
The Dilemma


New member
Sep 3, 2012
I am new to TERB, however, not new to the scene. I am married with kids, have everything a guy could wish for. My relationship with my SO is like having a room mate. I stopped trying a long time ago. I have resorted to paying for sex to get intimacy. I have decided to stick it through in the homefront for financial reasons ( she would get half of everything i worked for ) and for the kids ( i love them and do not want to hurt them )The last four years I have been seeing an MPA and have gotten attached. It never bothered me but lately wanting to see her more and more. I am at the crossroads and my brain is telling me to turn around and run but the weak side of me pulls me the other way. I would like to know if there are other hobbyists that have been in my shoes and the outcome. I would appreciate any advice. Do not ask me who the MPA is as I will not respond.


Active member
Feb 1, 2005
It won't end well for you so don't do it. I was getting attached to my regular. We were actually going to become an item when suddenly in our next session her mood was different. I asked her what was going on and she revealed to me that her ex fiance was getting back into her life and wanted her back. They were highschool sweethearts and he was the love of her life. She was ecstastic but felt extremely guilty being with me. And told me she was going to marry him. She said I could continue seeing her here but she was quitting in six months. I saw her as much as I could and we went out on several occassions. And when we did we were like a couple. I had my arm around her when we went out and I could see all the guys jaws dropping when they saw her. Man it made me look good! When we went out money was never exchanged and she never asked for anything but my time. I wanted to marry this girl. She even asked me to take things further but I didn't because I was in a relationship and didn't want to jeopardize it. We talked about her working for me so that I could maintain my connectioin with her but I never did anything abouyt it even though she would have quit MPing in a heart beat. She was a very popular MPA at that time. Well to make a long story short one day I walk in and don't see her anymore. I ask the other MPA's where she is and they tell me she quit she's gone for good. That she's getting married. I call her cellphone and her fiance picks up and asks me who I am. I tell him my real name and he says he'll tell her I called and I say thanks. She calls me later that night and tells me never to call her again. She apologizes and says she as to cut me off as well as her friends she made in the mp world because she doesn't want to jeopardize her relationship. She asks me if I understand this and I sulk and reply that I do. I try and call her the next day and she changed her number. I was on her facebook and messaged her and she messaged me saying she couldn't maintain ties with me anymore and told me she loved her time with me but it had to end and se would cherish our time together and banned me from her page. Now all she is is a masturbation fantasy for me...


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Be very very Leary about anything the girl says.

She is not interested in you.

Often HER lack of self esteem makes you think she likes you.

But she cannot commit..and likely won 't.

The old boyfriend coming back into her life story....may be partly true. He was likely ALWAYS THERE.

YOU SIR....are a wallet in a majority of cases.

Be a realist..enjoy what is. I'm past seven years with the wife being cold. Get your head around that...cause a SP will never fill your life if you leave the wife. At that life..and no$ to see MPA.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
One of my very first SP's told me once I get too hung up on her she will cut me off, I was like huh, I don't get hung up on people and since she wasn't top notch it made it sound even more funny.

For a while all was dandy, was really great in fact, this was before cell phones but I had her hotel number and name, I could call her up and pre book a time to show up. It was more then a quick fuck, we would run out to wendy's for eats, go shopping at the local second hand store - of course ME paying for everything.

One day I showed up with a small gift for her and showed her something from my past that I was proud of. Well after we were done, she tells me she is getting kick out of the hotel and not sure were she be staying at but I still could see her when shes out looking to get pick out at her usual area she hangs out at. WHAT, I thought she was lying to me and then I recall her telling me that once I got too hung up on her, she break it up.

Best thing she did for me looking back

In fact I wasted too much money on her now many years later looking back.

Never been married or have kids but I would think hard about trying to mend ties, you both loved each other once, maybe the spark could happen again if you both try


New member
Sep 3, 2012
Well she has gotten me gifts in the past. And when I cut her off at one point she went text crazy.


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
So here's my question for you ---- i assume you're educated, you're certainly well off and you have a life with a LOT to lose.

If you want to gamble away your future, why do it for a chick who is worth nothing? Has to jerk cock for a living.....

I mean, if you feel the need to destroy your life and everything you've worked for, maybe you should do it for some woman who is worth it?

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
If you see someone else instead, do you think this MPA is crazy enough to contact your wife? Does she have this information?
You haven't been fair to your wife if you've exposed her to your fun. You should have taken more steps to keep a distance from the girls.


New member
Sep 3, 2012
I totally agree with you. I am just coming around the bend. Just needed some support in this from other guys. I am starting to get it that it's all about the money. She is really spoiling me during my sessions. I guess that's the tactic.


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
I totally agree with you. I am just coming around the bend. Just needed some support in this from other guys. I am starting to get it that it's all about the money. She is really spoiling me during my sessions. I guess that's the tactic.
Even if it's not all about the money --- what's next? you'll divorce the wife, become a monster to your kids and then shack up with a MPA who's "love" is suspect at the best?

C'mon. Wake up. You're not a 25yr old guy.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Our sessions with ladies should be kept in perspective. They are about money, fantasy and a brief interlude of escapism. Hopefully we meet great ladies to provide this, but I would stop seeing an SP if I started to feel any pangs of romance. Wanting something to be what it will never be is an ultimate losing proposition.


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
Well let's not get into being fair to the wife thing. You really don't know.
Fair enough.

But wouldn't you want to find a woman who has the capacity to give something back to you? Will this chick stick with you if you lose all your money? Get into a disabling accident? If you're on LTD, can she support the two of you?

In business and life, if a man has to replace someone with another person, the latter better be that much incrementally better than the former.


New member
Sep 3, 2012
No she is the mother of my children and always will be but as far as her and I are concerned fairness is not there, believe me. I have given her a very good life but it's all taken for granted. I am the nothing.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
There are many, many stories over the years from members who have tried this. Very, very few have ever succeeded for various reasons, amongst them is jealousy, mistrust and the inability to ever know if it is true affection or a need for your money.


New member
Sep 3, 2012
I am wiser than that. I know what she does and who she is. I just wanted to get some feedback from other guys and reassure my thoughts. I would not leave my family for this. These women are messed up and I see it. They longer they are in the business the more messed they get. And there's no turning back for them.
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