Toronto Passions

t-bill’s board is good. Good for Terb that is


Asian Pussy Licker
Oct 8, 2002
I have come to the conclusion that t-bill’s board is good. Good for Terb that is. It keeps the entire rift raft off Terb. It is unbelievable what is posted on that site!. Flame wars after flame. I like to read them they are hilarious. I’m not sure how I would get thru my day with out it.
It’s like the aftermarket automotive industry. All the GOOD shops laugh at the “BAD’ shops because the they low ball everyone, do shit work and work 100 times harder to make the same money, as the “Good’ shops. ( I used the words “good” and “bad” not to stereotype any of the different races out there because your typical “bad” shop is not always bad”)

Take this oneSP that has weekly gangbangs and what seems like daily specials. Now tell me that’s not funny?
It would be like your in line at Tim Horton’s, “next please” “Hi there sir, what would you like today”
“Sure a bbbjtc” “ that will be $22.50 sir, ………. Next please…… haha

This is not a bad thing I love it. Take it for what it’s worth.

does anyone feel the same way?...or am I way off base?
oh and if the mod's dont think this is a good thread then just delete it...I don't really care. It's all just one persons opinion


spastar said:
It is unbelievable what is posted on that site!. Flame wars after flame.
What is unbelievable is what is not posted there... as many legitimate posts that Tbill assumes may turn into flames, are deleted...

Using that logic... maybe we should lock up everyone who looks like they may be the type to commit a crime

Tbill is a Review Board Nazi... all heil Tbill

If you ask a question about the board.. you get a PM... saying don't harrass him or the board... I am not the only one that has received this PM from him... Too bad he does not know what harrassing is.

and if you try to states your opinion or defend your good name, you are accused of being "too aggressive"... and as aggressive as I was accused of being I don't believe that I had started or participated in any "flames"!!

Or the best was.. I had kind words to say about a new girl on the board (Amanda)... and I get the following PM accusing me of being someone else...

********wder wrote on 08-06-2003 04:45 PM:
Hey Wiyd

Most of us are pretty sure that you are just another one of JW's "identities".

JW you have been busted.....and this is getting very boring...
what a fucking joke...

Funny thing.. I was accused of "harassing"... I feel harrassed off the board.. after this series of PM's

***LL wrote on 08-04-2003 10:11 AM:
please stop harassing me

if you're the same daddy from before i'd appreciate if you'd go back to terb
***LL wrote on 08-05-2003 07:54 AM:
please leave the site.
***LL wrote on 08-05-2003 08:03 AM:
what i mean is please stop harassing me. you can stay if you want but don't stalk me online.
< last chance >
***LL wrote on 08-06-2003 10:22 PM:
if you don't stop your aggressive behaviour i will have to ask you to leave this site.
I can't believe I wasted my time there.
Last edited:


New member
Aug 6, 2003
trying to make a name and a living.

Hello all
I am new to this board. As for the SP that had weekly specials and GB's , I actually know her and she is a sweetheart who mothers 3 daughjters and 2 sons. She is new to the SP trade and only wanted to make a name for herself., and she did. Her schedule is always full and she has now been banned from ED basically for the same reason of WIYD. So please dont bash her, she got sucked into that stupid board by TBILL himself and then he tried to sabatoge ger business. WIYD, I know that you know who this gentlman is talking about, your name has come up several times, and that Sp has a great deal of respect for you.


Oct 7, 2002
Why must you all write about his board, if you don't like it don't read it. The fact that it is discussed numerous times a day here means t-bill is doing a good job getting readers.


Oct 7, 2002
Re: trying to make a name and a living.

cheyane said:
Hello all
I am new to this board. As for the SP that had weekly specials and GB's , I actually know her and she is a sweetheart who mothers 3 daughjters and 2 sons. She is new to the SP trade and only wanted to make a name for herself., and she did. Her schedule is always full and she has now been banned from ED basically for the same reason of WIYD. So please dont bash her, she got sucked into that stupid board by TBILL himself and then he tried to sabatoge ger business. WIYD, I know that you know who this gentlman is talking about, your name has come up several times, and that Sp has a great deal of respect for you.
She was banned because she and her pimp were pains in the ass. They were constantly threatening people and making false accusations. It has nothing to do with her 3 daughjters and 2 sons. I also believe it irked alot of people that they were performing thesee actsin the next room to these 5 kids.
Please learn the whole story before you come over here bashing people and starting more flaming wars..

And would someonechech cheyannes ip I am sure it will match Sierras.


kooley said:
Why must you all write about his board, if you don't like it don't read it. The fact that it is discussed numerous times a day here means t-bill is doing a good job getting members.
I have said all I have to say about it...

Lets stop talking about Tbill & his board.. because it makes us no better than those on his board who are infatuated with bashing TERB


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
Re: Re: trying to make a name and a living.

kooley said:
Please learn the whole story before you come over here bashing people and starting more flaming wars..
I didn't see any bashing in Cheyane's post.


