To my eyes § 213 indeed makes selling sex in public illegalthe heart of the constitutional challenge is that the current laws put people who are not doing anything illegal (selling sex is not illegal in canada)
§ 213 . (1) Every person who in a public place or in any place open to public view
(a) stops or attempts to stop any motor vehicle,
(b) impedes the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or ingress to or egress from premises adjacent to that place, or
(c) stops or attempts to stop any person or in any manner communicates or attempts to communicate with any person
for the purpose of engaging in prostitution or of obtaining the sexual services of a prostitute is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
I do not see it that way. Rather, I believe it is far more likely that the Supreme Court of Canada will strike down § 210, while upholding § 213.If no laws are put in place, we will be the only develloped nation without any laws regarding prostitution.
See the paragraph above, striking language is not really "making laws" in fact this sort of thing is done in other Common Law Jurisdictions all the time.So one reason that the government will not "live with the laws the court has remade" is that is isn't the courts job to make laws - it's the governments job.
As to what the Government may or may not do we shall have to disagree, however, you should certainly hope that I am correct.