Pickering Angels

The Case Against George W. Bush (A Must Read)

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
baci2004 said:
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" - Albert Einstein
You lucky you're typing here baci. It might be kinda hard to speak with your lips so attached to Annessa's buttocks. lol

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
screwge said:
Tiger Williams:
Why is your mind so closed? Reagan's article makes a very compelling case that the Bush administration congenitally cannot tell the truth and in fact has taken it to a new high among politicians. You may have heard some of the points before, but you did not see the synthesis before. What does his orientation have to do with anything. Are you saying the so-called Christian Right should vote against Cheney because his daughter is lesbian? Make some sense here man.
Au contraire my dear screwge.
It would appear that it is your mind that is indeed closed.
History would show that lying or misleading the public is not something reserved for the Bush administration. I seem to recall a certain Democratic POTUS stating "I did not have sex with that woman" only to recant later.
Do you actually believe he only lied about that and nothing else.
It comes with the territory and you have to be extremely naive not to recognize, and yes, even accept that.
And as far as Cheney's daughter being a lesbian goes, few would even be aware of that fact if it wasn't for Edwards and Kerry attempting to exploit it in an attempt to sleaze votes away from Bush.
Dispicable behaviour indeed.


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why?

Annessa said:
Indeed you have the right to you're own view as long as you also realise that your view is the minority.

..I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the town I live in, in the State of New York, has just sprouted signs everywhere...They say ...Bush/Cheney '04..You can tell when ones arguement holds no water when they tell you that most people agree with them, and not with you....as so many here say...typical liberal.....too bad..btw...the latest polls in my area say President Bush has a 5 point lead in NYS...


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Tiger Williams said:
I seem to recall a certain Democratic POTUS stating "I did not have sex with that woman" only to recant later.
Do you actually believe he only lied about that and nothing else.
It comes with the territory and you have to be extremely naive not to recognize, and yes, even accept that.
And as far as Cheney's daughter being a lesbian goes, few would even be aware of that fact if it wasn't for Edwards and Kerry attempting to exploit it in an attempt to sleaze votes away from Bush.
Dispicable behaviour indeed.
Lets see Clinton's hummer Lie cost: 0 troops killed!
Dubya's Lies, WMDs, & nuke capability, Saddam working with Osama, etc, cost: 1200 troops killed, almost 10,000 seriously injured & maimed AND COUNTING!

Unless you have been living in a cave, like Osama, the whole world knew Dicky's Daughter Does Chix!

Bringing up this fact for highlight that, Cheney has a Lesbian daughter was an excellent way of pointing out some BLATANT HYPOCRISY that exists in the 'Far Reich-Wing of the GOP' that both Dubya & Cheney are part of (their peculiar values).

I suppose from that point of view, exposing rather than keeping this gay secret in the closet, some in the far reich-wing of the GOP could make the case that 'outing the gay daughter' during the presidential debates was 'despicable behavior' somehow.........:D


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
I just saw this quote on the CBC website:

Originally posted on cbc.ca
On Saturday, Bush tried to portray Kerry as weak on his approach to hunting for al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

"The outcome of this election will set the direction of the war against terror," Bush told supporters in Grand Rapids, Michigan. "Sen. Kerry has chosen the path of weakness and inaction."
Politics and campaigning aside, I just find that statement to be typical of GWB. Here's a man who put relatively minimal effort into hunting down Osama when he had all the resources and all the right to do so. And now he thinks the other guy is on a path of weakness & inaction?

Time for a regime change in the US I think. I just hope Kerry is up to the task.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why?

BiggieE said:
..I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the town I live in, in the State of New York, has just sprouted signs everywhere...They say ...Bush/Cheney '04..You can tell when ones arguement holds no water when they tell you that most people agree with them, and not with you....as so many here say...typical liberal.....too bad..btw...the latest polls in my area say President Bush has a 5 point lead in NYS...
Polling five of your drunk buddies doesn't count.

