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Terb has gone from an outlaw to an inlaw. Fuck you sheep, all of you.

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Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
Seriously guy..get a life. TERB is a place to review escort. The politcal bullshit that come along with this industry is stupid. For fucks sake terb exist to review women you pay to screw. why cant anyone just leave it at this? Now it all about big fat ego cause one guy review women more than the other. this person think that person is blowhard and a fake.. another person think a guy is getting free bj in exchange for writing good review. idiot get ban and start hate war against terb... this loser is going to threat that loser so he go and start his own board where he talk garbage about everyone. it bad enough that prostitiution is still taboo and underground and some of you people make industry worse by create little war within it. when has it gone to far? who give a shit about who has fake tits. what one person dont like someone else will. and the guy who start this thread have to much time on his hand. let terb be what it suppose to be without all the bullshit. this isnt a board that is politically correct. stop using this analogy. it is dumb. you think this place is boring? why not be another terb reject that will be ban soon if you dont like it. you just want to start shit and be drama queen. why not write some review and stop complain about how the world not fair. life isnt fair buddy. get over it.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Where is the link to the fake tits thread?

I'm surprised tbill is not xed out. Link to tbill's board?

I know this is a bit off topic, but I think due to the strict self-promoting policy, the terb community is deprived of many independents, semis, etc...
I understand the need to generate income, but there must be a better way to get a bigger spectrum of available girls than just the advertisers.
Don't you think there would be a tremendous interest from guys to have a section for girls that want to announce that they are just doing this for a few weeks before they go back to school?


Apr 24, 2005
There was a fake tit thread:confused: ? I must have missed it because I am too busy trying to resolve the garbage strike.


Mr. Happy’s enabler
Feb 29, 2004
Dining at the Y
Mao Tse Tongue said:
TERB used to be a place of big erotic dreams, a place where sleaziness had a home and strange idiotic characters came to feed at the trough. Terb has now become one of the most politically correct places around, it`s just there`s a few harmless four letter words mixed in to make people think they`re not at a tea party.

But this fake tits thread and the reactions it provoked have confirmed what I have felt for some time: This place has become as main street as McDonald`s, and as dull and unerotic as a PR convention.
In typical Canadian fashion, the sheep of TERB, most of you actually, value politeness and fair play over passion and new experiences. Sex is wild, unpredictable, completely uneven in power terms, and something that exists in a realm that can`t be contained. It`s all fine and well to treat the ladies well, but the sheer stupidity, double standards and mock outrage of the fake tits thread were a new level of dullness. This place has become as PC as a women`s studies course. When the fuck did we all agree that should happen????

Reviewers are mostly dullards, lacking any creativity whatsoever, any flair for the erotic, compulsively checking their mileage scorecards but forgetting to make eye contact or feel anything resembling freedom that good sex can provide.

On the other hand, you have a small group of people, ass kissing men and clearly wounded women, who seem hypernaturally inclined to root out any rough edges that should be part of a tribe of hundreds of men who are panting heavily over hot women and ready to fuck. The idea that women need to protected not in the real world but on an Internet chat just boggles in its stupidity and surreality, never mind sexism at its worst.

This is the kind of review that TERB needs more of:

Fast, raucous and filled with energy.

The horribly Protestant, anal retentive PC`ers have taken over TERB and drained it of what used to make it fun, dangerous and SEXY.

I`m not sure tBill`s board is the answer, but TERB needs to bring sexy back before it become the drive through sex queen, all speed and not much sexy.

Rant over. Fuck you very much.

Well said Mao! If one has the audacity to have an opinion of one of the sacred cows on terb that is contrary to the herd, that person gets stampeded by the terb herd mercilessly, which is pretty fucking sad. And nice job exposing the hypocrisy of some of the herd, as they often stampede for a specific (not so) hidden agenda, and not in the interest of sharing info with fellow hobbyists.


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
alright, i finally finished the fake tit thread....that is one long thread. Nothing really offensive but a couple of chicks took it personally. a few hurt feelings over nothing in my opinion.

So in the end i am no sheep, just give me the facts, i'll make up my own mind.


