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The Crusade


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Why are right wingers always crying about lack of freedom then demanding people burn books?
There are no books pushing pedophilia in school and public libraries, same with trans and sex abuse.

You just want to cut down on other people's freedoms.
All I said is that you accused him of talking about porn when he did no such thing.

What you said in no way refutes what I said. None.

Also nothing I said suggests I want to cut down on other people's freedoms, or any public policy prescription. Nor did I take a position on burning books [nor for that matter did the person you responded to].

For that matter suggesting that some books should not be in public libraries =/= burning books. So that's a a lie. Now it's a big world out there, I am sure you can find someone of just about any orientation that wants to burn books, but nobody is suggesting that here, in this conversation.

You brought up porn. I pointed out that he never said anything about porn. This is where if you were worthy of respect you would withdraw your original statement and reframe it in terms of accuracy.

But no, you show either a massive inability to understand anything, or such a deep desire to stay on topic that you are again willing to lie and bullshit.

I have to wonder, are you really a complete bullshit artist or are you lies more rooted in your utter inability to comprehend what you are reading.

Also further note, just because I take someone's side on a point of order doesn't in no way suggest I agree or disagree with them on any topic. I have a history of complaining that I am being compelled to defend some odious shitstain on terb often with the Greta "How dare you" meme. Being a political cultist, I am sure that is a very difficult concept to understand. I mean after all I consider Hitler to be a very unpleasant chap but he was right about donuts, they are delicious.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Sorry, I did quote the wrong person! I got a few quotes at once and mixed it up.
It happens. No worries. Well Justin Beiber is still alive and doing his evil, but on this context no worries.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014

What's wrong with that? Jesus freakoids get to read endless shit books about Jesus. Why can't trans people read about being trans?
Acknowledging trans people exist and shouldn't be treated as monsters is clearly super horrible and a danger to children in Eddie's mind.
Apr 12, 2017
Acknowledging trans people exist and shouldn't be treated as monsters is clearly super horrible and a danger to children in Eddie's mind.
We live in free countries and adults can be whoever they want to be as long as they’re not hurting anyone else. However, kids are not adults and the actions such as puberty blockers etc are irreversible. Being trans is a mental illness and was such as recent as a decade ago. Not sure why it’s ok to promote it in schools.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Pastor Robert Morris will be exonerated, he's a good Christian soldier. The charge of sexual abuse is a charge of dangerous offender. If the FBI proceeds with charges, Congress with defund them.

Trouble in the hen hose. The moderate Chief Justice John Roberts has been sidelined, Amy Coney Barrett is now the De Facto Chief Justice. Is her conscience causing her to lose sleep? She's not happy with Justice Uppity Groper.



Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
We live in free countries and adults can be whoever they want to be as long as they’re not hurting anyone else. However, kids are not adults and the actions such as puberty blockers etc are irreversible. Being trans is a mental illness and was such as recent as a decade ago. Not sure why it’s ok to promote it in schools.
Taking your objection at face value, there should be no books in schools on any mental illness, I presume?
Apr 12, 2017
Taking your objection at face value, there should be no books in schools on any mental illness, I presume?
Anything that says it’s ok to live with the mental illness and to actually pursue the mental illness further if that’s what makes you comfortable - no, there shouldn’t be books like this.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Taking your objection at face value, there should be no books in schools on any mental illness, I presume?
One could ask, should there be books in school encouraging anorexia or bigerexia. Books with skeletons and thinspiration quotes or books of bodybuilders with guides of steroid use, doseages PCT as well as admonishments that even a 6'2 240 pound 5% guy is a little girlyman?

I think this would be the equivalent of what some people say this is. Just doing other people's work for them.

Should there be books on the whole trans thing, well fuck there was a book in my school on voodoo when I was a wee lad, so why the fuck not, but there is a line. As I don't have kids or even like kids, I have no fucks to give on where that line should be, but I can imagine there is a line.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Pastor Robert Morris will be exonerated, he's a good Christian soldier. The charge of sexual abuse is a charge of dangerous offender. If the FBI proceeds with charges, Congress with defund them.
Obviously priests are strongly opposed to young boys turning themselves into wee girls, I mean if everyone did this, who would they fuck.

Much like how it's bangcock and not bangcunt, a strongly religious person believes sex should be between a man and his wife or a priest and his altar boy, not altar girl.

Morality people!

Yes I am being sarcastic and dark as fuck darkness in the service of mocking Chomos is a good thing.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Even Frankfooter doesn't suggest we should burn Jews not to death but to the end of all time.

Torturing people for having a different theological perspective and suggesting this is an act of love and complete goodness seems pretty hatefilled to me.
I don't suggest we should every kill anyone.
You, on the other hand are supporting torture and genocide today.
If its not theological, then its just race based.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Dude, it was Frankfooter who was going on about porn, not me. I was pointing out that you never said anything about porn, it's just more of his bullshit.
It was eddie who claimed libraries are full of porn, child abuse and sex abuse.

However it’s becoming a problem if they’re actively pushing books on pedophila, sexual abuse of children, or transsexual characters in elementary schools.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
One could ask, should there be books in school encouraging anorexia or bigerexia. Books with skeletons and thinspiration quotes or books of bodybuilders with guides of steroid use, doseages PCT as well as admonishments that even a 6'2 240 pound 5% guy is a little girlyman?

