The One Spa

Terrorist Act?


Mar 31, 2009
We need laws similar to the pedophile laws:

1) Illegal to view hate propaganda.

2) Illegal to view beheadings.

3) Illegal to travel abroad to commit terrorism.

BTW: I think there is a proposal to rescind the Canadian citizenship of dual citizens who engage in terrorism. Beside, I don't think Iran, Egypt, etc. recognize the "Canadian" part of dual citizens anyway.


Mar 21, 2011
We are not 'bombing Iraq'. We will bomb ISIL in Iraq if the situation dictates it.
Apples and oranges.

We are bombing the latest anti-US group to spring up in the ashes of failed US invasions of Iraq and the middle east.
The present banana republic type government is none to popular, about as successful as the US imposed Afghani government.

We should send some cash to the UN, let them send in the blue hats and say we've done our duty.
Joining the US empire as it starts its decline is a foolish move.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
That happens all the time. Freedom is not absolute. Remember the FLQ Crisis? How about the R.I.D.E. program?

The revocation of travel privileges might be a reasonable limit of one's freedoms in this case. Such affected persons still have the right to appeal. The alternative is to let ISIL sympathizers travel abroad so that they can possibly maim and kill many, many more human beings.
The FLQ Crisis was a massive overreach by the government not unlike the G20. I fundamentally disagree with RIDE program as well. Travel within Canada and over Canadian borders is not a privilege. It is a RIGHT under the Charter. Monumental difference. I came from a country that used mobility as punishment and believe me, you don't want to go there. You are against jihadis killing "over there"-so am I. But. Given a choice, and the fact that we cannot stop them without destroying ourselves, I'd rather let them kill there than here. Somebody will die regardless -I prefer that somebody was not my fellow Canadian.
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