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The beauty is a bitch.... And then some....


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
You don't pay to be blown but do you pay Fred to be blew? :eyebrows:

Post #69 ;)

Correct and no. Also I have great legs. Thought you'd want to know that...


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
(Munch, munch, munch)

I'm going to need a TERB remote control to keep up on the threads this girl is starting.

(Munch, munch, munch)


Jul 27, 2011
lookit lady ... I try so hard to be nice to ya ... but you really piss me off sometimes.

Quit pretending you have a clue about the industry. With every post you display just how naive you are about the service providers and their clients.

By the way ...fat-one said something interesting up there. I thought you might wanna know.
well Jessica, I am pretty good at observing things. I believe there is a clear pattern that most women, especially the younger ones, just wander in and out. I have received many PMs from them and they all seem to go through a few simple phases and eventually are driven to get out.

Some, a smaller group seem to be be older, perhaps wiser, and are enjoying the entire thing. Other than their occupation they seem to belong two different populations. Obviously you belong to the second group. You find something nice and good in all your clients (I think you said that). You are also able to pick and choose and avoid the biggest losers. (I think said that to, but you are too polite to use the word loser). So I admit I tend to think more of the first group and not the one you are in.

Pretty much I cannot think of you as an SP. You are a true courtesan. SO stop assuming my words are directed at you.

RE the fat one...... He just repeats his beliefs over and over. Nothing new there. I had a 13 year old nephew in London. He was annoying and insecure and just KNEW things. Apparently many if not all boys go through that phase. I only knew a handful and they did. All the literature seems to support that they start thinking their parents know everything, in puberty they assume they know nothing, and in adulthood they realise that ....

I am babbling. It appears that teenagers go through a stage where they KNOW things without facts. They get insulted if put on the spot and make foolish empty statements. I am not certain if education or experience or both lets boys grasp that opinions are not facts and repeating them is not the same as providing facts.

Some do not grow past that stage. And many revert to it when they feel challenged. I told a Terb guy to take a leap off a building and I had no interest in seeing him and he started with the "she is a guy shit". I did not want to see him because I was warned he liked to stalk women. But he decided only a man could resit his charms.

Any way. fat one likes to disgorge the same statements over and over again. He acts like most 13 year old boys. It is sad but true. So I really have no interest in him or seeing it repeated. That is why I have him on ignore.

But thanks for letting me know. :)


Jul 27, 2011
well that I appreciate of course but quit with the generalizations then.

There are others that aren't here every day and see your posts. There are plenty of other ladies that are nowhere near as vocal or as ever present as me and never voice their opinions... but they are just like me. They are insulted right along with me. They just stay quiet. There are plenty of men reading your posts, maybe they are new to the hobby and are just the kind of gentleman I want to see ... but your generalizations and insinuations about the ladies in the biz are a complete turn off to them. I get that you might have personal feelings about the biz, about some of the gents here, and about some of the ladies too.

But give this some thought ...is it fair to turn other people off the industry because you're no longer involved in it and have personal feelings of disgust towards a select few participants that you've never even met?
I will respond in PM, because I have to say things I do not wish to share with the world.

But is a man acts like a teenager.... There is an old saying, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck it is probably not a horse.


Nov 20, 2006
By the way ...fat-one said something interesting up there. I thought you might wanna know.
Please don't do this. If Loki reads a post of mine he is bound to respond with some level of fail.

For example

"Any way. fat one likes to disgorge the same statements over and over again"

Pot calling the kettle black. I keep saying the same things over and over again because the source material never changes. I've explained this before when I have not been on ignore.

" It appears that teenagers go through a stage where they KNOW things without facts. They get insulted if put on the spot and make foolish empty statements"
I'd say pot and kettle again, but this is just an act by Loki. However he does have a track record of getting pretty snotty when put on the spot for making foolish empty statements.

Hint: just because you claim something is true does not mean it is. When you claim to be an X and don't know X, when you claim A is not A, you are wrong. It has nothing to do with being a 13 year old boy, you are just plain wrong and adults will call you on it. It is called reason and accountability. One would see such a response from a pathological liar when challenged. BTW speaking of saying the same things over and over again. Mirror much? You are much more like this fictional 13 year old than I am.

