Has anyone seen Tany
She looks sexy and responded to my texts. I asked for some verification pics which she declined to send. I booked anyways, but she was taking longer to get ready and I waited around for about 15 min before after our scheudle appt while and then decided to leave. I found this reveiw in Durham LL but not sure it is same person: https://terb.cc/xenforo/threads/ptbo-tany.707102/#post-6744039
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She looks sexy and responded to my texts. I asked for some verification pics which she declined to send. I booked anyways, but she was taking longer to get ready and I waited around for about 15 min before after our scheudle appt while and then decided to leave. I found this reveiw in Durham LL but not sure it is same person: https://terb.cc/xenforo/threads/ptbo-tany.707102/#post-6744039