Terb May Be Unreliable Also


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Recently posted a review of an agency which was pulled. Indicated how they had jerked me around. Some of you pm'd me and indicated you had similar problems with that agency (and girl). Nothing had been posted on this issue so I thought the agency (and girl) would be fairly reliable as they are from Toronto. If I had known I would not have booked due to my situation that day. I would have greatly appreciated a heads up. So by removing posts that are not positive (but true ) I think a disservice is done to board members and diminishes the value of the board. As a result I will not post the recent experiences (Horrific) I have had (was to be Part 2 of my review) in this town and will leave it up to you members to find out for yourselves and at your cost. Good luck and be very, very careful.


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Interesting that you did not ask me for my version of the facts before taking action. You could have asked me publicly or PM'd me. You did neither.

You say that they branded me a problem? As my post indicated I followed their instructions to the letter and did absolutely nothing wrong. I showed up on time, well groomed and clean. And yes with the money in my pocket. They had my phone # and could have contacted me to let me know she was running late. They did not. I am paying alot of money for a service and they agreed to our contract. They changed the terms of it having no consideration for the bind it might place me in. And of course with no notice. And their response to you, which you accepted, was that I am the problem! Give me a break. I was truly in a bind that morning. I had clients booked all morning and needed them (the agency) to be on time. I had no indication they were not. I had to leave. They gave me no choice. What they did not know was that because of my predicament even if the lady was on time I would have had to leave early. But of course that was my problem, not theirs and so would have paid the lady for the full hour. I was not going to leave them ( her ) high and dry at the last minute. I also emailed them right away to air the situation. They refused to respond and discuss. Does that not tell you something, Sheik?

So, if all this makes ME a problem, so be it. I know I acted professionally and with regard for their situation. I lived up to my end of the bargain, they did not. I am fed up with the people in this hobby refusing to accept responsibility for their actions and falsely accusing others. Why did they just not apologize to me for jerking me around and call it a day? Interesting they did not respond to my email to them and discuss the situation before branding me. And no my email was not offensive, just to the point.

So, basically there you have it. Looking bad for me, you say? Ok I can sure live with that. You know I have been a positive contributor to this board for a long time and so do others. I stand by my original comment as well. It is my view that because of the way certain situations are hangled members are intimidated not to post. As a result very valuable information never gets disclosed unless someone PM's you. This marginalizes the value of the board.

You, the board, should have let me know there was a problem, especially when you knew ( I did not ) that someone was slandering me behind my back. You seem to have a lot of consideration for the agencies; how about a little for the members on this board and getting both sides of the story before you act. By the way, how could you "check all the facts" by not contacting me?

Thank you for the opportunity to disclose my story in public.


New member
Sep 6, 2003
I have very carefully reviewed my posts and your response. I stand by my position; it is crystal clear and reasonable. I have nothing more to ad. That you do not see my position surprises me somewhat. Perhaps it is because even you do not have the facts straight in your mind at this time -- I never indicated, as you said I did, that I waited 20 min. in any of my posts, nor in my email to the agency. Where you get that I do not know.

But this does not really matter. Regardless of the facts and the truth, however you perceive them to be, you have for whatever your own reasons and motivations made your position clear and it is therefore pointless to bicker. If one cannot see my point and my position with respect, then they can't.

Overall this has been a very enlightning situation.


Oct 4, 2007
Am I missing the point?

Why is there an argument about whether or not the agency sucks?

Falconhawk thought it sucked. I remeber his review, and I also felt that he was being overly harsh.

But so what?

Regardless of whether the moderators, me, or anyone else thought the assessment was fair, he did include all the facts in his review. People can read it, and make up their own mind.

What strikes me as odd, is that a negative review was removed because the agency didn't like it.

Is it TERB's policy to remove negative reviews, just because the agency asks you too?

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
northern_bear said:
Am I missing the point?

Why is there an argument about whether or not the agency sucks?