"Some do not grow past that stage. And many revert to it when they feel challenged. I told a Terb guy to take a leap off a building and I had no interest in seeing him and he started with the "she is a guy shit". I did not want to see him because I was warned he liked to stalk women. But he decided only a man could resit his charms."

You have never challenged me. You make false claims and I call bullshit and then you go derp derp derp. Again pot kettle African American.
Also you DO act this way when challenged.
Also As you are not an advertiser and your narrative has been all about how you live on a boat and are married, I doubt anyone asked to see you. This would be a lie as it contradicts your thing. Of course if you were to read this you would do the typical thing of calling me stupid and acting just like that 13 year old boy you claim me to be.

Even if this did happen, it isn't the reason everyone else thinks you are a man. People think you are a man [actually not a man, a particular man] because "you" claim to be Loki's wife and Loki is on here.
There are only 3 possible logical things to assume
1: You are legit. However this conflicts with the huge amount of evidence you yourself have presented.
2: You are a fictional creation of Loki.
3: Someone else is going around claiming to be the wife of Loki and for whatever reason he doesn't bother to say STFU. Which seems unlikely. If some nutter created a msFatone account claiming to be my wife, I'd scream bloody murder.

However even though we are all stupid and you are so Smrt, you have suggested various ideas of why we think you are a guy. Yet for some reason, they are just so off the mark. Isn't that ironic. Either you are as stunned as me arse, or you are just really stubborn and unwilling to admit the truth. I can understand that actually. But that you keep trying I find amazing.

I mean seriously everyone. If I kept posting that Hitler lead Poland to invade China during the 100 years war, I'd get butthurt to the 10th degree. If I followed up by claiming everyone was acting like a 13 year old claiming they must be right, well I'd probably be able to hear the laughter and/or the facepalming from 500 km away and through the walls of the brick and well insulated home I live in. I mean really. Calling people who don't believe your ill researched and reasoned stories 13 year olds. Damn, you might as well just respond to people with FAG bolded in red and done to max size.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Please don't do this. If Loki reads a post of mine he is bound to respond with some level of fail.

For example

"Any way. fat one likes to disgorge the same statements over and over again"

Pot calling the kettle black. I keep saying the same things over and over again because the source material never changes. I've explained this before when I have not been on ignore.

" It appears that teenagers go through a stage where they KNOW things without facts. They get insulted if put on the spot and make foolish empty statements"
I'd say pot and kettle again, but this is just an act by Loki. However he does have a track record of getting pretty snotty when put on the spot for making foolish empty statements.

Hint: just because you claim something is true does not mean it is. When you claim to be an X and don't know X, when you claim A is not A, you are wrong. It has nothing to do with being a 13 year old boy, you are just plain wrong and adults will call you on it. It is called reason and accountability. One would see such a response from a pathological liar when challenged. BTW speaking of saying the same things over and over again. Mirror much? You are much more like this fictional 13 year old than I am.

"Some do not grow past that stage. And many revert to it when they feel challenged. I told a Terb guy to take a leap off a building and I had no interest in seeing him and he started with the "she is a guy shit". I did not want to see him because I was warned he liked to stalk women. But he decided only a man could resit his charms."

You have never challenged me. You make false claims and I call bullshit and then you go derp derp derp. Again pot kettle African American.
Also you DO act this way when challenged.
Also As you are not an advertiser and your narrative has been all about how you live on a boat and are married, I doubt anyone asked to see you. This would be a lie as it contradicts your thing. Of course if you were to read this you would do the typical thing of calling me stupid and acting just like that 13 year old boy you claim me to be.

Even if this did happen, it isn't the reason everyone else thinks you are a man. People think you are a man [actually not a man, a particular man] because "you" claim to be Loki's wife and Loki is on here.
There are only 3 possible logical things to assume
1: You are legit. However this conflicts with the huge amount of evidence you yourself have presented.
2: You are a fictional creation of Loki.
3: Someone else is going around claiming to be the wife of Loki and for whatever reason he doesn't bother to say STFU. Which seems unlikely. If some nutter created a msFatone account claiming to be my wife, I'd scream bloody murder.