I think this would be the equivalent of what some people say this is. Just doing other people's work for them.

Should there be books on the whole trans thing, well fuck there was a book in my school on voodoo when I was a wee lad, so why the fuck not, but there is a line. As I don't have kids or even like kids, I have no fucks to give on where that line should be, but I can imagine there is a line.
Are you saying having a book that talks about issues, like war, is therefore promoting war or whatever issue they write about?
Do you really think there are books promoting anorexia?


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2023
Hey we can criticize priests, then we can criticize Imams too. Is it not pedophilia when Muslims do this? Many Muslims feel that since the Prophet Mohamed married his wife Aisha when she was 7 years old its ok to marry children..

Turkey's highest religious body suggests children as young as nine could marry under Islamic law

A government body in Turkey has suggested that girls as young as nine and boys as young as 12 could marry under Islamic law, prompting the country's main opposition party to call for an investigation into child marriages.

An online glossary of Islamic terms was posted by Turkey's Directorate of Religious Affairs – or Diyanet – which is responsible for administering religious institutions and education.

The website said that, according to Islamic law, whoever had reached the age of adolescence had the right to marry.

Elsewhere, the beginning of adolescence was defined as nine and 12 for girls and boys respectively.

Although the glossary has since been removed, 30 MPs from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) have called upon the government to launch a parliamentary inquiry into child marriages.

The legal age of marriage in Turkey is 18, or 17 with parental consent. In exceptional circumstances people can marry at 16, subject to court approval.

However, child marriage in religious ceremonies is widespread in Turkey, taking place in clandestine ceremonies often conducted by a local elder and held at a family's home.

It is a problem the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) claimed it was trying to curb when it brought forward a controversial bill in 2016, which would have allowed men who sexually abused children the chance to have their convictions quashed if their married their victims.

“We cannot ignore this,” Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said at the time on the subject of child marriage. “There are 3,800 cases and thousands of children. The children are paying the price of their parents’ mistakes.”

Parliament approved the bill in the initial reading but it was pulled before it could reach a final vote, after thousands took to the streets in protest.

Murat Bakan, CHP's MP for Izmir and one of the 30 who called for the investigation, said: "The Turkish Civil Code clearly states that adulthood begins at the age of 18.

"Early marriages violate children's rights, women's rights, human rights. As CHP MPs we ask parliament to investigate child marriages."

Seeking to clarify its stance Diyanet said that the glossary was merely meant as interpretation of Islamic laws.

"Forcing a young girl to marry someone before they obtain the psychological and biological maturity, and before they gain the responsibility to make a family and become a mother, would not comply with Islam, which puts consent and will as a condition in a marriage," it said in a statement. "Our directorate has never approved early marriages in the past, and it never will."

Although accurate data on the extent of the problem is difficult to come by, 15 percent of girls in Turkey are estimated to be married before their 18th birthday.



Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Anything that says it’s ok to live with the mental illness and to actually pursue the mental illness further if that’s what makes you comfortable - no, there shouldn’t be books like this.
I see.

One could ask, should there be books in school encouraging anorexia or bigerexia. Books with skeletons and thinspiration quotes or books of bodybuilders with guides of steroid use, doseages PCT as well as admonishments that even a 6'2 240 pound 5% guy is a little girlyman?
What is "encouraging" though?
After all, we are talking age appropriate.

By this standard, any book promoting fitness could be attacked.

I think this would be the equivalent of what some people say this is. Just doing other people's work for them.
I do think that is the argument they think they are making.

Should there be books on the whole trans thing, well fuck there was a book in my school on voodoo when I was a wee lad, so why the fuck not, but there is a line. As I don't have kids or even like kids, I have no fucks to give on where that line should be, but I can imagine there is a line.
I quite agree.
But it is clear the line they want to draw here is "trans people exist".


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
A government body in Turkey has suggested that girls as young as nine and boys as young as 12 could marry under Islamic law, prompting the country's main opposition party to call for an investigation into child marriages.
Reminds me of the old quote from Imperial India

Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.[To Hindu priests complaining to him about the prohibition of Sati religious funeral practice of burning widows alive on her husband’s funeral pyre.]”

Attributed to General Jack Napier perhaps incorrectly as is the style of the time.

Those horrible white colonialists trying to stop innocent people from burning women.
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I did I say porn? I said that transsexuals are getting books geared toward for them put in elementary school libraries. Maybe it’s not a think in Canada but it’s a problem in the US.

don’t ignore something just because you think it’s stupid.
Well I'm ignoring you for just that reason.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
We live in free countries and adults can be whoever they want to be as long as they’re not hurting anyone else. However, kids are not adults and the actions such as puberty blockers etc are irreversible. Being trans is a mental illness and was such as recent as a decade ago. Not sure why it’s ok to promote it in schools.
Because some kids actually are gender-confused and would benefit from transitioning?
Apr 12, 2017
Because some kids actually are gender-confused and would benefit from transitioning?
They're kids figuring themselves out. Hard enough to be a teenager when you're normal. Now they're saying it's ok to fuck yourself up for the rest of your life because you don't know what the heck is going on with your body?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
They're kids figuring themselves out. Hard enough to be a teenager when you're normal. Now they're saying it's ok to fuck yourself up for the rest of your life because you don't know what the heck is going on with your body?
But some of those kids will be fucked up for the rest of their lives if they undergo puberty in a gender they don't identify with.
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