Falconhawk thought it sucked. I remeber his review, and I also felt that he was being overly harsh.

But so what?

Regardless of whether the moderators, me, or anyone else thought the assessment was fair, he did include all the facts in his review. People can read it, and make up their own mind.

What strikes me as odd, is that a negative review was removed because the agency didn't like it.

Is it TERB's policy to remove negative reviews, just because the agency asks you too?
Please don't be so quick to assume that it was the agency who asked that his review be removed, because it wasn't. I can tell you this, as far as I am concerned there were alot of facts that FalconHawk conveniently left out in both his reviews and some things were in accurate. I will admit that there were some things that I am at fault for, I won't deny that. But Falcon Hawks actions after the fact were not only unprofessional but also disrespectful.

I was planning to respond to Falcon Hawk in private but since he wants to make it a public it matter then it only make sense that I respond to him in public. I would like a chance to present my side of the story and let the members then make their own judgments. I wanted to respond when he wrote his first review but both ladies had asked me not to respond and to not get them involved because they are not comfortable with having their personal experiences debated on a review board. I will try to respect their wishes to be kept out of the discussion, but I do think its important that I confront falcon hawk since I have nothing to hide. Hopefully this won't be reduced to a HE SAID/SHE SAID scenario.




New member
Sep 16, 2006
Gatineau/Old Hull
I personally don't think it's fair for clients to have to wait...or even worse; EXPECT TO. It shouldn't be par for the course. Like any other type of appointment u might have, punctuality is important. I'm not saying his "bashing" or "angry reviews" are OK, but i guess in his defense...I'd be pissed off too if i had no fliexibility to wait. Those types of details are important in a review, for those who like FH are on a tight schedule. If a guy is 20 mins late for an appt with me, he's gonna get 40mins for $200, since he wasted 20 of the 60.


Jun 29, 2006
Would you wait at a doctors or dentists office?? Or an emergency room? Seems to me we are always waiting for something or an other.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
Would you wait at a doctors or dentists office?? Or an emergency room? Seems to me we are always waiting for something or an other.
I agree, no one likes to wait but it's a fact of life. The SPs and MP who are able to consistantly keep their appointments on time, make their customers happy. It would be great if that was the norm but it just isn't, anywhere.

I always take my car back to the dealership for oil changes and every time I drive in and give the keys I ask how long ? They have never met the estimates for time they gave me, not even close. So as a result I don't go to get an oil change when I know I have to be somewhere in half an hour. Every service business is like this, thats just the way it is.


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
if thats just the way it is, so next time when we book with Sp. we should show up half hour late. Try it on GOE, and see what Nicole have to say.


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
RemyMartin said:
if thats just the way it is, so next time when we book with Sp. we should show up half hour late. Try it on GOE, and see what Nicole have to say.
Very well said! It either works both ways or it doesn't!


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
ricardo47 said:
Would you wait at a doctors or dentists office?? Or an emergency room? Seems to me we are always waiting for something or an other.
As for doctors and emergency rooms, we don't normally have to shell out any cash when we visit them (covered by standard provincial insurance for most people). However, if you do visit a specialist whose services are not covered by provincial or other insurance you can usually expect to receive punctual service. As for dentists, my own dentist is unbelievably punctual and has never ever kept me waiting in 20 or more years.

It all comes down to the person himself/herself (doctor, dentist, SP, client, etc.) Some people were brought up by their parents and teachers to regard punctuality as a common courtesy (even a virtue) whereas others were not.


Jun 29, 2006
Tip-Drill said:
Very well said! It either works both ways or it doesn't!
Well why don't you TOFTT and show up 30 minutes late for your next doctors appointment? Can't wait for the review.


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
ricardo47 said:
Well why don't you TOFTT and show up 30 minutes late for your next doctors appointment? Can't wait for the review.
If you show up 30 minutes late for a doctor's appointment that invariably means you have 30 minutes less to wait!

