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The Buildup of military might by China


Jan 21, 2003
beefy4me said:
This guy looks like coming from FaLunGong.
Who care what he is just ignore him, I ask him about his experience in China and he never response.

ice_dog said:
I was there. I saw racism, prejudice, disrespect for intellectual property, corruption, hypocrisy.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
Human Rights Hypocracy

ice_dog said:
Take the Quebec Separatist movement in the 90's for example. During the the 1995 Referendum, the country was on the brink of breakup. Can you recall Ottawa ever legislated a new anti-secession law to prevent Quebec from leaving the confederation ? Did Ottawa ever beef up the military so as to threaten Quebec ? Instead, Ottawa reply on lobbying or propaganda to mobolize the country to deal with such crisis. Then ther was the sponsorship was riddled with corruption. But then this is being deat in the open in a democratic fashion, if you have been following the news- and this is not from CNN

By contrast, Chinese government sent its troops and tanks in to put down the student demonstration ...
Perhaps you've heard of the FLQ crisis? It took one single murder for this country to send troops into the streets and suspend civil liberties! That at least ties an all time record, if not taking it outright.

What would Canada have done with an unlawful assembly of 800 000 if just a few dozen Natives causing a nuisance on a rural road is cause to roll out the army, pistol whip women and bayonet their breasts in broad daylight?

I doubt that the protesters in Tianenman Sq would have gotten off any easier had they tried to crash a G8 or APAC Summit in North America with such numbers. Pull some old footage of the methods used by British cousin Magotret Thatcher against Coal-miners, Dockworkers and Pole-tax demonstrations only a fraction that size.

It is tempting to obfuscate the fact that much of this continent is the bounty from the most successful genocide in the last millenium - aginst Native Americans. It's easy to criticize heavy handedness now that any groups who might truly oppose our consensus have been reduced to a statistical non-factor. But we all know how desent, separatism or even the mere objection to attrition were dealt with by the men who's portraits now grace our currency and public buildings.

There is an anoying tendancy from Anglosphere countries to conveniently condem attrocities, but only after they have finished using them for their own purposes. Some of these include the aforementioned genocide, Bio terror (blankets) Starvation (Ireland, Quebec...) Concentration Camps (SouthAfrica) Total War & Ethnic Cleansing (N.America) Atomic Bomb (WW2) and modern Chemical Blackmail (Agent Orange & DU).


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
bbking said:
How the hell do figure this. More than 75% of the country lives in poverty. They have little or no confidence in their economy to allow their currency to float. They have no respect for intellectual property - a key component in any capitialistic society. I could go on an on about productivity, infastructure etc. but I won't at this time.

About the only capitalistic thing they do well is make a condem man's family pay for the bullet that will kill the prisoner.

She was making a generalization, just like you were in your post. 75% of the country lives in poverty? depends how you define poverty. According to UN reports, somewhere between 5% and 20% of the chinese population live below the poverty line depending on how that is defined. Not unusual for a country that is changing from an agrarian society to a manufacturing society. With respect to the protection of intellectual property - while its important, its not like developed countries don't see examples of intellectual property theft. but yes it is out of control and state sanctioned which is unfortunate.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
It's so much easier to talk about "intellectual property" when you have it and others don't. China is trying to catch up, and it's not going to let a western concept get in its way...


Jan 13, 2002
I was there with a buddy who speaks chinese. While in Shanghai, I also visted a black Canadian who has been working as an ESL teacher in a town about two-hour drive from Shanghai. He had a hard time in looking for accomodation, getting a taxi and even hobbying. And there was no recourse he could take.

As for lack of respect for intellectual property in China, just ask your friend back home.

I will no longer read and respond to any of your posts until you have become a better 'detective'.

bornonaug9 said:
Who care what he is just ignore him, I ask him about his experience in China and he never response.


Jan 13, 2002
First of all, I cannot speak for Thatcher or Uncle Sam. Secondly, a significant portion of the Canadian population is 'non-Anglo'. I am sure You will be offended if I say all asians are the same

Of course, I remember the FLQ Crisis. Glad you mentioned 'murder'. The FLQs were armed terroriests. They kindnapped James Crooss and murdered him, among other terrorist activites. Trudeau had to do what he had to do. The students protesting at Tiananman Sqaure were just protestors period. They were not armed. They did not kidnap or murder any government officials. Sending the tanks in to put down such protest just because of the large numbers of protestors is a lousy excuse. It shows the lack of respect for human right under a totaritarian regime. Such will never happen in Canada period.

To sumamrize, you are comparing oranges with apples.

Hard Idle said:
Perhaps you've heard of the FLQ crisis? It took one single murder for this country to send troops into the streets and suspend civil liberties! That at least ties an all time record, if not taking it outright.

What would Canada have done with an unlawful assembly of 800 000 if just a few dozen Natives causing a nuisance on a rural road is cause to roll out the army, pistol whip women and bayonet their breasts in broad daylight?

I doubt that the protesters in Tianenman Sq would have gotten off any easier had they tried to crash a G8 or APAC Summit in North America with such numbers. Pull some old footage of the methods used by British cousin Magotret Thatcher against Coal-miners, Dockworkers and Pole-tax demonstrations only a fraction that size.

It is tempting to obfuscate the fact that much of this continent is the bounty from the most successful genocide in the last millenium - aginst Native Americans. It's easy to criticize heavy handedness now that any groups who might truly oppose our consensus have been reduced to a statistical non-factor. But we all know how desent, separatism or even the mere objection to attrition were dealt with by the men who's portraits now grace our currency and public buildings.

