Taxi Drivers Protest


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Your fundamental premise is incorrect.

The current price to purchase a Taxi License from the City of Toronto is less than $6,000.00 all-in.

A secondary black market has developed as a result of the taxi industries' own efforts to limit the number of taxi plates issued by the city.

So the difference between the $6,000.00 and the $350,000/$125,000 value of the license is solely and directly a result of artificially restricted competition by limiting the number of plates issued.

And don't put too much stock in the "poor immigrant" and "cabbie's widow" stories. They are the exception, and not the rule. The majority of the plates are owned by investors some individuals but mostly single families) who bought up the plates over the years and now license them out to the ​truly "poor immigrant". And they nickel and dime the day to day cabbies with dispatch fees, maintenance surcharges, penalties etc. Think airlines and their surcharges! Or think of slum landlords. The plate owners only contribution to providing the public with a ride is that they rake off the first $100 of every shift... simply because they bought up plates on the black market. An

There is big money behind these plates and that big money is fighting for their investments.
This ^^^^^ 100%

I'm of the opinion that nobody shouldn't be able to own multiple plates and that the owners should have to drive at least part of the time.


I see your point

I thought the city charged a lot more than a few grand

I assumed

changed my mind

however, I feel for the immigrants who purchased these plates from the profiteers for $200,000

as well, a lot of these plates were going to be the retirement fund for the plate owner after 30 totally wasted years of cab driving and ends up with nothing except poverty after 30 years of wasted life

they were blind sided

The plates were not designed to be a retirement fund for the owners. If they bet on that and lost, so be it. It's no different than investing in the stock market. You win some, you lose some. I don't feel sorry for them in the slightest.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
I saw the taxi drivers at city hall on TV and videos they were acting like dirty thugs, they almost lynched an older guy that liked Uber.


Jan 7, 2014
Your fundamental premise is incorrect.

The current price to purchase a Taxi License from the City of Toronto is less than $6,000.00 all-in.

A secondary black market has developed as a result of the taxi industries' own efforts to limit the number of taxi plates issued by the city.

So the difference between the $6,000.00 and the $350,000/$125,000 value of the license is solely and directly a result of artificially restricted competition by limiting the number of plates issued.

And don't put too much stock in the "poor immigrant" and "cabbie's widow" stories. They are the exception, and not the rule. The majority of the plates are owned by investors some individuals but mostly single families) who bought up the plates over the years and now license them out to the ​truly "poor immigrant". And they nickel and dime the day to day cabbies with dispatch fees, maintenance surcharges, penalties etc. Think airlines and their surcharges! Or think of slum landlords. The plate owners only contribution to providing the public with a ride is that they rake off the first $100 of every shift... simply because they bought up plates on the black market. An

There is big money behind these plates and that big money is fighting for their investments.

One you have no clue.

How can the taxi industry compete, if they has to play by the rules, and Uber doesn't? Please answer that?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
One you have no clue.

How can the taxi industry compete, if they has to play by the rules, and Uber doesn't? Please answer that?
By coming to terms with the fact their business model is failing in the face of new tech. A business has to evolve or die.

They had a monopoly. It's over now. They would be better off joining Uber.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
I saw the taxi drivers at city hall on TV and videos they were acting like dirty thugs, they almost lynched an older guy that liked Uber.
I saw these thugs on TV today, intimidating the public, using vulgar language, showing contempt for the Mayor with more vulgar comments. Aggressive driving that sent a police officer to hospital after being hit by a cab. There are also reports of ambulances being blocked down on University Avenue. I hope it was one of their own families who couldn't get to the hospital today. What a contemptible bunch.

I would never use a service that is provided by this group. With stories about rude drivers, dirty cars, and customers being denied service because they weren't going far enough (against the licensing standards), these guys are finished. Like they say, when you're in a hole stop digging!

