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Tantra and Eroticism

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Right now we have 3 threads in which we really are talking about the same subjects: Sexuality, Orgasm, Cannabis.

What we are talking about is eroticism.

We have some very articulate voices here. And because this is TERB, people with a lot of personal experience, not merely research or theory. Both of the male and female persuasion.

And because of the honesty and openness that we seem to be developing, an opportunity to share and articulate some of our experiences and ideas.

I suspect we could all learn something about our own sexuality from it.

Tantra is the only easily accessible, recorded discipline that I know of that deals with these subjects directly. So I would like to start our dialogue there.

Allow me to repeat what I wrote in one of those threads to define the subject and to begin the conversation. It is far from being adequate but it will do for a beginning. Of course, you could Google it!

Tantra is that "place" where the erotic and the spiritual encounter each other. A dance of masculine and feminine energies. A vicious circle or spiral in which he gets "high" on her "high" and she gets "high" on his "high"... and so on and on and on. Which eventually reaches an apex with her release in orgasm of torrents of her energy.

When – if? – that happens, both he and she can touch and experience a state of bliss... the "transcendental peace that follows ecstasy." Sometimes known as "Samadhi," "Satori," "Nirvana," "Zanzen"... and many others.

An expansion of consciousness…

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