with the facts, but it'sstarting to seem that wayand I feel bad...

WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
Ok.. lets assume that all the companies give in and improve the conditions for the animals we eat.. the activists want the animals to live in the same conditions and have the same rights as humans. Eventually the argument will be... It is not moral nor acceptable to raise and kill humans as food so we should not kill animals to eat either.

I guess they neglect the fact that the human animal is an omnivor and that it is perfectly natural in the animal world for there to be a food chain... we just happen to be near the top of the food chain.. right under bacteria & viruses

it does not really matter to me that most baby cows never see daylight before they are slaughtered so that we may have veal
Activists at PETA donot expect animals to be living in posh condos or town homes and become your neighbor here in Toronto, WIYD. They understand that meat is for alot of people. It's proven that humans can survive and be healthier with a diet which doesnt include artery clogging meat. Anyways, Instead of genocide, by throwing mass amounts of live chickens ( after they've been injected with growth hormones for weeks to plump up their meat, to the point that their tiny legs cannot support their huge upper bodies- their bones and legs become painfully deformed, etc) into boiling water as an easy way to de-feather them, there are ways to euthenize animals without the suffering. It's simply the treatment of animals that disgusts me.

Re: Re: The "Head up my butt" game! Staring Colonel Sanders!

djk said:
Read Fast Food Nation --

It was a real eye-opener, everything from big beef's antitrust practices, the poor training slaughterhouse employees receive, the fast food industry's lack of concern for its customers or employees, schools being sold out to coke, mcdonalds or pepsi, etc, etc.
***Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the American Meal
by Eric Schlosser, Eric Schiosser***and "what really lurks between those sesame-seed buns." Eater beware: forget your concerns about cholesterol, there is--literally--feces in your meat. ***

Did you know that feedlot ranchers in the US feed their cattle euthanized cats and dogs?
That is sad and disgusting!



pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
WhOiSyOdAdDy? said:
it does not really matter to me that most baby cows never see daylight before they are slaughtered so that we may have veal
Your arguement is very compelling, Daddyio. In what direction, I'm not entirely sure.


Sheik said:
Heck we even eat their tongues. Very little of the cow goes to waste.
I like a little tongue!!

I have not tried tripe yet though.. I don't know if I could stomach it!

i don;t think any of the cow goes to waste.. what is not used... goes to the rendering plant and is used in animal feed

rendering... what an interesting process


Always with my Member
Aug 23, 2001
Always in the Groove...
I don't understand why people are opposed to eating meat. Sonething still has to die for people to eat. Why is the life of a carrot worth less than the life of a cow?

I know that there are bad operators out there that treat the animals they raise for food badly, but that, IMNSHO, is not enough of a reason to stop eating meat.

Also, in harvesting plants for food, animals still die. How? The machines that gather the plants from the fields kill whatever animals that are in their path when the harvest the crops goes on. I know that the number of animals killed would be smaller in harvesting plants than the number of animals that are raised for food, but a life is a life. Why the distinction?

<steps off of soapbox>

Always in the Groove...


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
grooverider said:
Why is the life of a carrot worth less than the life of a cow?
"These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust."


If I am not mistaken, God gave man dominion over the earth, plants and animals... the activists are against us exercising that dominion..... therefore the activists must be the anti-Christ


Who Am I? U first!
Jan 2, 2003

I am happy that you have chosen to take the "green road". Baby steps is the right way to go. You have to train your body to get use to not having meat in your system. Just gradually decrease your meat intake until you can go days and even weeks without it. Eventually you will take it out of your diet completely. I have known long time vegatarians who get violently sick if they happen to digest any meat.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts