Sweet as Honey? kingston



$169/hr. I like her creativity, wonder if it extends to her services? Too bad work isn't sending me that way soon ....... I'll have to look forward to one of you K-town guys review of her.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Sweet as Honey? Not bloody likely.

kih said:
I wasn't aware that Kingston had a CL list but sure enough after doing a brief search they sure do and I think I found the gal mentioned above..She appears to be very flexible! hehehe

I've been lurking in the weeds for some time and decided to throw a post up to help all other TERBers avoid my experience with this SP.

Last week I was feeling a little edgy and thought a visit from an SP could take the edge off. Good idea, bad execution. After checking out CL for Kingston I had noticed this ad before and thought it was worth a shot. BIG Mistake.

I would guess that's her in the photo but that may be before she took up crack as her main source of nutrition because if this chick is 80 pounds I'd be surprised.

Needless to say I sent her away and will never, ever call her again.

I think Rachelle's Dolls is the way to go.

Just a warning to all that may have been enticed by the picture on CL, there's a reason her face is hidden.

Dick Hertz


New member
Aug 7, 2007
Dear Dick -

Rachelle is amazing. Lovely woman with way too much energy. Have fun, you will not be disappointed.
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