Allegra Escorts Collective

Taking an SP on vacation


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Dont ever take an Sp on vacation. I have done it twice, both times with SP´s that I had seen many many times over a prolonged period of time. Both vacations were complete disasters, As soon as we got there the SP´s personalities changes completely.
Remember, you are stuck with the SP for the duration, you cannot walk out on them, no matter what they do!!!

Since I learned my lessons, I have had fantastic luck with recruiting local girls, much more interesting (and educational) and at a tiny fraction of the cost of bringing a canadian SP.


New member
Oct 15, 2002
Please dont tell me how much it would cost to bring a sp on a weeks vaction, i dont think my heart could take it.....

For the amount you'll be paying her you could take another vaction later.
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Why do you mean you cant walk out on her??? I would just leave her there if you're not having a good time. She's a grown girl, she can make it to the airport and what is she gonna do when you get back?? Is she gonna sue you??? Is she gonna have her pimp chase you??
I doubt it. I'd rather split up than spend a week with the shrew from hell. At least thats my opinion

Doctor Jimmy

New member
Aug 24, 2001
I have asked my regular a couple of times to go on a short trip. She has declined for one reason or another. We have gone out on the town a few times and get along very well but a trip is definitely a bigger step. It is a big financial committment for her too since she will be out of business for a few days and she probably will not feel comfortable charging what she will lose.

If you don't get along on the trip then, for me, the right thing to do is to get her to the airport and arrange (and pay for) an early flight back. This would not apply to an SP you just met but I would never go with a new SP for reasons other posters have noted.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
To <JOHNYHANDSOME and doctor Jimmy:

It is not really that simple, at least is was not for me. Apart from the moral scruples, we were on a charter at Sandals, with no possible flights back early (I tried). In addition, I had flown her in from Victoria for the trip. I had to move to another resort, because she stayed with another girl and Sandals is couples only. All in all, a complete unmitigated disaster. And honestly, I was not the cause of any of this.

The only good thing was that the resort I went to also had Don Rickles as a guest, and we spent a lot of time going thru all the possible drinks at the pool bar.

And I has seen her for overnights on the town etc. many many times before.
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