One I suspected, we became friends and she showed me her ID. She was 23 pretending to be 18. I've asked 3 clients for IDs, that's super awkward too. Two of them showed me two IDs from their wallets and covered their names, one of them refused. I paid him a cancellation fee and asked him to leave.fuji said:Have you ever encountered anyone working as an SP who was underage?
I started in the industry shortly before my 20th birthday at 19 years old. I did my research, knew the industry as best I could, and still made a poor decision in terms of agencies. I learnt fast and switched quickly, but I don't think 18-20 is too young for the industry: I wish we could have an SP-training-program, where every girl (not just young) got a smart and collected mentor to help her with things she couldn't have predicted from the outside. My mistake had nothing to do with age and everything to do with girls not talking about their work while working. (Where does a fledging SP go except directly to an agency owner and who is to say that owner isn't a corrupt one?)genintoronto said:That being said, I do agree with those who have said that "barely legal" is too young to be in this business.
Just finished my undergrad, in a postgrad program now. Add Kaitlyn to the list of undergrads, add Noir and Dawn to the list of finishing their undergrads... There's a fairly large group of girls who are studying or have finished their degrees, I'd say maybe even more than half.squash500 said:Here's another question . How many sps actually have university or community college degrees?
If I was to guess I would say Kyra, Gen, Becky and Angela.
Cliche and predictable answer, but for me its way more about the sexual fantasy than money, although the money plays into the fantasy. Where else, as a 21-year-old girl, can I meet this many amazing people at different places in their lives, and learn from it?Hank250 said:What motivated your decision to become a prostitute?
I've been honest this whole thread and said there are women who work that I believe should NOT be in the sex industry. A lot of these girls have a history of past sexual abuse, and I'd argue strongly that there is a higher incident of sexually abusive pasts in escorts. Correlation is not causation, however.Hank250 said:Do you think that sexual abuse early in life influences women to become sex workers??
I've answered this previously.Hank250 said:How has working as a prostitute changed your views on sex, and in society in general?
I'd say that's the last reason on the list. You're assuming they're leaving on their own terms. Owners will often not work with someone who is constatnly late for appointments, intoxicated at work, etc. On the girl's side not getting along with the owner and/or not getting enough calls.Hank250 said:I see many women come and go from the various agency websites after only a short period of time. What are the most common reasons as to why they leave? Is it mainly because of the clients?
I'm a redhead and EVERYTHING shows up. I do get little red welts, but recently I found a product for men who shave their heads called BumpStopper and I haven't had a problem since.Hank250 said:1) How do you shave your bikini zone and not get those little red welts?
Carefully.Hank250 said:How do you remove the hair that is up around the anus?
I'll be honest: some agencies are AWFUL. We've just exposed one such agency recently. For the most part though, agencies look out for the girls number one, even overzealously.Hank250 said:Without naming any specific business, how do agencies actually treat their girls? Given [...] the treatment that I have received as a costumer while just trying to book appointments, I know it's not all wine and roses!
Perhaps it's not a fair question to even ask, as the only answer an agency girl is likely rto give it that everything is fine (because the boss is likely to read this thread too)
Agency bookers are busy, they flag clients that have been perceived as problems in the past for future benefit (this is the fastest and most effective way) and they tend to treat people the way they have been treated. That having been said Chris@Mirage was VERY overworked for awhile, now he has help and clients are saying its much better. He's never in over a year spoken to me rudely or shortly.
PS. Andy isn't "my boss", technically, as I'm paying him: it's the other way around. But he also doesn't have time to read this thread unless someone directs him to a direct post/page.