The Bombing of Dresden (Photoes)


New member
Aug 30, 2004

War is hell, let's try not to forget that.
We can play the blame game forever. Rotterdam, London, and Coventry set the level of destuction , the allied just up the anty.
If you are going to play total war then , you had better be able to withstand the consequences.

We are all better off if we don't play the game. Cretian, the weasle that he is, at least figured this out, W has a long way to go.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
snagtoo said:
War is hell, let's try not to forget that.
We can play the blame game forever. Rotterdam, London, and Coventry set the level of destuction , the allied just up the anty.
If you are going to play total war then , you had better be able to withstand the consequences.

We are all better off if we don't play the game. Cretian, the weasle that he is, at least figured this out, W has a long way to go.
BOYS AND GIRLS, children and all others. WWII ended 60 years ago. I doubt many of you had fought in it on any side. So all your insight is hindsight and show no respect for those who lived it.

One real problem here is most see hindsight as a right to badger. Problem is you see things on your terms. Compassion warrents you to take a trip back and see things as they were. Yet the MORONIC scholars here see it by todays norms. WAKE UP PEOPLE. What would you do if you had no clue and were concerned about waking in the marrow?


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Winston said:
Those that do not learn the lessons of the past, are doomed to repeat them.

Problems really cannot be sorted out by violence.
As sad as it is, all kinds of problems can be sorted out by violence. After serious efforts at diplomacy and at economic and political sanctions failed, violence solved the problem of Serbs slaughtering Muslim Kosovars, violence solved the problem of Iraq invading and enslaving Kuwait, and to bring this full 'round, violence solved the problem of Hitler slaughtering millions of innocents, and trying to enslave Europe (and beyond)?

It sucks, and in a perfect world it wouldn't be the case, but in our imperfect world, us "good guys", a term which in 2005 happily includes our German friends, have to be able to use violence to solve all kinds of problems. All we can do as citizens is work to ensure that our governments use their capacity for violence judiciously and as justly and humanely possible.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Winston said:
Tell me, did the problem of Serbs slaughtering Muslims solve what ever problem the two had? Then the west had to step in and use force. There is a difference between force and violence.

But in the end, other than to stop the Serbs and the Muslims from killing each other, were the root causes fixed? I don't really think so.
Well, you'll have to explain to me the difference between violence and force. I am guessing that to the guy on the wrong end of the precision-guided bomb, it's a fairly mooted difference.

Did it solve the long-term issue of Serbs and Muslims hating one another? No, that work is still ongoing, largely thanks to the 10 000 + NATO troops still staioned in Kosovo, using the threat of violence to provide a secure environment in which those two groups can work out their problems. Did it save lives and solve the problem of Muslims getting murdered? Yip.

But you know full well that those are just examples of how violence can solve problems.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
That that TopalM linked at the start of this thread is awful stuff. Life can suck sometimes; I know I'm thankful for my health, freedom, luck and all that. I can't even look at some of those vids.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
bayisle66 said:
But you know full well that those are just examples of how violence can solve problems.
No, violence does not solve problems, in it's more extreme form it causes a fire already begun to burn faster, that's all. That it will eventually burn itself out, for the time being, does not mean the root cause has at all been solved, or even recognized.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Winston said:
Those that do not learn the lessons of the past, are doomed to repeat them.

Problems really cannot be sorted out by violence.
And how else were the democratic powers going to sort out Adolf Hitler?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
DQ told me the 60's was 40 years ago and to get over it.

So following his suit I say WWII is over. We won. Get over it


New member
Mar 17, 2003
snagtoo said:
War is hell, let's try not to forget that.
We can play the blame game forever. Rotterdam, London, and Coventry set the level of destuction , the allied just up the anty.
If you are going to play total war then , you had better be able to withstand the consequences.

We are all better off if we don't play the game. Cretian, the weasle that he is, at least figured this out, W has a long way to go.
That's why we shouldn't play *total* war.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Winston said:
Tell me, did the problem of Serbs slaughtering Muslims solve what ever problem the two had? Then the west had to step in and use force. There is a difference between force and violence.

But in the end, other than to stop the Serbs and the Muslims from killing each other, were the root causes fixed? I don't really think so.
Violence certainly stopped the Nazis from exterminating "sub-humans".
Of that, there is no doubt.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
langeweile said:
Well if you put it that way...than Dresden certainly makes sense...:rolleyes:
Not at all. Why would you infer such a daft conclusion? Are you just trying to look like an idiot?
You can see what my statement was in response to.
Use your head.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Ranger68 said:
Not at all. Why would you infer such a daft conclusion? Are you just trying to look like an idiot?
You can see what my statement was in response to.
Use your head.

I saw what your statement was in response to. I am was semi-sarcastic in my response.

Since you brought it exactly did killing a bunch of German women and children stop the Nazis?:confused:


New member
Mar 17, 2003
langeweile said:
I saw what your statement was in response to. I am was semi-sarcastic in my response.

Since you brought it exactly did killing a bunch of German women and children stop the Nazis?
*I* didn't bring it up. You did.

My point: The statement that violence solves nothing is wrong because violence solved the problem of Germans exterminating millions of people in Europe.
Your statement: So, if you think that violence prevented the Germans from exterminating people, then you must think that Dresden was justified.

I can see why you're confused.

You might just as well say, "Well, since you think violence is justified, I guess you're in favour of mass murder!"

Seriously - be more critical in your thinking. It's pretty loose right now.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Winston said:
But in the end, other than to stop the Serbs and the Muslims from killing each other, were the root causes fixed? I don't really think so.
Often these things are not fixable.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
papasmerf said:
BOYS AND GIRLS, children and all others. WWII ended 60 years ago. I doubt many of you had fought in it on any side. So all your insight is hindsight and show no respect for those who lived it.
Maybe some of us know or are related to people who lived it.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
papasmerf said:
BOYS AND GIRLS, children and all others. WWII ended 60 years ago. I doubt many of you had fought in it on any side. So all your insight is hindsight and show no respect for those who lived it.
So, discussing it shows no respect for those who fought it?
On the contrary, not remembering it shows disrespect to those who fought it.
Show some respect or get lost.
"All your insight is hindsight." Yeah. History. What a useless pursuit.
Grow a brain.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Ranger68 said:
So, discussing it shows no respect for those who fought it?
On the contrary, not remembering it shows disrespect to those who fought it.
Show some respect or get lost.
"All your insight is hindsight." Yeah. History. What a useless pursuit.
Grow a brain.
The problem with retarded morans is they tend to post.

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