Don't forget that OHIP doctors don't ask us to hand over $200-$350 in cash in an envelope when we enter their offices .... lol!


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
I don't like my doctor being late for appointment too, but I can't do anything about that because I need him more than he need me. But for Sp, I think they need my money more than I need them, if they are late , find somebody else.
Jul 28, 2006
This Cowboy took his Ma to see a specialist the other day and waited 2hrs and 15 minutes for a 15 minute consultation and back out on our way home. We were there so freakin long the parking attendant had left for the day. I guess that was the silver lining, I didn't have to pay for parking!


New member
Nov 13, 2007
I remember Falconhawk's post vaguely that it sounded like it was done when emotions was high but in all honesty it was not that bad at all.

I am not so sure about "Girls being late is normal in this business" either. For sure in outcall situations in Toronto or in cities like Mumbai (1.5 hr late is normal there guaranteed), we can understand and anticipate that while we wait in our hotel room.

But Falconhawk's situation was an incall appt with a girl on tour. If being late in incall situations is expected to be normal or the norm, then 50% of all incall appts that we go to every week would have ran late. But that is hardly the case for incalls at all at this modern day and age. Believe me, I lived in Toronto for well over a decade too and incalls there were hardly late or not ready when appts were made. OK, maybe if you go to the really cheap and low end ones .....

Sure, Terb is a private board and is always a bit bias towards the SPs whether it is right or wrong. If you look at things from Falconhawk's point of view, it might have taken him a great deal and/or miss many other important things to go to an appt that he might have had or been sold high hopes on. He has every right to be frustrated. This was compounded by the fact that you even admitted that many others have confirmed about the lateness factor. This could only mean one thing - either the agency or the SP in question was being too greedy to stack up too many back-to-back appts together without consideration of the clients at all.

Honestly, his post was not that extreme at all and you can always return it for everyone to see again to judge for themselves. He definitely does not deserve to be treated this way while the BAD SP in question is kind of being "protected" .... but hey, that's how life is sometimes ....

Sheik said:
Girls being late is normal in this business. Guys that schedule appts with the ladies know that running late is normal and should allow for that in their schedule.

If Falconhawk's attitude continues to be confrontational he will be suspended from TERB as we do not want people with that attitude on the board. It's that simple. This is a privately run board and the moderating team has guidelines that are expected to be followed.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
Regardless of how you pay for your doctors visits or trips to the emergency room, cash or through taxes you wait for the service, that's the way it is.

The same is true of dentists ( in my experience ), RMTs, Hair cuts, cable service, IT support, furnace repair, etc,etc,etc.

The simple reason is that it is impossible to know exactly how long many of these services will take to perform. Can you imagine you dentist saying "Sorry, you hour is up, I didn't have time to finish maybe you should book a longer appointment next time."

The same is true of MP and SP services, customers are the first ones to complain the girl is a clock watcher if she makes sure your appointment doesn't go over, and many guys quickly accept the extra 10 or 15 mins of an appointment when the girl goes the extra mile to try and give you your money's worth. Well guess what, it does go both ways, a few minutes extra here and there mean that sometimes you are going have an appointment that doesn't start on exactly on time.

I don't like appointments that don't start on time, I always try to be on time. The reality is that people are imperfect and some are down right bad at managing their time. If that is a problem for you as customer you will probably find SPs that don't want to see you. If it's a problem accommodating an SP that may be 10-15 minutes late then you have the choice not go back,. but if you're honest with yourself you'll probably find that you yourself are sometimes late and still get the full time you paid for and whats more you probably often get a little extra.

I don't think more than 10-15 minutes is acceptable, but a little tolerance goes a long way.



Feb 21, 2005
jimjac said:
I guess we can show up to 1 hour for GOE appointments and no need to call right! will some TOFTT:p
Or pay for 15 minutes and stay for 2 hours, a couple of years ago they had no problem doing the reverse with me
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