There is an anoying tendancy from Anglosphere countries to conveniently condem attrocities, but only after they have finished using them for their own purposes. Some of these include the aforementioned genocide, Bio terror (blankets) Starvation (Ireland, Quebec...) Concentration Camps (SouthAfrica) Total War & Ethnic Cleansing (N.America) Atomic Bomb (WW2) and modern Chemical Blackmail (Agent Orange & DU).


Jan 13, 2002
Say, you just wrote chinese essay. I stole your work, put my name on it and published it.

Am I justifed to do so because I don't know how to write(in chinese) and I don't have the time to learn, but I want to 'catch up' ?

Come on, you can come up with a stronger argument ?...lol

Keebler Elf said:
It's so much easier to talk about "intellectual property" when you have it and others don't. China is trying to catch up, and it's not going to let a western concept get in its way...


Jan 21, 2003
Taiwan is not better than PRC on piracy

I do not think you are aware of Taiwan involvement in piracy

These are 1999 figures from The International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) on TAIWAN

There are some signs that Taiwan is beginning to turn a corner in solving some long-running structural problems faced by copyright owners seeking enforcement as well as by foreign claimants in Taiwan's courts. In addition, an industry-to-industry approach on the pirate manufacture for export of semiconductor chips used in videogames may be on the horizon. Nonetheless, trade losses to the U.S. copyright industries due to piracy grew in 1998 to $303.0 million, attributable mainly to optical media piracy; piracy rates increased for the sound recording and music industries. Taiwan must take further steps to bring the problems of copyright piracy under control.

(in millions of U.S. dollars)

and LEVELS OF PIRACY : 1995 - 1998


1996 1995
Loss Level Loss Level Loss Level Loss Level
Motion Pictures 15.0 10% 15.0 10% 17.0 10% 29.0 15%
Sound Recordings/Musical Compositions 55.0 20% 10.0 12% 8.0 8% 5.0 13%
Computer Programs:

Business Applications(1)
110.8 58% 104.6 63% 111.7 72% 115.2 70%
Computer Programs:

Entertainment Software
103.2 65% 102.6 65% 109.0 69% 105.4 69%
Books 19.0 NA 5.0 NA 5.0 NA 6.0 NA
TOTALS 303.0 237.2 250.7 260.6

if you want to reports from 2000 onwards (pdf) follow the link

bbking said:
In all parts of the world but China this kind of activity is called theft.


Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
ice_dog said:
Say, you just wrote chinese essay. I stole your work, put my name on it and published it.

Am I justifed to do so because I don't know how to write(in chinese) and I don't have the time to learn, but I want to 'catch up' ?

Come on, you can come up with a stronger argument ?...lol
First off, I'd be surprised if you could write any essay with such poor writing skills. :rolleyes:

It's nice to see you TOTALLY missed my point. It has nothing to do with justification and everything to do with practicality. Your argument is exactly what I would expect from a westerner trying to somehow guilt the Chinese into being subservient. This is power politics dude, you need to step out b/c you're not up to the task...


Jan 13, 2002
I never said that I had good writing skill or I could write an essay. You sound like a cry baby who lost a fight and blamed others for your own stupidity and ignorance.

Keebler Elf said:
First off, I'd be surprised if you could write any essay with such poor writing skills. :rolleyes:

It's nice to see you TOTALLY missed my point. It has nothing to do with justification and everything to do with practicality. Your argument is exactly what I would expect from a westerner trying to somehow guilt the Chinese into being subservient. This is power politics dude, you need to step out b/c you're not up to the task...


Jan 21, 2003
Dollar short and ten days late

On the 13th
ice_dog said:
I was there. I saw racism, prejudice, disrespect for intellectual property, corruption, hypocrisy.
Also on the 13th
bornonaug9 said:
How many time you visit China?
How long did you stay there? A week, a month
When was you there (70's 80's 90's 2000's)? 2000's
In what capacity was you there for? Work, holiday
How many cities did you visit and in what provinces? Southern China

I think you want to eloberate your experience and give more details. You may want to talk about the people you encountered in your last visit and what are their opinions about the current government. Your statement is a generalization. You need to substaintate with your experience.
Then on the 23rd
ice_dog said:
I was there with a buddy who speaks chinese. While in Shanghai, I also visted a black Canadian who has been working as an ESL teacher in a town about two-hour drive from Shanghai. He had a hard time in looking for accomodation, getting a taxi and even hobbying. And there was no recourse he could take.

I will no longer read and respond to any of your posts until you have become a better 'detective'.
You are 'dollar short and ten days late'. Actually I was very disappointed, I expected you will list a long list of incidents to support you claim that 'I was there. I saw racism, prejudice, disrespect for intellectual property, corruption, hypocrisy'. If China is that bad something bad must have happen to you personally, but you are relating another person experience.

I will fully understand you hatred for PRC if you are a Taiwanese, but I assume you are not.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
"Intellectual Property" seems a grandiose term for the shlock & junk which the film & recording industry peddles. I say if you can copy it, you can sell it!

Let the media & entertainment conglomerates spend money researching how to encrypt their own material better. These guys use satelites to pipe their endorsement-laden junk culture all over the world, sometimes over the objections of censors. They helped to stimulate the emergence of consumer societies in Asia, so they just have to deal with the greed & oportunism that goes along with such changes.

Western calls to crack down on piracy would look much better if governments in the former (and still aspiring) colonial powers would order their museums, galleries & universities to return their countless plundered cultural treasures to the countries of origin, as show of good faith before throwing hissy fits over home-burned Mariah Carey discs.
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