Every single poll has had Kerry way, way up in NYS.


Jul 30, 2003
The Entertainment Of Stupid Comments

Tiger Williams said:
You lucky you're typing here baci. It might be kinda hard to speak with your lips so attached to Annessa's buttocks. lol
I'd rather have his lips on my ass then what you have which is your head up your ass. Cheers.



New member
Apr 27, 2003
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why?

BiggieE said:
..I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the town I live in, in the State of New York, has just sprouted signs everywhere...They say ...Bush/Cheney '04..You can tell when ones arguement holds no water when they tell you that most people agree with them, and not with you....as so many here say...typical liberal.....too bad..btw...the latest polls in my area say President Bush has a 5 point lead in NYS...
Perhaps, in New York State. That said, I hate to be the bearer of bad news to YOU: even if EVERY single American agreed with you, that would only make about 5% of "people" (you know, the roughly 7 billion human beings that inhabit the planet)....

So, when you say that Annessa is wrong in her assertion that your view is the minority (a very reasonable and FACTUAL assertion, despite your silly little local anecdote)... are you arguing that you believe the 6.7 billion humans outside of the US generally support Bush policies/lies (a position not supported by the evidence... see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush)? Or, are you saying that those 6.7 billion don't count as "people"?

Just curious.

Best regards,


P.S. As so many say everywhere else... "typical American... too bad."
P.P.S. It's not only "typical liberals" that have a problem with Bush Jr. (according to the neo-cons "reflex" response to criticism)... any true conservative would despise him equally... possibly even more.


Feb 15, 2004
WoodPeckr said:
Lets see Clinton's hummer Lie cost: 0 troops killed!
Dubya's Lies, WMDs, & nuke capability, Saddam working with Osama, etc, cost: 1200 troops killed, almost 10,000 seriously injured & maimed AND COUNTING!

I couldn't agree more. Why do the right wing lunatics in the US still bitch about the Clinton lie, but give Bush a free pass? Bush is the worst liar in the history of the Presidency (or the best one, considering how he continues to escape accountability).

But, I'll grant you one thing, he hasn't been caught lying under oath yet. That's because, in the ultimate "f*** you" to the country, he refused to testify under oath about 9/11. Instead, he only would testify with his buddy Dick present, not under oath, and with no transcript. In other words, he can lie about what he said to the 9/11 commission with no legal penalty.

It still baffles the hell out of me that so many people in this country, especially down South in the "Bible Belt", think W. is such an upstanding guy. Since George has claimed to be "saved", they are willing to believe anything. Well, I sure hope God will "save " our country if W. is reelected, but I haven't heard of him firing a President recently.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
There is no way Dubya will win New York!

Kerry has NY all the way!


The Wayward Traveler
Mar 1, 2004
Purgatory Lite
President Dick Cheney

xarir said:
I just saw this quote on the CBC website:

Time for a regime change in the US I think. I just hope Kerry is up to the task.
What truly frightens me is that Dick Cheney is one pretzel away from the presidency. I was recenly watching Hard Talk on the BBC and one guest referred to the Bush administration as the most unscrupulous in memory, the brits are always so polite. During Bush's tenure as a "war time" president a huge fraud has been perpertrated upon his fellow citizens. Bush launched an illegal war against a soverign nation, Iraq, that posed no immediate threat to the United States. Bush's feeble attempts to connect 911 and Sadamm have not been proven. Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Resources that should have been spent elimanting Al Queda instead were diverted to Iraq, which is now unstainable, a quagmire. What is Bush's exit strategy? I have not seen any recent footage of people 'throwing flowers' to celebrate their liberation. Iraq is spawning a new generation of fanatics in the jihad against 'The Great Satan', a training ground. Is America safer now than 4 years ago? Has Bin Laden been caught yet? Saw him on TV recently taunting Bush... Remember Bush's statement following 911, ' dead or alive', a hollow threat at present. Yet he still might win a second term. 4 more years of Bush is a frightening concept! How many Supreme Court Justices will he be able to nominate? Perhaps as many as 3, how will this impact the line between church and state? Bush's domestic policy does not even merit mention, Surplus, to the largest deficit in US history..... and... don't ever forget that Dick Cheney is a heartbeat away from becoming president. Beer induced musing from Dabbler

