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Sweden: Sharia Court Acquits Wife Beater over Family 'Reputation'


Mar 27, 2016
More idiocies from the Swedes

"The man stems from a good family, unlike the woman." With this argument, a Swedish court has acquitted an Iraqi man charged with abusing his wife, sparking outrage over the first instance where "Sharia Law" was applied by the Nordic nation's legal system.

In a landmark case, the Solna District Court has acquitted an Iraqi man suspected of abusing wife by pushing her against furniture, pulling her hair and hitting her face with a shoe. The court called the credibility of the woman's testimony into question, stressing her "lowly" parentage, the daily newspaper Aftonbladet reported.

In addition to stressing that the man "came from a good family," unlike the woman, the court ruled that the fact that the woman turned to the police instead of the husband's family "further" undermined her credibility. According to the court, "the normal thing" to do "in these circles" would be to try and resolve the conflict within the family.

The ruling, adopted by a divided court, triggered an immediate response from Sweden's legal circles.

"This is one of the most prejudiced and strange judgments I have read. Not completely unexpectedly dictated by two lay judges. Still no one in charge who wants to do something about the lay judge system?" former Swedish Bar Association president Bengt Ivarsson tweeted.
Prosecutor Josefine Dahlqvist appealed the ruling straight away, claiming that the ruling violated the foundations of Sweden's legal system.

One of the two lay judges who freed the man is Center Party veteran Ebtisam Aldebe, who is known for having advocated special legislation for Sweden's Muslims (especially in divorce and inheritance rights) in a 2006 interview with Swedish broadcaster SVT. Aldebe ran for parliament in 2014 and is a member of the social committee in Solna. Aldebe also played a key role in rejecting at least three Christian converts asylum during her time as board member in Stockholm's Administrative Court, according to the Christian newspaper Världen Idag.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The ruling, adopted by a divided court, triggered an immediate response from Sweden's legal circles.

"This is one of the most prejudiced and strange judgments I have read. Not completely unexpectedly dictated by two lay judges. Still no one in charge who wants to do something about the lay judge system?" former Swedish Bar Association president Bengt Ivarsson tweeted.

Prosecutor Josefine Dahlqvist appealed the ruling straight away, claiming that the ruling violated the foundations of Sweden's legal system.

One of the two lay judges who freed the man is Center Party veteran Ebtisam Aldebe, who is known for having advocated special legislation for Sweden's Muslims (especially in divorce and inheritance rights) in a 2006 interview with Swedish broadcaster SVT. Aldebe ran for parliament in 2014 and is a member of the social committee in Solna. Aldebe also played a key role in rejecting at least three Christian converts asylum during her time as board member in Stockholm's Administrative Court.
This is the logical result of those in Sweden who argued that Swedish law should be adapted to Muslims living in Sweden (special legislation), rather telling immigrants to Sweden --- Welcome to Sweden, here is our legal system.

Sadly there are those in Canada, the United States and Great Britain who would like to follow the same path.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
This is the logical result of those in Sweden who argued that Swedish law should be adapted to Muslims living in Sweden (special legislation), rather telling immigrants to Sweden --- Welcome to Sweden, here is our legal system.

Sadly there are those in Canada, the United States and Great Britain who would like to follow the same path.
Why don't you name ANY reputable Canadian jurist who advocates that, Aardvark?? Because I'm not aware of any.

You also overlooked the outcry that this judgment caused in Sweden itself and the fact that most of the fallout is blown against the "lay" - i.e. amateur - judge system where 2 or 3 wahoos off the street can be judges for a month or so to get "the ordinary joe's point of view" on the criminal law. Also the fact that the judgment has been appealed and the lay judge who wrote it is already notorious.



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Canada allows islamists to print books that advocate wife beating and sex slavery and set up a booth at dundas square and give them away for free
Assuming those books say what you allege, I suggest that the reason that they remain operative is that the police simply don't have the resources to chase, arrest and prosecute any and all fly by night random wackos.

For all we know, there are those who believe in the Club of Rome purveying similar trash to the public on Dundas Square as we speak.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Assuming those books say what you allege, I suggest that the reason that they remain operative is that the police simply don't have the resources to chase, arrest and prosecute any and all fly by night random wackos.

