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The Contender


Nov 1, 2001
Has anyone been following the newest reality show. Personally I like it, you get to see a different view of a fighter life. You get to see what they go threw the night before or minutes before a big fight. The boxers on the show are very talanted but just never got the breaks for one reason or another to get a title fight. If you don't kiss Don Kings or Bob Arums ass, chances are you won't get anywhere in the fight world. The fights are very competitive, two fighters standing toe to toe slugging it out. The one negative about the show, the fights are only 3 five minute rounds, show the whole fight, but they only show parts of each round.


New member
Feb 2, 2005
I have actually been following the show since the beginning and I have to say I like it alot as well. Much better then Ultimate Fighter series.

As for the last episode, I didn't think that the WST {West Side Team} should have called out Peter again. He was hungry for win. He needed the winner to keep him going. WST should have called out another EST member and they would still be on a winning strike. It will be interesting to see what happens next sunday.

On another note, I was quite shocked to see that the 2 nd last fight, the guy from EST died a short while after leaving the contender. I can't remember his name right now, which I know is bad, but it was very sad to see that at the end of the show. It was nice to see that a trust fund for his daughter was set up though.

I like the fights at the end, they are better then I would have thought. It is also interesting to see what Celebs will be there to see the match. Mel Gibson, Gene Hackman, Chuck Norris and quite a few others have gone out to show there support.

I don't why and maybe I have missed it but the first 2 matches in the beginning would have the standard media conference before the fight to have the fighters asnwers questions and such and it was getting good there between the teams bantering back and forth, but I have seen this since Ishe did his fight in the 3 episode. I wonder why they are not showing that anymore????



Nov 1, 2001
The guy your talking about, his name is Najai Turpin, he is from Philadelphia. Unfortunatly Najai committed suicide. I read some where that he and his girl friend broke up and she was trying to keep his daughter away from him and he committed suicide. Thats part of the reason why the contender set up a trust fund for his daughter.


Aug 26, 2001
Shouldn't this be in the lounge. After all it is a TV show.


Nov 1, 2001
n_v said:
Shouldn't this be in the lounge. After all it is a TV show.
The last time I checked, boxing was a sport, besides if a wrestling thread is in here than a reality show about boxing should be in here.


New member
Feb 2, 2005
slademan said:
The guy your talking about, his name is Najai Turpin, he is from Philadelphia. Unfortunatly Najai committed suicide. I read some where that he and his girl friend broke up and she was trying to keep his daughter away from him and he committed suicide. Thats part of the reason why the contender set up a trust fund for his daughter.

Oh really????

See I knew something had to be up because they didn't say what happened or give any type of hint as to how he passed away. Thanks for the info.

Shouldn't this be in the lounge. After all it is a TV show.
No, it is about Sports, ie boxing, so therefor it seems like this is the right forum. Should we talk about basketball, or WWE in the lounge since they are on TV.

I understand what you are saying to a point, but honestly have a coffee and smoke and chill a little. What is one thread in the forum going to hurt, since it is about sports, as well as a TV show?


Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
As a fight fan...

slademan said:
The last time I checked, boxing was a sport, besides if a wrestling thread is in here than a reality show about boxing should be in here.

Yeah but there's little actual boxing, training or business of boxing being shown or discussed. In the end all reality shows are the same, reduced to idle banter, cliches and silly games kids used to play in primary school.

Why would fighters be put into teams and be made to play games? Is there anything more solitary than boxing? Whats teamwork got to do with it? And where's the reality in not telling the audience anything about the guys death? It's going to mislead people into thinking he died in some bad gang shit.

(For those who wonder, Turpin commited suicide - pruportedly over a custody dispute )


Aug 26, 2001
slademan said:
The last time I checked, boxing was a sport, besides if a wrestling thread is in here than a reality show about boxing should be in here.
The show is about the drama surrounding boxing. The focus is the characters in the show with boxing as the premise. Saturday night boxing fights has the actual boxing match as the focus and not the drama surrounding it. This thread should be moved from this section.


