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"The anticipation is part of the foreplay." Thoughts?


Active member
May 29, 2017
Just to keep things short and simple, and to paraphrase someone else's comment that I saw a while back, and have seen repeated throughout many different places and forums (can't remember who, sorry lol): The anticipation is part of the foreplay, just like the title says.

Before, I used to do same-day dates with minimum prior research, mainly Asian agencies, but after having my experiences with them be really hit or miss, it especially culminated in one date with a bait-and-switch that I was too cowardly to walk away from and almost singlehandedly killed my interest as a client in the industry. Now, I try my best to do far more research ahead of time (looking at ads, pics, reviews, and over a longer period of time) and try my best to prebook dates ahead of time, usually for 1 week later or maybe 2 weeks later max (but usually only 1 week).

(At minimum, if I ever do a same day date if a particular lady is suddenly available or something, hopefully that's because I did plenty of homework ahead of time to figure out if I'm interested in her or not already; but I suppose this is a side note).

Does anyone get super excited as they wait in anticipation for the day of the date to come? Like I groom and shave myself a couple of days ahead of time (to avoid potential open cuts/sores and avoid my stubble being sharp and unpleasant), I make sure to not masturbate for a few days while I wait so I'm locked and loaded (usually for 3-5 days before a date), counting down the days and hours, visualizing what kind of lingerie she will be wearing and visualizing her naked, and honestly the physical and mental sensation of merely waiting for a date and fantasizing about what I want to do on the date gets me extra riled up and tingly as I wait for the day to come, and I end up feeling hornier and more "on top of the world" and ready to just go at it once the date comes and actually happens. I get foreplay in the bedroom, kissing, cuddling, oral and other light stuff like that no doubt, but knowing I have a date ahead of me and knowing I'm gonna get laid and have sex is a rush and high in its own right.

It's a bonus when I'm seeing someone again, especially if I found them attractive and enjoyed my previous experience(s) with them; that said, this excitement can also branch out into the unknown of seeing someone for the first time and hoping the surprise factor kicks in and hoping that they are beautiful/pretty/cute and hoping the vibes check out and we all have a fun time at the end of it all.

Anyone else agree or get what I'm trying to say? Any other thoughts?

P.S. May be unrelated, but I have a date coming up at the end of the week that I had paid the full deposit roughly 2+ years ago that was delayed due to covid, personal issues, and schedule conflicts, and that I finally found a proper date/time and pre-booked 1 week-ish ago that's finally happening 🤞, and I'm excited about seeing her again, so yeah lol 😂
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