However even though we are all stupid and you are so Smrt, you have suggested various ideas of why we think you are a guy. Yet for some reason, they are just so off the mark. Isn't that ironic. Either you are as stunned as me arse, or you are just really stubborn and unwilling to admit the truth. I can understand that actually. But that you keep trying I find amazing.

I mean seriously everyone. If I kept posting that Hitler lead Poland to invade China during the 100 years war, I'd get butthurt to the 10th degree. If I followed up by claiming everyone was acting like a 13 year old claiming they must be right, well I'd probably be able to hear the laughter and/or the facepalming from 500 km away and through the walls of the brick and well insulated home I live in. I mean really. Calling people who don't believe your ill researched and reasoned stories 13 year olds. Damn, you might as well just respond to people with FAG bolded in red and done to max size.
(Munch, munch, munch)

(Slurp, slurp)

Certainly wouldn't want her to miss this one!


Nov 20, 2006


Jul 27, 2011
(Munch, munch, munch)

(Slurp, slurp)

Certainly wouldn't want her to miss this one!

You Sir are a shit disturber. LOL

I really do not want to argue with the fat guy. Have you actually read his post? I find it a classic example of an uneducated ramble typical of an immature individual. I learnt long ago that teenagers do not have the skills to identify a fact. They yell about "proved" a lot but lack the training and understanding to know what that means. How can I argue with a guy who keeps claiming to have proof and never produces it. lol

I will not be bullied into saying I am a man. I will not be pestered into leaving the board. And I really think ignoring him is the best option :) Why get upset ?

Why not just ask fat guy to provide the dialogue for both sides of random arguments and let him entertain you?

NOne the less, you Sir are a shit disturber. LOL


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Want some popcorn?

(Munch, munch, munch)

Margarita jug is in the fridge.....

(Sip, sip, sip).


Jul 27, 2011
Want some popcorn?

(Munch, munch, munch)

Margarita jug is in the fridge.....

(Sip, sip, sip).

I love popcorn. No Margaritas though. Nursing. :)

I am glad we were able to amuse you


Well-known member
I have not read this thread and I'd bet serious money it's just one big cat fight.......the OP has that tone.I expect there will be more to follow.Thanks goodness for skimming


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
can't believe that horse shit is still going on. tell you what to settle this send me a pm and i will send you my phone number, call me with a blocked number and say "hi simon, it's me the chick everyone thinks is a dude" then i will come back here and report on whether you called me and if you did if you are a chick. better yet here is one of my junk emails shadowrealm@hotmail.com take a pic with your head blocked so i can't see it for the sake of privacy, hold a sign that says hi simon or something that will make me believe it is you. then i will report back with no bullshit either way. that will put the whole thing to an end. can't believe after 6 fucking months this stupid shit is still going on.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Back to the OP ....and more gentle advice.

I note the pricing scheme. You have a right to charge as you please


350 per hr is the starting point, then a slight reduction for extra time to 500 for 1.5 hrs.
However, the 2 hr rate jumps back to the hourly rate at $700.
You may at some point need to address how increasing of time gets you increasing returns, while at the same time the customer feels he too is getting increasing value.

And as I say, your hourly rate is premium. Perhaps so, given quality of service.
You will need to weigh this pricing scheme against need for cash/customers.

And you are aware, many many ladies offer a much desired 1/2 hr time option that you may or may not want to compete against. And top quality young ladies offer this at 100-160 for a half. Then jump to 200-250 for the hour. Just a consideration.

Again, price as you please. Keep in mind desireability has many factors.

I know the movie 'Pretty Lady', offered a lot of romance, fancy clothes and dinners to the mystique of service providing. I dare say, that reality is a pipe dream. Your website would suggest so far you have put quality work in. Lets hope it translates to a career. However in the SP industry, just because you build it, does not mean they will cum :)

i just want you content, and not pulling out the claws like ur nursing friends, and coming down on a much busier competitor SP


Jul 27, 2011
can't believe that horse shit is still going on. tell you what to settle this send me a pm and i will send you my phone number, call me with a blocked number and say "hi simon, it's me the chick everyone thinks is a dude" then i will come back here and report on whether you called me and if you did if you are a chick. better yet here is one of my junk emails shadowrealm@hotmail.com take a pic with your head blocked so i can't see it for the sake of privacy, hold a sign that says hi simon or something that will make me believe it is you. then i will report back with no bullshit either way. that will put the whole thing to an end. can't believe after 6 fucking months this stupid shit is still going on.