New member
Feb 2, 2005
Well boys it doesn't look like the thread is going to be moved any time soon, so I guess you will have no choice but to put up with it being here.

You know with everything else that is going on in the world, or let's just say the land of TERB, you would think that there are much more pressing matters then bitching about a thread placement for a boxing/TV show.

I have to disagree with the ideal that the show is more about the drama then the boxing. Unless you are a professional boxer you have no idea what truly goes on behind the scenes in professional boxing, and I think that is what this show trying is displaying in its own way. The in-front of and behind the scenes ins and outs of boxing, and if boxing is such a solitary sport then I am a big purple Barney thinking everyone in the world loves everyone else. There is so much more to boxing then the actual bout between to competitors. There is more real life drama in real boxing then on this show. How many boxers team up behind the scenes to ensure one person does get the change of the big bout, the managers sucking cash out of every contender they can. The whole point to this show is for the guys to be able to make their own decision because as most know, in real professional boxing, you don't get to make it on your own. Unless you can bring in the big bucks for the sport, they won't look at you. Look a Tyson. That guy should have been banned, tarred and feathered and made sure never to return to the boxing ring a very long time ago. He sells tickets though so they keep letting him back. It is all drama and dollars.

Also I think it is good that they didn't go on about Turpin suicide. Like his daughter needs some TV show that she can look back going on about her fathers death. Not only but where did you get the idea that people are being mislead into thinking it was some gang related death. That is horse shit.


Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
HappyHookers said:
Also I think it is good that they didn't go on about Turpin suicide. Like his daughter needs some TV show that she can look back going on about her fathers death. Not only but where did you get the idea that people are being mislead into thinking it was some gang related death. That is horse shit.

Well they didn't say it that, but lets face it most of the mainstream audience will make such an assumption. Others may speculate he died form a boxing injury or killed himself because he was cut fro the show. If it's a reality show, they should say the truth about the mans life. The girl is too young to be affected by a little postscript at the end of the show. By the time she starts school, The Contender will be ancient history for the American attention span and the subject will never come up.


New member
Oct 15, 2002
I watch it every week and love it. I also watch U.F as well. I love both shows but the Contender does have a much better build-up to each fight. The best yet was when Ishe fought Ahmed, that was the best fight so far. It felt like it was world title fight with the best hype ever. I love U.F to, these are the only reality shows I watch... Ohh, by the way I think Diego will win his division.


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
n_v said:
The show is about the drama surrounding boxing. The focus is the characters in the show with boxing as the premise. Saturday night boxing fights has the actual boxing match as the focus and not the drama surrounding it. This thread should be moved from this section.
the focus are the fights, regardless its still about sports (boxing)


New member
Feb 2, 2005
Hard Idle said:
Well they didn't say it that, but lets face it most of the mainstream audience will make such an assumption. Others may speculate he died form a boxing injury or killed himself because he was cut fro the show. If it's a reality show, they should say the truth about the mans life. The girl is too young to be affected by a little postscript at the end of the show. By the time she starts school, The Contender will be ancient history for the American attention span and the subject will never come up.
Let me guess, main stream will think it was gang related because he is black right?

If it was a white guy then it wouldn't be fear of a gang related death?

Honestly my thought was something happened physically after the fight. They could have cleared that part up I agree, but the gang stuff, I think that might be just you talking.



New member
Oct 15, 2002
From what I read in thier local papers he shot himself when he was in his car with his wife. I think they were spliting up and he got very depressed. I can believe it cause all through the show he states that he doesnt trust anybody except his wife and child. So now if they were to leave the poor guy theres no sayin what he would do.



Aug 26, 2001
cex said:
the focus are the fights, regardless its still about sports (boxing)
No they are not. These fights are sanctioned. It's a TV show.

</makes mental note to not ask cex for ANY type of analytical opinion>


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
n_v said:
No they are not. These fights are sanctioned. It's a TV show.

</makes mental note to not ask cex for ANY type of analytical opinion>
its a TV show(reality TV) about boxing which is a sport. the WWE is not a sport but it still gets room in this forum.
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