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001

Perhaps it is best to not discuss "the other board" for the simple reason that 90% of its membership is also on TERB.

Lets not be hypocritical here, I think we would all be very surprised which prominent TERB members are active members on that site..... hiding under a different nickname!

People laughed at People's Express airlines when it first started back in the 80's but it revolutionized the airline industry by proving that low cost, discount, no-frills airlines were in high demand.... and profitable. Largely because of that failed enterprise, we now have Southwest, AirTran, Jet Blue and others.

Not saying that the ED Board will do likewise for hobbiests, and they certainly have gotten off to a rocky start, but the original intent was well thought out and may yet materialize.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
t-beel?s board is good for Terb ..

Given the quality of posts and the ultra harsh editing/censoring policy there, the future of that board is a big question mark.Having said that, I have to agree with MM regarding the remark below.

MuffinMuncher said:
but the original intent was well thought out

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
Well thought out?

You're kidding right Muncher. I'm not an expert on Canadian law but imho, what tbill and others there are doing is illegal. Don't get me wrong, I love tbill's board. It's is the most entertaining show on the web.


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
Re: Hypocritical?

MuffinMuncher said:
Lets not be hypocritical here, I think we would all be very surprised which prominent TERB members are active members on that site..... hiding under a different nickname!
My thoughts exactly. Hey MM, have I seen your handle elsewhere? ;)

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
Re: Hypocritical?

MuffinMuncher said:

People laughed at People's Express airlines when it first started back in the 80's but it revolutionized the airline industry by proving that low cost, discount, no-frills airlines were in high demand.... and profitable.
Hmmm. not so sure. Tbill is recommending $200 for the recent semi-pro that he introduced on his board which is pretty close to the average Toronto outcall rate.
Don't get me wrong, aside from the flames, I actually find ED quite entertaining but I think you are deluding yourself if you think they have a well thought out strategy. For all accounts and purposes, they seem to be
making it up as they go along.


New member
Aug 6, 2003
I came here because Ed is a joke

I came here for the reason of the fact that ED is joke.Kooley, I know the SP in question, and if I am not mistaken you were a client from what she told me and you also helped her out in a few flames. TBILL demanded to a member not to post about her or he will be banned, Guess what? He posted and he got banned. How is that good business. I have only been here 1 day and I feel right at home. This is a good board it seems to me and all the posts that I have read mean something. When I was a guest on ED, all I saw was hatred, backstabbing and deciet. For me that is not how to run a business, a board or life for that matter. And with the other thing that youi are talking of about that SP, he is not her pimp, he is her husband!!!!!Big difference. My husband helps me and runs to my aid whenever I need him, so for that he should be rewarded not bashed.Also the legal issues that were involved with the last bit of her stay there, are true from the PM's and emails she has shown me. That is all I have to stay, I am not outy to deface Freds board with useless flames. Fred answered all my questions with dignity and respect and I hope IU can do the same for him some day.


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
I think you are deluding yourself if you think they have a well thought out strategy.
Fred, that is not what I said. Please re-read my post.

The intent was well thought out.... namely to negotiate a preferential rate for the membership in exchange for a guaranteed customer base.

I have no dog in this fight, but I admire Tbill's passion to fight for his beliefs. His strategy as you mentioned needs a bit more work.

P.S. Screw you Cool Dude. :D


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
It's a shame. I liked tbill's original concept behind the board but sadly with his ego and lack of direction, he's turned his board into one big running joke.

Right now, it's the online version of rubbernecking a horrible auto accident.




Asian Pussy Licker
Oct 8, 2002
kooley said:
Why must you all write about his board, if you don't like it don't read it. The fact that it is discussed numerous times a day here means t-bill is doing a good job getting readers.
You are right! t-bill is doing a good job getting readers!
I love to read the outragest post's that go up!

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
MuffinMuncher said:
I have no dog in this fight, but I admire Tbill's passion to fight for his beliefs. His strategy as you mentioned needs a bit more work.

P.S. Screw you Cool Dude.
I see you are leading in the poll for moderator MM. I voted for you, even though I realize it may help stop the madness over there; a rather sefless act if I do say so myself. :)

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
MuffinMuncher said:
I have no dog in this fight, but I admire Tbill's passion to fight for his beliefs.
With all due respect M.M., Tbill's beliefs change like the wind. When he first started out it was because he wanted to reduce the price of escort services in the city as you mentioned. Then he wanted to take control away from the "agencies." Then he wanted to go on T.V. to express the plight of men not getting laid enough. Then he wanted to revolutionize the industry such that men would never have to pay for sex again. Frankly, I have no idea what to believe.

What I do believe is that his history has shown him to be a man that jumps from one adventure to another. In every case he makes himself the centre of attention. Once the light is taken away, he is forced to find a new focus to redefine himself. And this goes on and on.

What I admire is how Tbill can trip and contradict himself all the while keeping a straight face. Now that is skill!
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