Been there, done that, got the T shirt. "Loki just hired a girl / talked a girl int / etc. It was not CA!", "He hired a girl for the pic, photo shopped in the words, etc ", "Even if she shows up to the party it will just be some girl Loki imported to pretend to be CA". But thanks for the offer.

I have no intention of letting the hatters track me down :) so I will never again give pics of me to people from here.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Been there, done that, got the T shirt. "Loki just hired a girl / talked a girl int / etc. It was not CA!", "He hired a girl for the pic, photo shopped in the words, etc ", "Even if she shows up to the party it will just be some girl Loki imported to pretend to be CA". But thanks for the offer.

I have no intention of letting the hatters track me down :) so I will never again give pics of me to people from here.
skip the pic. call me with a blocked number, say it's you then hang up. problem solved. i will vouch for you, stupid gayest argument on the internet ever is over.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
can't believe that horse shit is still going on. tell you what to settle this send me a pm and i will send you my phone number, call me with a blocked number and say "hi simon, it's me the chick everyone thinks is a dude" then i will come back here and report on whether you called me and if you did if you are a chick. better yet here is one of my junk emails shadowrealm@hotmail.com take a pic with your head blocked so i can't see it for the sake of privacy, hold a sign that says hi simon or something that will make me believe it is you. then i will report back with no bullshit either way. that will put the whole thing to an end. can't believe after 6 fucking months this stupid shit is still going on.
Doesn't mean anything. I can get a guy or a girl to call anyone at their request. AS for the sign, I can make anything you want in photoshop and you will never know the difference, but I would just get someone else I know hold a sign. It won't prove shit so it is pointless and it has been going on for longer then 6 months. She was not pregnant when she started here and has had "apparently" a son...... So math 101 says that is more then 6 months.

People are going to think what they want. I have been so many things over the years. From this industry, I have been called a few agency owners from Jillian to Andy, I have been a guy. I have been a in jail, I have even died - twice! None of it matter. What is true doesn't and what it false doesn't. I gave up a long time ago trying to change the minds of other people. There is no point.

Back to the OP ....and more gentle advice.

I note the pricing scheme. You have a right to charge as you please


350 per hr is the starting point, then a slight reduction for extra time to 500 for 1.5 hrs.
However, the 2 hr rate jumps back to the hourly rate at $700.
You may at some point need to address how increasing of time gets you increasing returns, while at the same time the customer feels he too is getting increasing value.

And as I say, your hourly rate is premium. Perhaps so, given quality of service.
You will need to weigh this pricing scheme against need for cash/customers.

And you are aware, many many ladies offer a much desired 1/2 hr time option that you may or may not want to compete against. And top quality young ladies offer this at 100-160 for a half. Then jump to 200-250 for the hour. Just a consideration.

Again, price as you please. Keep in mind desireability has many factors.

I know the movie 'Pretty Lady', offered a lot of romance, fancy clothes and dinners to the mystique of service providing. I dare say, that reality is a pipe dream. Your website would suggest so far you have put quality work in. Lets hope it translates to a career. However in the SP industry, just because you build it, does not mean they will cum :)

i just want you content, and not pulling out the claws like ur nursing friends, and coming down on a much busier competitor SP

Good point, I assume it's a mistake she'll want to correct.
How do you know?

Why do men assume that rates are for them? Hoenstly, you all say that ladies can charge what they want but then need some explanation as to how they came up with the figures they did.

If I as an escort want halfs only, I would make them $100, I would make my hours $250. Why? Because I don't want hours. I will do them, but generally it is not what I want, so I market that way. No one, not client nor SP will know or even have the right to know why and how other SP's come to their rates. That is just it.

Sometimes there is a method to it. Sometimes there is not, but it not for you or me to say ANYTHING. It is up to the OP.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Why you ask?

Because the OP asked how she could avoid the girl on girl bitchiness that overwhelmed her in the nursing Industry. And I dare say, the SP roads are littered with the same and tougher hurdles.

Just tryna give sound advice!
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