I watched the entirety of the hearing. There were two problems during the testimony of this witness. One, she was the kind of person who simply says what they want to say, rather that than being surgically responsive to the questions asked of her. Two, there were two Democratic representatives on the committee whose behaviour could only be described as outrageous, and who were were ruled out of order by the Chair on numerous occasions. This witness was clearly irritated by their behaviour (most normal people would be), and Guiliani was trying to get her back on the rails so she would at least listen to the entirety of the latest outlandish question from one of them. It didn't work.
In any hearing, a trier of fact is very likely to have to rely on ordinary people who lack patience, organized communication skills, or even a reasonable vocabulary to describe what they saw. Nevertheless, such people are often the best, or only witnesses to important events. A trier of fact can't simply dismiss them because they may be hard to understand or hard to restrain within the normal decorum of the court. If their evidence is important, you just have to have the patience to hear it and extract what clarication you can. The Democrat members of this committee were engaged in the opposite exercise. They were attempting to intimidate her as well as paint her testimony as more confusing than it actually was.