If these creeps were teachers and public servants, we'd be all over them, but when it's a bunch of scummy cabbies, we're supposed to show understanding to their plight. I suggest that the cops enforce the law, and get these guys off the streets.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I saw these thugs on TV today, intimidating the public, using vulgar language, showing contempt for the Mayor with more vulgar comments. Aggressive driving that sent a police officer to hospital after being hit by a cab. There are also reports of ambulances being blocked down on University Avenue. I hope it was one of their own families who couldn't get to the hospital today. What a contemptible bunch.

I would never use a service that is provided by this group. With stories about rude drivers, dirty cars, and customers being denied service because they weren't going far enough (against the licensing standards), these guys are finished. Like they say, when you're in a hole stop digging!

If these creeps were teachers and public servants, we'd be all over them, but when it's a bunch of scummy cabbies, we're supposed to show understanding to their plight. I suggest that the cops enforce the law, and get these guys off the streets.
Blocking ambulance and assaulting police and public is unacceptable. Let's start a ban on taxi cabs and send them a message back loud and clear by everyone taking an uber this week.

I always wanted to try their luxury service, and am downloading the app as soon as I send this...

Fuck You taxi thugz!!!! Just for this I am never taking a taxi...fucking losers!!! I smell backfire and they just nailed it shut.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2010
Toronto police should have water cannons.

And most cabbies could use the shower.


Mar 31, 2009
Im on the fence about this. On one hand these guys work 12 to 15 hours a day and barely make a living what with the fees, price of gas, and repairs. then you have people who dont pay fees and work unregulated taking business away. However sometimes you get cabs that are dirty, smelly, and rude drivers and they dont give a shit because they had a monopoly. Im all for competition as long as everyone is playing on a level field
Those are my thoughts.

The young woman who graduated with top marks a few years ago is the daughter of a taxi driver. The ordinary taxi driver, who follows the rules, works long hours for little pay.

On Speed

New member
Oct 14, 2009
I travel a lot for work. On that note I have a few hours logged with taxi cabs. Some of my runs are short and others long. I have been refused on many occasions by taxi cab drivers since my method of payment is by credit card. They want cash. After mentioning some additional tip money will be added they suggest a route that takes you by ATM machine. They manage to place a sticker on the passenger window notifying all users they accept all credit cards but their machine is not working........sure sure. I just tell them I don't get paid cash and if the machine does not work the time we arrive this fair is on their tab. Magically they all work when the ride comes to an end. My last cab driver I asked him if their was a cheaper way to fix your car would he go ahead with that program? He said yes. I rest my case.

Cab companies have sat on their asses too long and added no class to the business. Enjoy the ride of a sinking ship.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The taxi drivers seem to be demanding a level playing field. The problem is that, as long as they keep driving for the plate owners, the field will never be level. The Uber drivers will always have an advantage and will always be able to deliver better service at a better price. Instead of complaining about Uber, they should take a long, good look at themselves.


Mar 31, 2009
The taxi drivers seem to be demanding a level playing field. The problem is that, as long as they keep driving for the plate owners, the field will never be level. The Uber drivers will always have an advantage and will always be able to deliver better service at a better price. Instead of complaining about Uber, they should take a long, good look at themselves.
Maybe the solution is for the ordinary taxi driver to become a Uber driver. The start -up cost to be a Uber driver must be minimal, if you have a car already.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Maybe the solution is for the ordinary taxi driver to become a Uber driver. The start -up cost to be a Uber driver must be minimal, if you have a car already.
Apparently taxi drivers prefer being taxi drivers because it has more job security than being an Uber driver. So even though they complain about Uber, apparently it's still better to be a taxi driver. They just don't want competition. No one wants competition in their job because it means less pay.

That said, I have no tolerance for businesses that are ludicrously slow to adapt. The music industry and film industry are just like this and now they have millions of people illegally downloading their works.


Mar 31, 2009
Apparently taxi drivers prefer being taxi drivers because it has more job security than being an Uber driver.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I think the vast majority of Uber drivers only do it part-time whereas most or all taxi drivers are full-time. I think most taxi drivers are immigrants and are driving a cab as a way to raise their family so their kids (like the top high school graduate) can have a better future. I think most Uber drivers do it for extra spending money so they can hit the clubs on Friday night and try to find women to seduce.
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