Teachers lie about their religion...so they can simply teach


New member
Jan 18, 2009
The fact that these "teachers" are betraying what they believe in to get a job is more of a farce. I want my kids taught by someone with a sense of ethics, and the person quoted in the article obviously has none. Do you want your kids to have her as their teacher?
Give me a break...


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
What ever happened to hiring "the best qualified teacher" regardless of his her beliefs? If the RC School Boards can take PUBLIC funds to run their systems they NEED to get rid of this discrimination policy NOW. The archaic systems in which the RC Church dictated life as in the 50's 60's are OVER!!!!!!! My daughter in law teaches in the Catholic system at a HS in Peel. SHE feels there is no need for two different school systems and knows people who have done this and said they are wonderful teachers.

In my neighbourhood we have two IDENTICAL schools,you can't tell one from the other except for the names on the front.They share a playground,TWO different school bus firms going up and down the street transport kids to and from school. I have watched as the Public bus drives BY kids waiting for the Catholic bus!!!! WTF!!!!!

We need to get rid of the seperate school system.If a school wants to teach a religion course ie: a Catholic based faith course let the kids who are RC take the course. OR send your kid to CHURCH where religion SHOULD be taught
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