Sorry, I was sloppy in my language. What I meant was that they could spend that cash on other paid positions. I did not intend to mean things like new office furniture and the like.You said:
" But its the congress person's budget to do what they please with the money. That's why there are so many unpaid interns. They would rather pay or spend that money on other things, and don't give a fuck about the middle class kid who can't work in Washington for six months for free."
They can't use that money to pay for other things. They either pay their interns or don't use the money. Either way, she is using money that's been allocated for that purpose. Why some others don't is another issue but she's not a saint for using money that has been given to her to pay interns.
Show me where she was cleared by the ethics committee. I haven't seen anything about that and have only seen info about her being under review.
As for the ethics committee, here is something from a story about a year ago, including a quote from AOC's office:
Source: Ethics Committee, meanwhile, made it clear Thursday that the extension of its review — separate from the one conducted by the ethics office — "does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred, or reflect any judgment on behalf of the Committee."
"Though no Ethics violation has been found, the Office of Congressional Ethics ('OCE') did identify that there were delays in paying vendors for costs associated with the Congresswoman’s attendance at the Met Gala. The Congresswoman finds these delays unacceptable, and she has taken several steps to ensure nothing of this nature will happen again," it said.
"However, while regrettable, these delayed payments definitively do not rise to the level of a violation of House Rules. Even after OCE’s exhaustive review of the Congresswoman’s personal communications, there is no record of the Congresswoman refusing to pay for these expenses. To the contrary, there are several explicit, documented communications, from prior to OCE’s review, that show the Congresswoman understood that she had to pay for these expenses from her own personal funds — as she ultimately did."
This was from March 2, 2023. There are virtually no follow up stories. As far as I can tell, they either ended it without adding anything further, or it is still ongoing. Which, on the surface, seems ridiculous. Now, all that being said, the ethics committee is still apparently investigating Matt Gaetz over paying underage girls for sex....And that feels like its been going on for a looooong time.