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Re: The Entertainment Of Stupid Comments

Annessa said:
Well this Cheetah that has been studying psychology (mental illness, human nature, body language, social communication.. I can go on and on) for the last 9 years sees through it all. Annessa
Annessa said:
I'd rather have his lips on my ass then what you have which is your head up your ass. Cheers. Annessa
All that education and you come up with a comment like that?
I'm sure your teachers would be proud.


Jul 30, 2003
Re: Re: The Entertainment Of Stupid Comments

Tiger Williams said:
All that education and you come up with a comment like that?
I'm sure your teachers would be proud.
I never mentioned that I went to school and studied psychology, but I do have many, many people proud of me (including myself)for all the wanting and willing time that I put into volunteering to help people in any way I can. People know I am available 24/7 for them.

Listen Jr. When you want to throw a smart-ass remark my way be prepared to get one back at you. I can intellectually multi-task.



Jul 30, 2003
bbking said:
Annessa thank you very much for that article - I missed that one. Ron Jr really sums up the case against Bush Jr. It is 48 hours before we find out that John Forbes Kerry is elected Potus and GWB has only himself to blame for it. If he had run a campaign with the same compassion he showed after 9/11 instead of the avenging angel who could do no wrong and who could not be questioned. He had such a commanding lead over the security issue that eating a little humble pie wouldn't hurt him. I have to wonder if all this macho crap the Bush people put out there didn't serve to turn off the moderate wing of the GOP and energize the Democratic base. ( it also didn't help having the IRA investigate the NAACP)
While a lot of the right wing are critical of Ron Jr's assessment of the Bushs, including Ron Jr's brother Michael ( who is so far to the right that he makes Ron Sr look like a Liberal), Ron Jr is actually making a plea for the moderates of the GOP to take over the party. Something I hope to see but alas the Bushs and the hold overs from the Nixon-Ford Administrations control the money and I think a change will not occur in the near future.

Again, Annessa thank you - it reminds me of why I like Ron Jr - the article shows that he has a heart like his father. I noticed in the article he answers some of his critics who said he was jealous of Bush Jr by saying how unimportant the man was in his life - I will say this about Ron Jr, he maybe a force to be reckon with in the future.

You are so very welcome BB, and I also feel that Ron Jr. could do so much good for America and the American people if he ever ran for presidency.



Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
While never a fan of the Reagans, I have a newfound respect for Nancy and Ron Reagan Jr, and their courage in bucking traditional conservatism. Stem cell research, and not just the measly number of strains Bush has agreed to continue, has the chance to unlock the cure to any number of diseases.

Annessa, thanks for the thread.

TW, stop being an asshat.

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Annessa said:
Listen Jr. When you want to throw a smart-ass remark my way be prepared to get one back at you. I can intellectually multi-task.
So does this mean were even then? lol
When you post an article from a closet Liberal with an obviously left wing bent you have to realize you are opening yourself up to scrutiny from those of us who consider ourselves to be moderate, and therefore unwilling to believe without question the rhetorical drivel from the left that sometimes poses as fact. The right is equally guilty and should be judged with the same standards.
The GWB as the devil incarnate thing is getting a bit tedious though I'm afraid. I think it's overkill on the part of the left and is making this election a lot closer than it should be. If Kerry does in fact win on Tuesday I hope and pray that those of you who think he's the second coming are right.
Reminds me of our own recent election when Canadians chose the devil they knew, rather than give Harper a chance. History will show which country made the best decision.

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Asterix said:
Annessa, thanks for the thread.
TW, stop being an asshat.
Shame on you Asterix.
It's against the rules for asskissers to call other members asshats.
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