Tantra Lessons


New member
Sep 22, 2004
I've seen Trish in Toronto a feww times. She's on this Tantra website as associated goddesses.

She was an Indy massage for a few years,,ok..but not great.

Saw her about a year ago...She was constantly mentioning this was a "teaching" session...not sexual...while she had her gloved finger up my ass.

Some may like her...I found it a total waste of money.

It wasn't sensual in any way shape or form. This "teaching crap" went way too far.

To give you an example of...i asked her to lick my nipples...gets me going big time...her response was..and I quote because I remember it vividly " I don't lick or suck anything"..with that nasty inflection I was expexted to release...I did..but with my own hand...hers was not connected to me in any way. Very perfunctionary.....and so much for the sensual lessons! There was no learning here...just .."I'll do this..but don't think I like you attitude"...

I'm serious..I would avoid this woman. As I said tried a couple of times...sounds interesting...I like the idea of Tantra and would love to learn more.

Would never repeat.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
right here
MarkII said:
I've seen Trish in Toronto a few times....She was an Indy massage for a few years,,ok..but not great....I'm serious..I would avoid this woman. As I said tried a couple of times...sounds interesting...I like the idea of Tantra and would love to learn more.

Would never repeat.
I've seen Trish once and also got an earful in response to a simple question. However, taking the whole session into account, I found it worth the money and a nice experience.

I found her sensual, the atmosphere very nice, and even though she didn't succeed 100% (based on her response to certain questions), I thought she made an honest effort to live up to what her site advertises. I didn't mind the breathing, even though it all seemed funny, and was not bothered with a lot of superfluous information. I agree, some will like her and some won't; but, I think she is worth a try. I'll repeat.

I've spoken to Lotus and she seems nice enough. Based on my experience w/ Trish, I've taken more of an interest in the women associated w/ http://www.unveiled.net/. Trish seemed to offer a bit more TLC than the MP or SP experience. In time, I'll probably visit Lotus.
All the deep breathing just makes me hyperventilate. Not relaxing at all.

I enjoy real women, not self proclaimed goddesses !

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
If she said that to me during a Tantra session I would throw a tantrum!


Sep 16, 2002
Tantra has become a new age buzz word. Generally, when I hear it I run in the opposite direction-very quickly.

In traditional Tantric training the trainee would not even be permitted to be in the vicinity of the opposite sex for the first ten or so years of the training. All theses tantric teachers are really offering is a few easily learned breathing techniques (do some yoga to learn this stuff) and an old fashioned wank.

When I think of tantrikas, the ones that come to mind are ladies in this profession that have no name for what they do-I have met a few of them. Even though I never met her, from all reports, Bobbie was one of these.

Unless they come very highly recommended, I would give these 'goddesses' a wide berth.



New member
Nov 13, 2006
Niagara Falls
Don't be Insane

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous! I just have to say it. I have been practising Tantra for 7 years. For me, Tantra is a meditation, a sexual meditation in which sexual energy is built up to such a point that the energy becomes the highest form of spiritual energy. A person will go in to an altered state of consciousness, which many refer to as Nirvana, where time has no meaning, and you become aware of the ultimate truth and beauty of the cosmos. So, the power of Tantra goes beyond sex, and in fact, can allow some to explore the deepest avenues of their soul.

Pretty powerful, and heck, if you can get that from a 75 minute session with these providers, or even in one day, it would be worth the money. But Tantra does NOT work that way!! You cannot pay someone insane amounts of money to learn the TECHNIQUES to EVENTUALLY master tantra... but the ultimate spiritual experience does not come automatically. A spiritual experience is something that is inside of YOU. You can't just pay someonene and expect your mind to be altered to enlightened state.

I promise you, I PROMISE YOU that the techniques for mastering Tantra, and meditation can be found in several books in good university library. For most people, meditation must be practiced. Ultimate truth is something that can only be found within YOURSELF. YOU are the one who must practice meditation, and orgasm control.

Now don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing wrong with providers giving tantra lessons, or tantra massages, or whatever. But I do have a problem with people charging insane amounts of money for it. I don't think it's right. http://www.tantraforlife.com/wst_page8.html No. this is just not right. I don't see how this can be justified. Like... DAMN!! People can charge whatever they want, if people are willing to pay. People need to make a living, but I think it's wrong to charge anyone $400 in 90 minutes to realize their own spirit. Not to mention that a 90 minute, or even a day session will probably NOT give you that elusive spiritual experience that many hope to achieve.

So I am warning you, the potential buyer, that YOU ABSOLUTELY DO NOT HAVE TO PAY THOSE PRICES TO LEARN TANTRA OR HAVE A TANTRA EXPERIENCE!!!!! The basic techniques and philosophies are not too difficult to learn. From there, it is all up to you. Practice practice practice. If you are truly open to a tantric experience, you will practice techniques and meditation, either alone, or with a partner you can see regularly, until you realize that you can achieve a state of bliss.

Heck, on the other hand, maybe I should go in to this business myself. I would never charge that much though. I'm not a bastard.
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