1. Quebec would become nothing more than a rogue state. That's it. They'd still be part of Canada whether they liked it or not. No country would recognize them.
well I agree Quebec separation was not a wise path
they would have been recognized pretty quick by the US at that point in history the US would have wanted to continue to buy Aluminum and inexpensive hydro electric power
FYI if Canada economic deterioration continues , Quebec separation will rear its ugly head again
2. You're correct; I don't like Albertans or Americans. Pure low class. A sizeable portion of Albertans seem to want to be like the redneck faction of the US, and that makes them even worse in my book.
Well that's a shame you have not widened your circle of acquaintances
its also a shame you hate whole populations. It must be tough being so hate filled
3. I wouldn't wear a cowboy hat if you paid me. I'm Canadian, not some low-grade Yank wannabe.
Ok, the cowboy hat wont due for you, I understand -really cumbersome to wear when your packed like a sardine in the subway- I get it
how about a weekend skiing pkg for the family at Sunshine ?
or a tour of the Badlands dinosaur fossil exhibit at Drumheller ? - the kids seem to enjoy to really enjoy that
If not , you tell me , what did you want in exchange for Alberta release?
it cant be the 3rd largest oil reserve in the world (quite possibly the most valuable natural resource asset in North America)
Eastern Canada has made it quite clear they do not want that 'filthy dirty tar sands oil",
so it cant possibly be that
or could it be that
you do truly value the 3rd largest oil reserve in the world ?
but somehow do not want Albertans to prosper from all the money and development / really hard work they put into that asset.
Prosperity they gladly share with their fellow Canadians via huge royalties and taxes
simply because ... ( how did you put it) Pure low class. , Redneck faction
And people wonder why Albertans ponder separation ?
The tolerant left strikes again