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The Happy Cooker who wasn’t a Hooker who is just a Looker-39

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New member
May 6, 2005
0's sure been a while since we've had some DRAMA in the K-W section....


Mar 16, 2010
Tri Cities


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
There are always 3 sides to every story.

1. Millwhite should have just walked away!
2. Sweetcookie should have responded and commented, I've heard some things about you, or simply said I'm sorry I'm taking new clients.

No, Sweetcookie chose to play games and did waste Millwhite's time. Sweetcookie that's very unprofessional on your part. As for the "ladies" discussing clients that perfectly fine; however, you should take things with a grain of salt too. It's a very competitive industry, and sometimes things are said so you don't get new clients. It's not good business to state openly that you have information unless you're going to let him defend himself, and it's also not good business to say things such as you'll remember all the names in the little gang.

Finally, please remember my handle HOF because of your lack of professionalism, I would never be interested in you. Glad we got that cleared up!


Mar 16, 2010
Tri Cities


You guys just don't get it do you?Millwhite is wrong to post e mails which he manipulated,changed and embellished to suit his hurt ego and portray me in a negative light.He left out mails,many words that he said,many words I said,added sentences,deleted sentences.I was polite and professional as I always am.I'm especially disgusted in the last e mail Millhead said he wrote me,"Final Email
OK. I can see that you are just f@#king around or F@#king crazy. Good luck at the HomeWood Hotel"It went exactly like this"Funnny is what funny is, I can see this going no where since you haven't mailed me back.

Thks anyways

Good luck in the home wood

Written before I had a chance to get back to him,so I simply looked up some info and decided to let well enough alone. This is just one example of how words were manipulated"I could go on and tell you all the changes that were made but I have to get going with my Sunday and I think you get the jist."
Anyway,Thats why I'm pissed.Then you morons back him up which makes me wonder about your character in general.If you want the real e mails in sequence and untouched accept to protect names,just ask.Ganging up on me when I know I'm right only makes me stronger and you gentlemen look weak,portraying a grade 8 gang mantality.Nough said.
P.S Bopper writes:
I doubt she likes men. Probably has some deep rooted interpersonal issues and needs to play the antagonist. That won't get her to far with terbites especially entering into these types of discussions. We are too good at it.
I adore men Bopper(gawd you are strange),they are deliscious hunks of testosterone.I just don't like you.If by terbites you mean,you and your few sidekicks,no biggy.Try not to speak for everyone,they have their own voice.This response is something I would expect from a 12 year old bully who is stuck for a good quality comeback.Bravo,Bravo.
Please keep the mails coming people(especially the SP's)I read all and will write you back in turn.Excellent assortment of replies!
All The Love
The Happy Cooker


Senior Member
Sweet Cookie
You may or may not be nice...I don't know either way.....yet........

..but my suggestion is to let it drop.

These guys sort of own this board so fighting them doesn't usually work in the end. Save yourself the grief.

Yes you can write a good comeback but in the end it won't help your sales.

Just trying to help you understand and not be hurt further. It is plain to see your hurt. That is a shame. Best thing to do is invite me over for a great time and then Ill write a review and verfy your lovliness. In other words fight with some positive reviews.

Remember mostly the guys on here are pretty decent. But getting someone to come over and then not see them gets em going everytime.


Active member
Jul 18, 2007
Yes maybe you should have,But you didn't say fuck this shit after the first e mail or when i ignored you and didn't write back.You decided to start this thread.'I' didn't book with 'you' millwhite.Please get it straight.I found out some interesting facts about you and decided against any further contact.I treat people the way they deserve to be treated and will continue to do so.I only say it as I see it,nothing made up for my own benefit or embellished.Funny how you feel free to cut women up left and right for the slightest reasons but when you are called on it Millwhite you get all defensive,making a mountain out of a mole hill.I stand by every word I've said.Once again,you should only review SP's you have SEEN,BEEN WITH or in the very least SPOKEN TO.In the meantime would you like some cheese with that wine?Please keep this thread going,I love all the responses I have been recieving and have been introduced to an array of wonderful gentlemen.The ladies have a lot to say also although they have a certain fear to speak out through posts or threads.I wonder why?Although I am on a short hiatus from "work",please feel free to mail me people.I think a lot needs to be said concerning the way 'some' SP's are being disrespected and portrayed.
All The Love,
The Happy Cooker
CaN you please stop spamming my inbox please!!!!! its over, said and done.


Active member
Jan 20, 2010
I found out some interesting facts about you and decided against any further contact.
While I intend to remain neutral in this rather entertaining soiree, I think the above comment needs further clarification. Sweetcookie, how did you find out interesting facts about millwhite based on only an email address?


Active member
Jul 18, 2007
While I intend to remain neutral in this rather entertaining soiree, I think the above comment needs further clarification. Sweetcookie, how did you find out interesting facts about millwhite based on only an email address?
I think she ment, the details i have gievn her such as my age, build, what kinda of regular I am looking for, I didnt realize I was beening led into a game. I still curious has anyone on here seen her, is she actually legit. I havenet seen any reviews. If she has a NRP then all they have to say is "yes, I`ve seen her"

It is creepy though,


Mar 16, 2010
Tri Cities
WHAT?Are you friggin insane?I sent you the original e mails so you could be reminded of how much you manipulated and minced words.One mail.Dreamer.You really have it bad for me don't you?


Mar 16, 2010
Tri Cities
CaN you please stop spamming my inbox please!!!!! its over, said and done.
WHAT?Are you friggin insane?I sent you the original e mails so you could be reminded of how much you manipulated and minced words.One mail.Dreamer.You really have it bad for me don't you?


Feb 13, 2010
Nothing more is to be gained from this continuing.

Participants, if you feel you must continue, take it offline and don't subject anyone else.
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