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007

I took a breather for a short while and realized that I shouldn't be upset about what you wrote, opinions are like assholes right? ;)

Thanks for the wake up call - I realized that I should have thicker skin and put up a fight where necessary. I am not about to let the opinion of someone who's never seen me, and doesn't know me bother me. That is just ridiculous. ^_^

Good luck with your future rants. No hard feeling here (just fake tits... =P)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Noir said:
I took a breather for a short while and realized that I shouldn't be upset about what you wrote, opinions are like assholes right? ;)

Thanks for the wake up call - I realized that I should have thicker skin and put up a fight where necessary. I am not about to let the opinion of someone who's never seen me, and doesn't know me bother me. That is just ridiculous. ^_^

Good luck with your future rants. No hard feeling here (just fake tits... =P)
Bottom line Noir, is that it is your body and your life. Mao or I may have opinions and if you asked us should with kindness give you them, but neither of us is in a romantic relationship with you and we don't get a say.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Brill said:
Don't let the cunts get you down, Mao!

Don't worry. You won't bother him...:p


New member
Aug 21, 2008
lol ok thanks i just lost 5mins of my life reading this... omg

Drama in a board in the net?? nothing new here guys.

Take a chill pill and get some laid and thats it, live goes on ^^

my 2 cents.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Noir said:
I took a breather for a short while and realized that I shouldn't be upset about what you wrote, opinions are like assholes right? ;)

Thanks for the wake up call - I realized that I should have thicker skin and put up a fight where necessary. I am not about to let the opinion of someone who's never seen me, and doesn't know me bother me. That is just ridiculous. ^_^

Good luck with your future rants. No hard feeling here (just fake tits... =P)
I'm glad Noir, I like reading your posts. You're clearly an intelligent well rounded (and might I add beautiful) lady who made a thoughtful, conscious decison to enhance your assets. I disagree with your decision but I respect it nonetheless.
Mao is posting more out of disappointment than anything really. I wouldn't take what he says too personally. He has always been very opinionated and stubborn about many things on this board. It can get frustrating to deal with because he always needs to have the last word but we need to have guys like this to keep us on our toes and liven the place up don't we?


Oct 25, 2002
I can't wait to read next week's rant by Mao. I can just see it now, we'll all be losers, lemmings or unintelligent, pushovers who can't appreciate his humor, curiosity or joie de vivre.

By the way, he's an outlaw, a man who takes no prisoners, a man's man who won't stand for a fake boob and won't suffer the fools who put up with silicone or saline.

Why can't we all just appreciate him, give him a good pat in the back and shut the fuck up.

;) <== Look I added a smiley! it's all in good humor.



Apr 24, 2005
I found the "fake tit" thread but there are like 8,000 posts on it. Too many to read to catch up. Hopefully, missing out on that thread won't negatively affect the rest of my life. Is Mao still angry?


Jan 31, 2005
MTT is probably a sociopath who doesn't really understand other people's emotions so I wouldn't worry about him.

Whether we ever see Noir on terb ever again I think is the question. He seems to have run her off the board.


Jan 31, 2005
Noir said:
I took a breather for a short while and realized that I shouldn't be upset about what you wrote
Feel free to be upset about what he wrote, glad you didn't leave the board.

My view (posted on the other thread too) is that there is nothing particularly wrong with people reviewing your tits, or anybody else's, this is a review board.

I think he went way over the line with the "quality men" comment and a few others, I think he does not understand other people's feelings. This is after all the same dude who tried to use psychological torture to get himself out of being a father.

But reviews of your tits, for and against, you'll probably just have to accept--I mean, isn't that what this is supposed to be? An escort review board????

No need to be an asshole about it though.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Mao you're a drama queen but I have to agree with you.

TERB is a place where we can talk about a woman...

sucking cock
taking a cum shoots in the mouth
taking cum shoots on the face
swallowing jizz
getting her pussy eating (even when it's bleeding yukk)
taking it up the ass
and basically just getting fucked in every way possible.

But mention her fake breasts? Man you've crossed the line and may hurt her feelings.

Give me a fucking break!!!


Jan 31, 2005
Back Burner said:
But mention her fake breasts? Man you've crossed the line and may hurt her feelings.
Back burner, I think you really must have some self esteem issues, I guess you are just a complete desperate loser, and you say this sort of thing to make yourself feel better because deep down you know you're an ass. I also suspect you will never attract any women of quality because of your failures.


I don't really mean the above, I don't know fuck all about you, but that is more or less what MTT said about Noir and others and it was over the line. You were probably getting ready to tell me to go fuck myself while you read the above too.

I think it's perfectly fine for people to have opinions about Noir's tits, whether pro- or con-, and voice them. This is a review board, we're going to post reviews, not all of the reviews are going to be positive.

I don't see any cause, though, to start asserting that someone else has low self-esteem, etc., and the comment about "men of quality" is fucking ridiculous.
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