Taxi Drivers Plan to Screw Toronto (NBA All Star/Family Day Weekend) in Uber Protest



Uber drivers are insured drivers. As of January 22 2016, Uber has received their taxi brokerage licenses, they are as legal as beck. It's the uber X cars which are not, however they have a court date to make uber X legal in April

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
The taxi industry is fucked. The general public supports Uber and is increasingly in favour of it and these protests are just going to make the public more in favour and angry with the taxis.

Too bad so sad. Time's they are a changin'!
Feb 27, 2015
It will be interesting to see what happens the first time a passenger is severely hurt in an uber taxi...
"WHAT :Eek::Eek:...what do you mean your insurance will not cover me???"
There have been a few major injuries in Uber vehicles. All have been covered by Uber's insurance. This is fear-mongering at it's finest.


New member
Nov 3, 2007
only time will tell if this will represent the uber or the taxi drivers in the ensuing cab wars to come....
btw 2016 marks the 40th anniversary of this iconic flick. still remains fresh.



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Uber drivers are insured drivers.
Uber only requires its drivers to have personal insurance. Many personal insurance companies will deny claims if the driver is found to be operating their vehicle commercially, as is the case with being an Uber driver. Uber has its own insurance, but that only covers liability for passengers and third parties...not the driver, nor his car.


Apr 23, 2014
I don't give a shit, wont' effect me.

Pay hundreds to see idiots get paid millions to play ball. Naaaa, I'll pass.
Stress free weekend for me out of the city. :)


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
The taxi system and the plating system has grown to enjoy over charging the average user. It needs some real competition to have their excess trimmed. It's cheaper to take a cab across Manhattan to JFK or Newark than it is to cross Toronto. Open and fair market I say. I like uber, it's fast, accountable and it charges my card directly and is available on demand.

May the best system win.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
So said the buggy whip makers, ice deliverymen, blacksmiths in the past.

And now video stores, record store chains, Polaroid camera, et al.

The taxi industry is an artificial ogliarchy from a past era. Uber is challenging that with a new business model that works. So my sympathy is quite limited.
Nonsense.... the taxi industry was set up and highly regulated by the city, and now Uber comes in and breaks the law, undercuts the legal cabs, sends the profits to California, and when they destroy the cab business, their prices will go up to the moon. The city should enforce their own rules and force these cheaters to to buy licences and have actual insurance coverage.


Jan 31, 2005
Nonsense.... the taxi industry was set up and highly regulated by the city, and now Uber comes in and breaks the law, undercuts the legal cabs, sends the profits to California, and when they destroy the cab business, their prices will go up to the moon. The city should enforce their own rules and force these cheaters to to buy licences and have actual insurance coverage.
Boo hoo. People in are sick and tired of being overcharged for a dirty cab with a rude driver.

Uber has competition from Lyft and others, they are just the leading edge of a better system. Competition with similar services will keep their prices low.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009


Jan 31, 2005
It's unclear, but doesn't that require Uber drivers to switch insurance companies? Why couldn't they have just blanket approved it for everyone without having to be an Aviva insurance holder? I'm sure Uber collects enough to easily pay the amount Aviva was after.
Also, why did they attach conditions to it (such as requiring 20+ hours a week to qualify)?
Other insurers will follow. Point is that while TODAY many UberX drivers don't have appropriate insurance that is an easily solvable problem.

My guess is that within two years UberX drivers will have a reasonable selection of policies to choose from.


Active member
Nov 19, 2014
Nonsense.... the taxi industry was set up and highly regulated by the city, and now Uber comes in and breaks the law, undercuts the legal cabs, sends the profits to California, and when they destroy the cab business, their prices will go up to the moon. The city should enforce their own rules and force these cheaters to to buy licences and have actual insurance coverage.
Highly regulated? Sure. Well-regulated? Not a chance.

Uber came in and likely broke a lot of laws. Problem is, it's grey enough that it requires a ruling to adjudicate and adoption was so quick that it will be very hard to enforce any bylaws.

Problems like insurance will get addressed, it's only a matter of time. The taxi industry is dead and it will never return to the way things were.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Looks like another point gain in the standings for Uber. Anyways most people take TTC to the ACC.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Nonsense.... the taxi industry was set up and highly regulated by the city, and now Uber comes in and breaks the law, undercuts the legal cabs, sends the profits to California, and when they destroy the cab business, their prices will go up to the moon. The city should enforce their own rules and force these cheaters to to buy licences and have actual insurance coverage.
They were originally regulated to prevent fare grabbing wars as seen in some jurisdictions. But once again the internet is a game changer.

And the taxi industry has been very good at limiting the number of plates available, thereby creating scarcity and making them worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Out of reach to the average Joe bu fine for speculators and corporations.

I agree they need to be licensed and properly insured. But what they did was essentially broke a bad law in need of change. This isn't only a victimless crime, it's one that will actually empower the drivers by reducing the costs of the middleman.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Beware Uber charges premium rates on high demand and high peak business. Like the guy who got charge over $1000 from Uber on New Years eve when a cab would have been cheaper. So if the Taxi industry is gone, Uber can start to price gouge.


Jan 31, 2005
Beware Uber charges premium rates on high demand and high peak business. Like the guy who got charge over $1000 from Uber on New Years eve when a cab would have been cheaper. So if the Taxi industry is gone, Uber can start to price gouge.
If Uber price gouges, people will use Lyft. Uber isn't unique, it is just the first/largest such service. People say "Uber" but really there are a number of businesses implementing the ride sharing model.

It wasn't Ford that killed the horse and buggy, it was the automobile. And it isn't Uber that is killing the taxi industry, it is ride sharing apps.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Another case of whiners.

If your job or industry is getting shook up with.... new laws, layoffs, crumbling commodity prices, new competition, you name it..... it can happen to anyone..... too bad. Adapt, do a better job, or find a new one.

Nobody in this country is forcing people to get a job which.... every guidance counselor advises to be..... and what every teacher recommends and what parents suggests to be....... a taxi driver. (sarcasm)

Don't like the taxi industry? Do something else. Can't hack it and get something else. That's your problem. Maybe if some people would plan their career path better, they would have a better job to start with, and/or have a background that has flexible enough qualifications to get something else.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Nonsense.... the taxi industry was set up and highly regulated by the city, and now Uber comes in and breaks the law, undercuts the legal cabs, sends the profits to California, and when they destroy the cab business, their prices will go up to the moon. The city should enforce their own rules and force these cheaters to to buy licences and have actual insurance coverage.

Uber is a service that has irregular spike and demand pricing where prices can double or triple. On the other hand taxis have the same set fares.

So if taxis are losing out to no-name joes driving their family car, and charging fees that can be off the charts, yet still have a viable service people want to use, it shows how crummy the taxi industry is.
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