For all we know, there are those who believe in the Club of Rome purveying similar trash to the public on Dundas Square as we speak.
if they were white christians they would be shut down a long time ago.


Mar 12, 2004
Cause and effect,...

Why don't you name ANY reputable Canadian jurist who advocates that, Aardvark?? Because I'm not aware of any.

You also overlooked the outcry that this judgment caused in Sweden itself and the fact that most of the fallout is blown against the "lay" - i.e. amateur - judge system where 2 or 3 wahoos off the street can be judges for a month or so to get "the ordinary joe's point of view" on the criminal law. Also the fact that the judgment has been appealed and the lay judge who wrote it is already notorious.

Ignoring the fact that,... This is the logical result of those in Sweden who argued that Swedish law should be adapted to Muslims living in Sweden.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
You also overlooked the outcry that this judgment caused in Sweden itself and the fact that most of the fallout is blown against the "lay" - i.e. amateur - judge system where 2 or 3 wahoos off the street can be judges for a month or so to get "the ordinary joe's point of view" on the criminal law. Also the fact that the judgment has been appealed and the lay judge who wrote it is already notorious.
You will note that all of those points are indeed highlighted.


Jan 10, 2017
What ever happened to one law for everyone? I guess that has take a backseat to political correctness and pandering to voting blocks. Don’t you love this era of “Progressives” and “Inclusiveness”? Then people wonder why there is a rise in populism, fascism and intolerance when it comes to recent immigrants. It’s the fault of all these well intentioned, guilt ridden white liberals who try being all things to all people and end up coming up empty on all counts.....just saying


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
What ever happened to one law for everyone? I guess that has take a backseat to political correctness and pandering to voting blocks. Don’t you love this era of “Progressives” and “Inclusiveness”? Then people wonder why there is a rise in populism, fascism and intolerance when it comes to recent immigrants. It’s the fault of all these well intentioned, guilt ridden white liberals who try being all things to all people and end up coming up empty on all counts.....just saying
Don't blame liberals because the right wing is fascist and racist.
Nice try.


Mar 12, 2004
What in the name of God does what you link to have to do with Sweden and the problem of allowing a different set of law for immigrants as opposed to the native born!
Welcome to the rat hole,... Aard.

Best to get out now,... its dark and full of shit,... nothing to be gained by continuing.


Jan 10, 2017
Different laws for different ethnicities? Are you defending this abomination of the law? Here in Canada we get worked up if the police give out the color of skin. In Sweden a wife beater goes free because he’s Muslim. Last I inquired, Sweden is firmly planted on the left side of the spectrum, and any rise in xenophobia is a result of this homegrown double standard.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Different laws for different ethnicities? Are you defending this abomination of the law? Here in Canada we get worked up if the police give out the color of skin. In Sweden a wife beater goes free because he’s Muslim. Last I inquired, Sweden is firmly planted on the left side of the spectrum, and any rise in xenophobia is a result of this homegrown double standard.
Did you read that in the letter?


Jan 10, 2017
What does the original post have to do with that?????
- in Sweden an Iraqi man assaults his wife.
- said man goes to trial and is acquitted because of a judge’s sensitivity to his culture background and traditions.
- this in turn created a precedent for future judicial outcomes.

Do you for one minute think that this won’t create a backlash in a country that is predominantly Nordic ? I doubt many Canadians wouldn’t stand for a two tiered legal system where there’s a law for us but a much more Byzantine sets of laws for those coming from less developed countries? We had an honour killing a few years ago where three sisters were drowned in a car. Would you have prosecuted them for first degree murder or simply let it go as a justified honour killing because they happen d to be from Afghanistan?

Remember one important thing, it’s out well intentioned, uninformed virtue signaling politicians who have created this snake pit. How would a 3rd, 4th or 10th generation Canadian feel being told there’s a law for you and a different law for newcomers, or and by the way, we’ll deal with their transgressions through the lens of where they originated from. Tell me if that wouldn’t stoke the flames of intolerance and resentment?


Feb 16, 2013
Why is it that these stories only show up in fringe, Far Right news sites?

Oh’s all part of MSM’s conspiracy to hide the “real” truth about Islam.

Carry on...
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